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Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

Ya this pile on didn't end up nearly as well as this one.
mo-litia said:
Hey, you with the mil stick: I already attempted to leave this thread.  ;)

To bad I was out for the evening. I would have answered sooner. I don't care about your excuses, if you'd really wanted to leave, you would have. The smilie IMHO is bullshit. Count this as your freebie from me.
Restrictions on free speech need to be as light as possible.

As a small l libertarian, the only restriction I impose or respect is the idea that you have free speech, but not in my house. In practical terms, if you choose to say things which are offensive, inaccurate or misleading in a public forum, I can (and should) challenge them with my free speech. If I am in my own house, I can choose to respond to a guest who makes offensive, misleading or inaccurate statements, but I can also tell them to leave. When I am a guest (like here, for example), I refrain from making offensive, inaccurate or misleading statements as much as possible, since I am Mike's guest. If I stray from the guidelines, he can ask me to leave.

Frankly, so long as both the gay bashers and bikers stay off the church and cemetery property and are not trespassing on people's lawns, there is nothing that can or should be done. The police can certainly be called to disperse them if they are making a public nuisance of themselves (blocking the roads and so on).

Say your piece, but don't be surprised if people take issue with you. If you can't back up what you say with facts, logic and rigorous arguments ("Oh yeah" doesn't count), then you probably shouldn't have said it in the first place.
You're a redneck? I don't think so. How many rednecks out there are bleeding heart side with the protester hippies? NONE rednecks are for the the most part the patriotic right winged type. Personally I say send in the cops with riot gear and give them something to remember them by  :threat: but hey one can only dream. since when are **** **** anti-military? I think you have your stereotypes confused.

I personally have a problem with **** ****, thats just my opinion and my views on things like it or not thats how I feel so don't flame me for it.  If free speech should be absolutely upheld no matter what then what about hate crimes? what about slander? Spreading false information? what your telling me is that I should be able to go to Ottawa stand on top of the Parliament buildings holding a Nazi flag yelling zig heil! and that would be acceptable? when people are allowed to do whatever they want then whats the point of having a government anyway? sounds to me like you're an Anarchist

Modified for offensive language and incorrect spelling

Free speech may be acceptable but will not be used to contravine the site guidelines in an offensive way

I wasn't going to reply to anymore posts here but I just HAD to say something to respond to Chopperhead's articulate, well-thought post.    ::)

If you want to go stand on top of Parliament Hill with a Nazi flag and yell zig (sic) heil, you're a freaking moron.  But you should be able to have the right to do it. 

Can you give me any reason why us right-wing types, (To be fair, your last Nazi comment leads me to suspect that you may be just a little more right-wing than me.), should be the only ones to have freedom of expression as you have implied in your last post?

Doesn't seem very fair to me... ^-^
In regards to the original post - I think a lack of decency is what is happening, not an over-abunance of free speech. It's a funeral, for God's sake. Someone has just lost their child, brother, or husband in  an act of war (whether we think it's a useless war or not is a different debate). To denigrate their memory by protesting against homosexuality or protecting the family against that is just ridiculous.

It's bad enough a family and friends are grieving a loss, but to have not one but TWO groups of *sshats shouting and demonstrating during that time is just sickening. And a little bit frightening too.

Every time I read garbage like that, it makes me more glad I'm Canadian.

M :brickwall:
mo-litia said:
I wasn't going to reply to anymore posts here but I just HAD to say something to respond to Chopperhead's articulate, well-thought post.    ::)

If you want to go stand on top of Parliament Hill with a Nazi flag and yell zig (sic) heil, you're a freaking moron.  But you should be able to have the right to do it. 

Can you give me any reason why us right-wing types, (To be fair, your last Nazi comment leads me to suspect that you may be just a little more right-wing than me.), should be the only ones to have freedom of expression as you have implied in your last post?

Doesn't seem very fair to me... ^-^

Demonstrating on Parliament Hill is a well established tradition, if person "A" wants to promote National Socialism (a very Left wing phenomena, by the way [see my pervious post on offensive, misleading or inaccurate]), then person "B" should have an equal right to promote libertarianism or whatever other political philosophy they choose. "A" and "B" can have a debate wherever they can find a forum, but screaming matches, threats or use of violence (see "Brownshirts", another left wing phenomena) are not free speech.

