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Warning regarding Big Bad John (John Melvin Hill)

10 Guests are viewing this topic

Must we?

As RBD said you reap what you sow. I think maybe this is dead with the posting of the descroption of the TV show on page 4 as a decription for those who didn't know this individual and were curious.

The rest I think is just playing into him. IMO
This guy has no conscience, and does not think like we do, we must be weary of him, and others like him.

He preys on the weak, nieve, the honest, and people who are most vulnerable after personal tragedies. A parasite is too good of a word.

Remember, no conscience, and no remorse. A hinderance to all good people, and who should be ashamed of himself, but remember he only cares about himself, and would steal his grandmother's inheritance without showing anything but cold calous behaviour, that of a cold calculating career criminally insane mind.

This guy took advatnage of us, even bought the army.ca coin on ebay, and returned it to Mike. He was getting in on our good side, but things have not quiet been right with him for a while, we all knew something was off centre.

We 'normal people' must be patient, sooner or later the Mounties will get him, and some big gaol-cell mate will be shagging his ass, as we are at home watching W5, ha!

John if you read this, you are simply a mongrel.


HitorMiss said:
10 Guests are viewing this topic

Must we?

As RBD said you reap what you sow. I think maybe this is dead with the posting of the descroption of the TV show on page 4 as a decription for those who didn't know this individual and were curious.

The rest I think is just playing into him. IMO

Sorry Hitormiss but I disagree, the more people that become aware of John Hill and people of his ilk, maybe the word will get out more and the less likely someone else will fall prey.
Sgt  Schultz said:
I got one on facebook.. but the profile is un-viewable... unless I add him as a friend. Nah...

But here is his friend's list... mostly girl...

The Facebook List

Cripes, the first two on that list look like criminals themselves...
How can you be sure it's him though?  John Hill has to be a pretty common name.
I just watched the W5 clip that Tess had included, my jaw just dropped watching that and with reading that he was a member here, Just goes to show, how close to home situation like this can hit. I had to turn it off, when I got to the part of him on the 'cooking show' just sickening.

I dunno about that facebook, it doesn't provide a picture and his friends all seem a little on the young side.
Plus John and Hill are fairly common first and last names I'm sure there's more than one in Calgary.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
I think the previous 4 pages cover that, but hey its not my bandwith.

You're absolutely correct on that note.

Hey, if anyone else finds this poser listed anywhere else, please feel free to post the link up as a warning to others. He is popping up all over the place on sites after all -- preying on the unsuspecting and uniformed.

We may have outted him here last year, and be done with him personaly ... but there's nothing wrong with warning others about his antics when we're aware of them; I sure don't consider that a waste of bandwidth. Feel free to ignore this thread if you have nothing constructive to add.

How's that LWQ?? Will that save enough bandwidth to make you personaly happy?

If bandwidth was that big a concern, we wouldn't have a zillion pages of fluff in Radio Chatter.

This thread has been discussed by Mike and the Staff. For now we feel the merits of keeping it open outweigh the merits of closing it.

Now let's stick to the topic at hand.

Army.ca Staff
Perhaps this topic could get pinned, so if anything comes up later on it will be easier to find? 
Thats crazy to hear about BBJ.what a scum bag ,you can never trust anybody on the internet even more so now.
As has been suggested, let's keep the conversation to the facts. The point of this thread is to get info about John Hill out there, if someone has to wade through 20 pages of rants (albeit warranted) it makes the thread less useful. Please feel free to post a link if you find information about John. Maybe if we'd been a bit more vocal last year, the woman profiles on W5 last night wouldn't have been scammed.

Tossing around insults won't help - we all know what kind of a 'man' John Hill is - so let's stick to reporting the facts to help prevent any further victims.
Just checked a couple of forums where I play - no sign of him - but you never know. Posted so I can keep track of this thread - feel free to ignore me.

PMedMoe said:
That's okay, Bruce, we can always catch it on CTV Broadband later.  I, for one, plan on watching it.

My colleagues at W5 are sure to appreciate the spike in traffic.

A summary of the story is here:

and the links to the video are down the right-hand side of that page. From that story:

"Millions of Canadians use Internet-dating sites to look for love. Some find their mates, some find disappointment. And some find something far more dangerous - con artists and sex predators lurking in the shadows of cyberspace.

Last year, Liz Cole emerged from a nasty divorce and sought companionship online. It didn't take long to find her first suitor. His name was John Hill . .  . "
and the silly question . . .  why isn't a multiple repeat criminal with a 30 year record in jail ??

oh excuse me, it's not his fault.  Criminals  have their rights, even if the victims suffer at their  expense

..and for those loooking at his army.ca profile, he wasn't "last active" on the 28th of July, 2007. The site was having problems around that time and a whole bunch of accounts got "activated" because of some glitch. His bogus e-mail address he put up there when he scurried away is not a real address and therefore he would not recieve his activation e-mail required when changing e-mail addresses.
Haletown said:
and the silly question . . .  why isn't a multiple repeat criminal with a 30 year record in jail ??

oh excuse me, it's not his fault.  Criminals  have their rights, even if the victims suffer at their  expense

The lieberal system of 'revolving door justice' and their 'catch and release' programs have been at fault, for a long time.

200 Block Sunnyside Ave

02Dec02 (#268842)

In October the compl had advertised for a roommate in the Ottawa Citizen, and a male who ID’d himself as John Melvin Hill responded and moved in. The male indicated he worked for the Canadian Police Association - and she never doubted this. They began a romantic relationship almost immediately. At the beginning of Nov the male stated he left the CPA and was now working at Ottawa U - and she had no reason to doubt his story. At the end of Nov the male advised he wanted to deposit $6155 to her account - and she provided her PIN# to him. That same day they were to have met at the library - and he was a no show. Upon returning home the compl found the male had moved out. The compl checked her bank account and discovered it had been cleaned out. Suspect: male, white, 45yrs, 6’2, 230lbs, clean shaven, short brown/ grey hair, English speaking-no accent, able to speak Russian and Gaelic. THIS MATTER IS BEING INVESTIGATED BY DET. RICK MACINTOSH.

BBJ in the Glebe!
