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Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

Technoviking said:
Perhaps an argument could be made that given that they post messages that offer support to enemies of the US in time of war, then they are de facto supporting the enemy with said messages?  They are conducting a Psy Op against the military of the US, and given that they are US citizens, they could be arrested for some charge along that line?  Maybe that would be the route to go.  But I know it's a really huge stretch to think that laws would be enforced to do so....

Kinda like, maybe, just maybe, some form or another of treason?

link here

Perfect way to deal with these folks  >:D
Of course I condemn anyone who would protest at a funeral, but I hardly think having the police knowingly detain people who haven't done anything illegal is an appropriate way to deal with it.  As satisfying as it is, it's a disturbing way for them to act.
Awesome job. I'd shake the hand of every person who took part in stopping the hateful WBC from spewing their filth.
N. McKay said:
Of course I condemn anyone who would protest at a funeral, but I hardly think having the police knowingly detain people who haven't done anything illegal is an appropriate way to deal with it....

So what do you suggest is an appropriate way to deal with their disrespectful, and often confrontational, protests?
Even though some things that happened goes against their right to free speach it's good to see the good guys win one against these vile turds.
AJFitzpatrick said:
A win that is until the police department gets sued for unlawful detainment and loses.

There isn't a jury in MS who would convict that police department. I doubt there's a DA who would even bring charges. That department is filled with heroes.
My initial reaction is satisfaction.  I'm glad the funeral wasn't disrespectfully disrupted, and I'm glad the locals had the stones to step up and do something about it.  I'm not an advocate of vigilante justice (although this is hardly the equivalent of Batman...) but my gut says what they did was right.

Today, I'm going to be utilitarian and say that the right thing was done.
N. McKay said:
Of course I condemn anyone who would protest at a funeral, but I hardly think having the police knowingly detain people who haven't done anything illegal is an appropriate way to deal with it.  As satisfying as it is, it's a disturbing way for them to act.
They did not detain any one they took their time questioning witnesses.
Neil, usually you are pretty spot on.  Today however, you are RTFO.  These dirtbags go around just gagging for a fight so they can sue anybody and everybody.  They are human parasites and it is amazing that in the US they have not been put under by someone with a gun to make a statement against them.  This way they did not get hurt and the funeral was conducted as it should be.  Being a former peace officer I can attest that some investigations run longer than others as circumstance dictate.  Perhaps this was one of those times.....
my72jeep said:
They did not detain any one they took their time questioning witnesses.

This is the bit I was referring to:

"A few made it to the funeral but were ushered away to be questioned about a crime they might have possibly been involved in. Turns out, after a few hours of questioning, that they were not involved and they were allowed to go on about their business."

As I read that, the police did not have any honest belief that those concerned were guilty of a crime.  It's possible that I've misinterpreted but based on the context I don't think that's the case.

Petard said:
So what do you suggest is an appropriate way to deal with their disrespectful, and often confrontational, protests?

If they break the law, then legal remedies should be used.  If they enter any kind of private property (including a churchyard) and behave badly they should be ejected (by the police if that's what it takes).

I don't know the whole background of these people, and again I'm glad that the funeral proceeded without disruption, but it's wrong for public officials -- especially the police -- to exceed the limits of their authority in this way.
N. McKay said:
I don't know the whole background of these people, and again I'm glad that the funeral proceeded without disruption, but it's wrong for public officials -- especially the police -- to exceed the limits of their authority in this way.

Then I suggest before you start making judgements and spouting off about who's rights are being violated, you delve deeply into what a bunch of disgusting, litigious assholes the WBC really are. Police are there 'To Serve and Protect" and I believe they did just fine in that aspect.
That's a pretty sharp way to deal with those morons.

I actually liked the response of another town.  They showed up and it turned out that their van got its tires slashed.  Unfortunately for them, there were no witnesses and police couldn't find any evidence of note.  More unfortunately, the only garage in town closed for the day when they showed up, and they were forced to get a very expensive tow.
Redeye said:
That's a pretty sharp way to deal with those morons.

I actually liked the response of another town.  They showed up and it turned out that their van got its tires slashed.  Unfortunately for them, there were no witnesses and police couldn't find any evidence of note.  More unfortunately, the only garage in town closed for the day when they showed up, and they were forced to get a very expensive tow.

Again, I find my first reaction is pleasant.  I wonder now where I sit in regards to my moral compass.  It is dishonest to do things like are being mentioned here, but it seems like these are the necessary steps in order to prevent these idiots from causing trouble.

If my loved ones/close friends come home in a casket and WBC show up to protest, I think I would rather the police/community find a clever way to prevent disaster, rather than WAIT for trouble at the funeral and then dealing with it.
Mr. McKay has my support on this one.  While we may all find the WBC disgusting, and I do, this isn't a satisfactory reason for our public officials to disregard their responsibilities, which is what was implied as the reason for detaining these people. 

I am troubled by the suggestion that a prosecutor would "look the other way" for any class of citizens, police or otherwise, in exercising his or her discretion as to whether to proceed with charges, on the basis that he or she favours that particular class.  I am also troubled by the suggestion,  as I read it, that it would be a good thing for a jury to decide issues based not on the law, but on whether they are biased for or against a particular group of people.  (Of course, juries are made up of people, not robots, and everyone has their biases.  My concern is that we would support decisions made on the basis of biases as opposed to the law.)

Edited to fix italics.
Just blow them away with a high power fire hose. Most of them could use a good shower anyway.
recceguy said:
Then I suggest before you start making judgements and spouting off about who's rights are being violated, you delve deeply into what a bunch of disgusting, litigious assholes the WBC really are. Police are there 'To Serve and Protect" and I believe they did just fine in that aspect.

I agree the WBC are "a bunch of disgusting, litigious assholes," that being stipulated N. McKay is quite right and the local police, you and all others who support them are wrong. Everyone, even the "disgusting, litigious assholes" in the WBC are entitled to fair and equal treatment at and under the law, and LEOs have a duty to ensure their rights are fairly, equally and equitably applied. LEOs, like the ones in this incident, who violate the rights of citizens unworthy of the trust resposed in them. Who else might those LEOs not like? me? You?

Give your head a shake, please. Rights are rights, duties are duties. The LEOs failed in their duty; they, too, are assholes.