I have the right to listen, join in on which side of the issue I feel strongly about, invite one, both or neither into my "house" and so on (as do you).
WCST is correct in pointing out what is happening in this case is more a case of lack of manners than a free speech issue.
No argument about this whole can of worms being more of a lack of manners than a free speech issue; but nonetheless, it is STILL a free speech issue. 

Thankfully I haven't heard much about the SA running around Parliament Hill these days; I think those brownshirts would make them very distinct targets for brown PEOPLE.  ;D
I can't believe anyone would be so undignified and inconsiderate to disturb a soldier's funeral. If I'm not mistaken, these protesters (the bible-thumpers, not the bikers) would qualify for hate-speech charges if they did the same thing up here, would they not? If so, just another good example of the good such laws can do.

We're not talking about restricting the rights of people to criticize government tax policy on parliament lawn here, we're talking about a group of homophobes spewing hateful rhetoric (in the course of criticizing the government's policy of allowing homosexuals to freely exist in the country) at a soldier's funeral. Imagine this was a case of a group espousing the extermination of all Jews, at a holocaust memorial service, under the auspice of criticizing the government's allowing Jews to live in Canada? I don't know about you, but I can do without such things in my society and have no problem with the government preventing it through incarceration.

Such limitations on freedom of speech are no more a totalitarian imposition or likely to lead to an oppressive, authoritarian police state than the no-nukes limitation on arms ownership or the age restriction on voting are.
Does anyone here think that Canada's hate law will likely fall if it is ever challenged?  If so, why? If not, why not?

(And yes, I'm jumping back into this thread - this is too interesting too watch from the sidelines.  :P)
Well, even after a previous attempt to bring it back to it original subject, you still insist on persuing your current course. Now your latest post. Thanks for tearing it right off the rails and making the original subject useless. If you want an answer to your question, start another thread. If you insist on derailing threads to persue your own agenda, you may want to review the guidelines first. You've been warned.

If anyone wishes to address the original subject of this thread, petition a Mod.

I couldn't find this posted elsewhere.

It's an interview with a representative from the Westboro Baptist Church, the wackos who pray for IED's and ruin soldier's funerals in the US. It's funny, seeing her get torn into by the interviewers and still refusing to stray rom her rigid 'God will kill you' line.

It's here because it's funny (her getting ripped into). No need for debates or any "f*** those f****ing f****ers" type comments.


And yeah, I know it's old news.
She obviously hadn't read the 11th Commandement - "Though shalt not smoke crack".

She reminded me of Jim Morrsion when he was singing "When you're strange" on camera once - he didn't blink through the whole song.  She blinked (the odd time), but had her happy Khrishna face on the entire time.

Oh well - her right to free speech was bought and paid for...

The most irritating thing about that show, I thought, was that the lack of etiquette on behalf of the host. Say what you will about the CBC, at least it's professional. 
I agree unfortunately - they're both preachers I think trying to force their views down her throat as well.


edit - removed entire post.... replacing with

WOW - what a nut....

Not even a recognized church by any group although they call themselves Baptists

80% of the church members are family and not even 100 members.

Oh, and we're not Christians.. only they are.  Uh huh....

I think we should change the name of the thread from crazy Christians, to crazy CULT
because there is nothing Christian about their hatred.
The moral of the story is that extremists, wether they be left-wing, right-wing, Christian extremists, Muslim extremists, cultish extremists, or whatever, are all just tards.
I agree with Trinity on this. Be careful not to get any paint on me with your brush. I have been a Christian my whole life and a soldier for 9 1/2. Being one has not affected the other in any way. If anything it has made me a better soldier. Painting us all with the same brush is not fair, maybe you could change you Thread Title?
There are so many Christians out there who give us a bad name. Some other threads on forum like Christian Peacemakers, The nut from Trading spouses and now these guys. No offense to Piper I just didn't want people on this thread to look at us all in the same light as those I previously mentioned. It is hard sometimes for people to differentiate between cults,wacos from Waco, extremists from the average Christian.
