I thought this thread was about the government, but we can keep the weather analogy going ;D
First, Weatherdog, some vocabulary: What you refer to (starting June 1st each year) is what the NOAA and other weather orgs call the "North-Atlantic Tropical Storm Season" because that is when they start to monitor the revolving type depressions along the tropics from Africa and across the Atlantic. If they get big enough to be Tropical Depressions or Tropical Storms and above, they get a name. But in practice, very few of these develop into a hurricane before September*. Rare exceptions exist, like Bob in 1991, which occurred in the last two weeks of August. I think there was another one in the late 1800's that occurred in August also.
The analogy is clear here: This new government will gather little whiffs of scandals and corrupt practices here and there in the summer of their existence and these will slowly develop into larger and larger storms, until by the end (their Autumn, as in their "Fall"), they will be full blown hurricanes that will sweep them away from power. :nod:
*: Just for info value for people: This year, for instance is a relatively mild Tropical Storm Season. Started with a small one, weak Tropical Storm Andrea on June 5, with first actual hurricane, Henderson, occurring on September 16.