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Wearing Uniform in Public (merged)

Calvillo said:
I do not want my wife to jeopardize her job there.

I'm sure some will promptly explain the Rules.

But, when it comes to your full-time meal ticket, my three words of advice would be: Don't make waves.

Calvillo said:

I have another case. My wife works in a company that sells stuff. Not for public retails but for contractors. Her boss the Location Manager, is apparently a CIC Officer. I believe he is the CO or XO of his unit. The thing is, during the day of the week where he has cadets in the evening he just wears his uniform to the office. So there he is, talking to clients or doing staff meeting in his day job wearing his no. 3B or 3C.

Is that in any way appropriate? I really do not want to mind anybody's business and I do not want my wife to jeopardize her job there.

IMHO it is wrong and that person is just lazy...
No, it is not appropriate.

Chap 2, Sect 1, para 35:

"Reserve Force (Class C excluded). Members of the Reserve Force shall not wear a uniform except when:

    on duty, or proceeding to or from their place of duty;
    attending a military function or ceremony at which the wearing of uniform is appropriate."

As the CIC is a sub component of the Reserves, the above rules would apply. Note the word shall; as in not optional. Further, considering that when wearing the uniform, Reserve members are subject to the Code of Service Discipline, this member has exposed himself to potential liability under Sect 83 of the NDA, if not more. A Reserve member does not have to be on duty to be subject to the CSD.
Just print out the regulation and leave it taped to the office door when he's not around. Or notify the cadet headquarters and I'm sure it will work its way down.
If a regular force member is attending a Canadian Citizenship ceremony as a guest of someone getting their citizenship, are they authorized to wear their dress uniform, and if so, would you agree or disagree that it would be appropriate attire for such an event, or should they wear business suit type attire? Thanks
dh101 said:
If a regular force member is attending a Canadian Citizenship ceremony as a guest of someone getting their citizenship, are they authorized to wear their dress uniform, and if so, would you agree or disagree that it would be appropriate attire for such an event, or should they wear business suit type attire? Thanks

For reference to the discussion,

Dress code for citizenship ceremonies

Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and veterans

The dress for active CAF members is uniform 1A (without headdress indoors) with medals and, for veterans, veteran blazer or business attire with medals.

mariomike said:
For reference to the discussion,

Great, thank-you very much for clarification. I did look for information regarding the ceremonies but I guess I should have looked for the "dress code".
After reading that it looks like a CF member attending is actually obligated to wear DEU 1A.

Thanks again
dh101 said:
Great, thank-you very much for clarification. I did look for information regarding the ceremonies but I guess I should have looked for the "dress code".
After reading that it looks like a CF member attending is actually obligated to wear DEU 1A.

Thanks again

No, you would not be (or should not be) so obligated.  That direction is from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. and last I checked they have no authority to order any serving soldier to do anything.  I suspect that the dress code direction on their site goes hand in hand with another aspect of their ceremony planning "Working with the Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans".

All efforts should be made to ensure that an active Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member or a veteran is in attendance at all citizenship ceremonies, and certainly at all enhanced ceremonies where a platform party or other special guests are in attendance. Their presence is one way to underline the importance of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and to pay tribute to men and women in uniform. The involvement of active serving CAF members and veterans exemplifies active citizenship.


Contacting a CAF member

In the initial stages of planning for citizenship ceremonies, citizenship staff should
•contact their CAF representative to discuss participation at upcoming citizenship ceremonies;
•identify a CAF member to take part in ceremonies.

Citizenship staff should contact National Headquarters (NHQ) if they require information about CAF representatives for their local office.

If one was attending the ceremony as a guest of someone who was becoming a citizen then one would not per se be participating in the manner as envisaged by Citizenship Canada.  However, even if one was not participating, there should be no reason why the wearing of uniform would be inappropriate especially if your host (the one who invited you) would appreciate it that you did so.  If you are going to be there anyway, it may be an opportunity to become the "CAF member taking part in the ceremony".

I am wondering what the regs are for wearing a uniform to a civilian funeral home,

When do I wear the Headdress and when is it removed ?

pitamsingh said:
I am wondering what the regs are for wearing a uniform to a civilian funeral home,

See also,

Wearing uniform to a funeral,

funeral and uniform question... 

Wear of Uniform at Civilian Funeral

Funeral etiquette?

pitamsingh said:

I am wondering what the regs are for wearing a uniform to a civilian funeral home,

When do I wear the Headdress and when is it removed ?


Is there a reason to wear it?  Are you Regs or Reserve?
I have worn my uniform in a funeral home for both a regimental funeral and a family funeral. I took my headdress off for both. For the family funeral I got permission from my chain of command that would normally be submitted in memo format, however I got the phone call when I was with my chain of command right before Christmas stand down. So they gave me permission right there.
Question for you folks::

I just released from the CAF after 12 years. I did 8 years with the Guns (2007-2015) and 4 years with the Log Branch (2015-2019). Now that I’m released, am I allowed to wear my Arty Cap Badge, even though I technically released as a Log? Not that I don’t have pride in the Log Branch or anything, it’s just that my heart has always been with the Guns and I’ve remained close to my Regimental Family ever since I operationally left the trade.