Rant on:
IGNORANCE (like the cancer sympathy quote - thats way way out of line) and LACK of EDUCATION seems to be a big problem with this topic. Wearing medals on the LEFT or RIGHT is TWO different issues and has TWO entirely different definitions. Remember that. Thats TWO different issues RIGHT and LEFT. Right for wearing in remberance of a family member, and left for being awarded to you, no one else, but you!
Those who wear them on the LEFT have truly earned them, and anyone wearing such on the left when not awarded them is a fake wannabee poser and should be ashamed of themselves, and if caught wearing them, they should be charged accordingly.
Too bad the 'nosayers' for not only cadets and family members of those who have since passed on, can't see things outside the square.
Its lawful to wear them here on the RIGHT one day a year here (of a relative only). Those who don't want to don't have to ( and I respect this too), but those who wish to HONOUR and REMEMBER the plight of the relatives this way (we are all different and remember in our own private ways, and this should be respected), good on them for doing so.
These people should not be condemmed for doing so either. If anyone came up to me and shat on me for wearing my Great Uncle's WW1 medals on the right, along my my EARNED ones on the left, they'd get a dressing down they would remember til the day they died. However thats unlikely to happen here, as the Australian culture is a 180 degree difference from Canada in this fashion.
We are extremely proud of our ANZAC heritage (not that Canadians are not - I reckon we express it differently) and our Military Forces in general. The population supports the wearing on the right overwhelmingly, where as the Canadians see things a little different I guess. even school children are educated about ANZAC and its humble beginnings on the craggy cliffs of Gallipoli 90 years ago this coming 25 April.
Just because of you personally think its wrong does not mean thats right. If you have an opinion not to wear them, good, but don't go passing on your morals and self imposed judgement onto others who think different.
So, to those who wish to keep their families memories alive wear them with PRIDE on the RIGHT side.
For the misinformed, prejudged narrow minded ignorant and uneducated with this topic out there I suggest before shooting off at the hip over the issue, have a deep think about the entire isssue before you go passing judgement. Like I said, if you don't wanna come to the party with medals on the RIGHT, don't.
HONOURING and IMPERSONATION are two different things. I hope one day after I am long gone one of my relatives will wear my medals (on the right) on ANZAC Day and march in my Corps Association to remember me, and my generation of Sons and Grandsons of ANZAC who have indeed served their country proud.
As for the Criminal Code of Canada, there must be criminal intent, and if the medals are worn on the right, and the circumstances behind it, it would be a cold day in hell if anyone was charged.
If thats the case I guess every person who even wears any surplus kit of any kind of CF issue stuff is gulity. Not likely to happen, but if someone is dressed up, and impersonated a CF member, thats an other story isn't it. Charge the bastard! Throw the book at him. The same goes with poserS with medals, wound stripes, fake CF certificates and the like.
Hey Redleaf, was the bloke you 'caught' wearing them on the left? If he was he is a fraud and is a disgrace, and good on ya for having a go at him. I would have too. but if he was wearing thim on the right as a token of remberance, and you had a go at him for that, well quite frankly maybe its you who should be ashamed of yourself irregardless of the criminal code and all that other red tap crap.
Rant off:
EDITED for clarification