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well i'm almost there :)

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hello everyone well this is my little story of how things have been going for me

I first tried to join reserves when i was 16 but did not make it past the aptitude test so i decided to finish school then re-try, well i managed to get myself into some trouble with the law with some friends once so that landed me a 3 year wait before i could apply for the forces so sept. 26 2006 i was finally able to complete and hand the papers in that day.
two weeks later i called the Hamilton recruiting centre and was booked to write my aptitude and do my medical and interview on oct.19 2006 so I'm proud to say i made it.
Just had to get my finger prints done today and hand in a receipt showing that I'm paying off a $608 debt with the bank today so the process has been going pretty fast for me hope i get my call soon :)
I'm going reg. forces infantry      :D
yfz450_girl said:
Good on you for sticking with it...you must really want it.  Good luck.

lol that it is...right now i work for a temp. service working outta Halton Recycling in Burlington picking up tons of garbage a day, so i think its time for a career change :)
Well here's an update:
I went down to the recruiting centre today to see how things were going and was told that it will take 3 to 4 months to complete my criminal checks and so on, which blows, because the rest of the recruits i did my testing with get sworn in this Thursday then start BMQ on the 20th :( oh well shouldn't have gotten into the trouble. I have the 3 year wait over with now just a little more of a wait left, hope the RCMP hurry things up  :salute:
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