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What are you listening to/fav type of music

At the moment rocking to Nine Inch Nails "Only", "the Hand that Feeds", "Wish" and the usual assortement from Disturbed, Queens of the Stone Age, Nirvana, Priestess, Linkin Park, Bamboo and Guano Apes. Those always get me amped for a workout and run if I'm feeling tired.
Live performance of Coldplay's new album "Viva la Vida" recorded for BBC Radio2.  IMO this is the best alternative band since U2.
condor888000 said:
Weezer - Island In The Sun
:-\ Just listening to Listeriosis - Ezee Sub, and waiting for a call from my boyfriends mother to let me know the information re: mailing address, platoon etc.. so I can send my guy some goodies, she doesn't like me very well :-*
Sydney City Trash and their album called "Once upon a time in Australia".
Country music with a big injection of punk. Kind of like an Australian version of the Dropkick Murphy's.
Its bloody Awesome.
Mainly Classical Music injected into my cable. Station is CFMX from MORONTO! At least one good thing comes out of Hogtown.


Seven Bridges Road- Eagles
Southern Cross- CSN
Changes in Latitude- Jimmy Buffet
Portobello Belle, Romeo and Juliet- Dire Straits
Hmmm, my iPod would like cause some here to drive off of a cliff. On shuffle, you would likely listen to (on random) Frontline Assembly, then Nora Jones, followed by Stompin Tom, then Porno for Pyros... I am all over the board.

One thing you will not find on my iPod is polka.
With all due respect, Vern there's no need to get catty. I happen to like them, you may not. Have yourself a good day.  :salute:
LuvsMud said:
With all due respect, Vern there's no need to get catty. I happen to like them, you may not. Have yourself a good day.  :salute:


I've never heard of them obviously. I asked a question ... never mind though -- I'll have my 16 year old pull me something of theirs up on his Limewire ...

You have yourself a great day too.
The cats and I are listening to Avenged 7 Fold. The more louder its played, Sam the Siamese sentinal, beats the stuffing out of his baby stuffed koala. Wierd to watch!

He is a 'metalkat' at heart.  8)