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Wet Weather Combat Boots: Use, Maintenance & Other Stuff.

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I wear them all year round, even in the summer.  The black cadillacs do a number on my feet and I find the new WWB pretty comfortable in comparison.  The only time I wish I could avoid them is in icy conditions.  Their soles are extremely hard which cause them to be slippery.  I've found myself on my ass more than a few times wearing them on ice. 

Your best bet, wear them a few times in different conditions and see how they perform for you.
Here in Wain world the WWB has worked its way into becoming a standard item of dress.Like was said before,they are warm,and not fit for ruck marching or the like. for parades,you should quitely find out what most everyone else is wearing and go with that.You don't want to make yourself a target for the extra duty gun.
Here in wain world,I find it hard to identify what is standard dress anymore.There are so much different kit roaming around here(all of it current CF issue)that you can hardly tell what the standard is!
Down in the armpit, we wear Combat's in Garrison and whatever we want really in the field. For me, I wear them in extreme wet weather or cold, and to shovel my driveway.
Sharpie said:
Down in the armpit, we wear Combat's in Garrison and whatever we want really in the field. For me, I wear them in extreme wet weather or cold, and to shovel my driveway.
In Pet and here in Kingston, half of the guys like WWB and the other half hate them.  I fall in the latter.  I find them too slippery in the cold weather and too warm for working indoors.  When we reported that they were too slippery, we were told by Ottawa that they were ment for temps between -10 and 10 degrees.  Any cooler than -10 you are to wear mucklucks.  The Bde and Sigs Rgmt say that we must wear black boot in Garrison.  Funny eh!
I'm really suprised that nobody's mentioned Yaktrax yet


Pretty simple and affordable way to solve the slipping issue of the soles.
Matt_Fisher said:
I'm really suprised that nobody's mentioned Yaktrax yet


Pretty simple and affordable way to solve the slipping issue of the soles.

I have tired Yaktraz for civi uses such as back packing and for walking around town when it is really cold and icy. I really like them, I think that I will try them next time I wear the WWB when it is nice, cold and icy lol.
Matt_Fisher said:
I'm really suprised that nobody's mentioned Yaktrax yet


Pretty simple and affordable way to solve the slipping issue of the soles.

By accident (no pun intended) I discovered in the CF Safety Digest that we've "solved" the WWB sole problem ...

And, some of our Southern cousins are interested ...
... a few North American boot manufacturers as well as the United States Marine Corps has expressed a strong interest in the VIBRAM® Dri-Ice sole and its application in temperatures below -10 °C. ...
Interesting about the "Dry Ice" sole.  I still think that a basic pair of Yaktrax is a more timely and cost-effective solution, but what do I know... ::)

Okay, I have been given the run around in terms of these and I am hoping to get definitive answers from you guys or any supply techs on the board.

I received my gortext kit (new combat jacket, parka, ICES, etc) earlier in the year. I am in Halifax, so I was issued this at the armouries clothing store. With that issue I was told that I was entitled to gortex wet weather boots, but they did not have any in at the armories so my unit QM would isssue them. So I asked my QM and he said you needed to go to the dockyard. That statement was echoed by everyone else in my unit who had them (I am PRes). So I phone up the dockyard, explain myself and the search I have been doing for these boots and the dockyard supply tech says I am not entitled to gortex boots and (contrary to what I have been told by everyone except him) and that if I want the rules changed I have to take it up with Ottawa, and that was the end of that conversation.

So what's the deal? Am I entitled WWB? People in my unit have them and they said they just went down to the dockyard, others say they asked the dockyard but said they wouldn't issue to army. I'm so confused, all I want is my WWB :(
johnny_boy said:
So what's the deal? Am I entitled WWB? People in my unit have them and they said they just went down to the dockyard, others say they asked the dockyard but said they wouldn't issue to army. I'm so confused, all I want is my WWB

Apparently you're still a "Newbie" to the Army (i.e. a Private Recruit).
So, I'm going to politely give you an extremely pointed hint ...
Go talk to your Section Commander, or the next higher person in your Chain of Command - let them deal with this problem.
I have a hunch that somebody from your unit with the rank of Corporal, Master-Corporal, Sergeant or Warrant Officer will solve this problem
(and if they can't, then there's probably a Lieutenant or Captain who will help).

Okay - your homework assignment is to come back here after you've properly and formally asked your Chain of Command for help, and let us know what happened.

P.S. (hopefully they won't rap your knuckles to the point where you won't be able to type ... after all, Newbies don't necessarily know all the rules ... yet ...)
I have gone through the chain of my command, and been refered to my unit QM who has then refered me to the dockyard and the dockyard has politely told me to screw off.

My question is whether or not the WWB is a general issue? Is it supposed to be issued with the rest of the gortex kit. I may be a private recruit but I am not clueless as to how the system works.

Edit: After re-reading this reply it comes off as a defence reply... Let me re phrase. I have gone through the appropriate channels and received conflicting reports on whether or not I get the WWB boots. One supply tech says you get them with gortex issue, my unit QM seems to think so, yet the dockyard says ony certain people get them. I am just looking for a definite answer of "Yes you are entitled to WWB with your gortex isse." or "No, only certain people, meaning not you, can get WWB."
Ask your QM for a copy of the scale of issue that you are entitled to (should be D13011AA).  It is available on the DIN at MA Reports Website.  If you are entitled to Clothe the Soldier items as shown on that scale you should get them.

One thing to keep in mind, if you are on your BMQ, SQ, or DP1 training at Area Battle Schools or Gagetown, you are not entitled to Clothe the Soldier items.  So as a Private Recuit if you got some, then you're lucky.  It's not fair that some pers may have what they are not entitled to, while others dont have these items, if it really concerns you, bring that your chain of command.  Your section commanders should sort this out with their troops so all pers on a recuit course/SQ have the same items, especially if they are from the same unit.  Do the other candidates on your course have them?

However, if you are entitled to the Clothe the Soldier items then...
Take the scale down to Clothing Stores and ask for WWB.  When they say no, show them the scale and ask to see the authorization they have not to issue IAW the scale.
If the person at the counter gives you flack, take down their name, and for their supervisor.  When the supervisor comes out explain the situation.  If you are not getting any satisfaction take down the name of the supervisor, thank them for their time and return and explain the situation to your chain of command.  Provide names and locations.
Always be polite, yes sir/no sir.  Do not give anyone anything they can use against you.  Take note of who was around watching.
But remember, be polite, you are Private, that doesn't mean that you can be denied your entitlements, but you are still a Private  ;)

Good luck, hope things work out.

Good luck indeed, I'm a Res. Cpl. in the interior of BC and after being sized 3 times I still don't have them.

I get the "not available" line and it's not my QMs fault, he isn't being supplied with them.

I also just found out that I can't just exchange a pair of my black Cadillacs that have a hole in the side of them from CS 05.

I have to drop them off so they can be shipped to Chilliwack and they send a pair back, hopefully before I got on
the next ex in the beginning of May.

I have to admit I'm nervous about dropping something off in stores and hoping I get what I need in time.

Even a pair of boots with a hole in them (lets call them jungle boots, :) not that I'll need jungle boots in Wainwright) are better than only one pair for 3 weeks.  

Of course I've also got my bridging boots and mukluks.

Not that I'm bitter. ;)

*Additional note: So far the last person I talked to about this was a Major*
Hey Johnny_boy,

When you were told by the dockyards to go pound sand, did you go back to your chain of command and relay that to them?

If you are entitled, the chain should help you out.

Your in the army, in Halifax. The Supplies favorite words from the halifax dockyards is "we are non operational"   I used to be posted to CBF Halifax and it was always a royal pain in the butt to get anything army related out of them (new or replacement). It was less of a headache to just grab a DND vehicle and drive up to gagetown and get all the army kit you needed.

Good luck getting the boots, even if you are able to eventually get them from the dockyards, I wish you well getting the correct size.

I just got issued my WWB last week, and I just tried them on yesterday and I found out that they are too big.  (yes I know I should have made sure I got a size that fits properly)  And I cant go to the place to exchange them.  Is there anything I can do that will make them fit a little better.  I'm goin to Wain for SQ/BIQ this summer, so I sorta need a solution quick.  Any ideas?

Don't wear them. People might say wear bigger socks to compensate, but the WWB have a tendency to really stretch, making your problem even worse. Nothing worse than wearing ill fitting boots for months on end. I did for two months (half size too big), and my feet paid the price. So, what you need to do, is evaluate your situation: are the WWB really necessary for these courses? Most likely, no. Keep the good old black cadillacs and remember...you got yourself into this mess by not fitting properly.
Alright thanks, and yes I'm well aware it was my fault. And I'm fine with it  :P  Plus the WWB I got were used so...
GL w/ the "too big boots"... I did the same thing, regretted it for two months, and might finally get relief at my new unit (ppcli)