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Wanted: Jubilee Medal..will pay $$$$

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"I know someone with 2 gimme medals that way (writing an MP)."

- If that someone is in the CF - and even if they aren't - I have some ethical issues with that way of doing business.

"At least wait until the bar to your CD

- Which bar?  First or second?



I LOVE IT when I'm wrong.

Thanks for the correction..  :o :-* ;)
Trinity said:
I believe Max, it means out of the 10 (approximately) that each regiment had to give you, the individual who received it
was highly regarded by the unit for their commitment, hard work and dedication to be bestowed the dishonour honour
of wearing this medal.  Of which, 98% of the regiment didn't get.  So, at the very least, the person was recognized for being
better than most.

Now yes, there are some retards that sucked up and got one or even wrote their MP for one and got one that way and wear it
in the military.  I know someone with 2 gimme medals that way (writing an MP).

the guy who got it in our unit was given it as a result of a lottery (eg: names go into a hat, the name that got pulled got the medal)
im not sure where the other 9 went to.... i think the higher ups competed for them in the Feats of Strength Competition....  ;D

All or None is My personal Opinion.....
Cpl Thompson said:
the guy who got it in our unit was given it as a result of a lottery (eg: names go into a hat, the name that got pulled got the medal)
It might have appeared that way but all Jubilee medals were "distributed" from that computer generated list that came out of the Puzzle palace on the Rideau.  If your unit got more from the local MP - that's another issue.  The official DND batch was not open to discussion or local decision.
Hello I wish to submit my name for induction into your fine club. I wear my QGJM with pride.
I call it my Shilo Medal.
I was posted to Shilo in 2003 and 11 months later I was promoted and posted. Before leaving the area, I was presented the medal, (quite to my disbelife) right after a morning safety breifing. I treat it as another tour medal. Shilo was tour in my mind.
Coming from an airforce base and being subjected to backwards (army) thinking with a hillbilly(Manitoba) flair. And suffering the dangers of the contractors putting up the new PPCLI lines (hey how many workers were killed putting that place up). I belive that I deserved this medal, along with the six extras I earned before leaving (WHO SHIPS SNOWMOBILES FROM BASE TO BASE IN JULY, Why didn't they tell me they were coming in? oh look one extra for each snowmobile, thanks WATC).

Myself and my brother are proud recipients of the QGJM. My other brother who is a WO. Did not receive the medal. He submitted a memo through his chain of command demanding that since his older brother and his little brother both got the medal then he surely deserved one too.
He was quickly told that the medal was not given out for asking for it, when he asked what the criteria was for receiving it he was met with a blank expression and no explanation.......

Would I sell my medal.....no FKNG WAY.....But when I am dead and gone I am sure some future family member will sell them for a few dollars to buy some meth or pay a gambling debt or something. :salute:
by that time, IT and 5$ will get you a decent cup of joe...........
mover1 said:
(WHO SHIPS SNOWMOBILES FROM BASE TO BASE IN JULY, Why didn't they tell me they were coming in? oh look one extra for each snowmobile, thanks WATC).

I would think that July would be the best time to ship snowmobiles.  It's not like someone has to give them up while they're using them, and they have around five months to find new ones...

I was a "winner" of said lottery to receive the QGJM, but I along with other "winners" in my unit have decided not to get around to getting this medal mounted. So, there she sits, in a box in my drawer where it belongs.

In my unit we had a Sgt win one for being in his trade for 20 years. We also had a Cpl win one by in his own words "Randomly selected by a computer" Anyways we all had a good laugh as we thought up cool stories on how he earned his medal. You know crazy stuff like "um saving a kitten from the path of an incoming tank"
Trinity said:
I know someone with 2 gimme medals that way (writing an MP).

I'll bet ya a beer or six I can name one if not both. 8)

.....it means out of the 10 (approximately) that each regiment had to give you, the individual who received it
was highly regarded by the unit for their commitment, hard work and dedication to be bestowed the dishonour honour
of wearing this medal.  Of which, 98% of the regiment didn't get.  So, at the very least, the person was recognized for being
better than most.

Wow things must have changed since the 125 medals were doled out to a certain horse blanket weraing Regiment  ::)
To get the British QGJM you had to be an active member of the forces or emergency services for five years and in the TA have qualified for 5 bounties out of 6 including that year! I got the British one along with a Telic medal (Iraq 2004) and a VRSM (Volunteer Reserve Service Medal) and 2 Clasps! The VRSM covered my  10 year service in the Canadian Reserves and each clasp is for 5 !
Well, I have a very dear friend who was a Wren during the war and continued on in her service to her country up to 1958.  During the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, military members from all the Commonwealth countries were invited to attend as an honour guard for HM.  Among them was my friend.  She was the only Reg F wren to attend and was selected out of all the serving women at the time - Canada wide. 

Mrs, M, attended the coronation of HM, trained for the procession for weeks in the UK, marched on the day of the coronation for 13 miles, in heels, a skirt and in the pouring rain for Her Majesty.  I'd say that puts her right up there in qualifying for a QGJM, right? I mean how much more does one need to demonstrate one was in service and on duty the day HM was coronated than to be marching in her coronation procession? Apparently, it's not enough.  Mrs. M. was overlooked as a medal recipient even though her name, photograph and write ups all appear in the official book on Canada's involvement during the coronation. 

I have tried unsuccessfully to have a medal set aside for her and have asked the GG's office to look into it.  The reply was a so sad, too bad kind of response.  So Mrs. M whose service number is under the 500 mark, who proudly represented Canada at the coronation of HM, and who now is a glorious 85 years young, remains without her (a) QGJM medal. 

So mr-I-want-to-complete-my-medal-collection, I hope you find one and when you do, remember that probably the one person in Canada who was deserving of having such a medal has been forgotten and then denied hers.  I hope at the very least, when you look upon the medal, you will remember the Wren who will never see one meant for her. 
+1 Niner and well said.
Some people may have earned the JM but some just got it handed to them, making the whole award seem diminsihed.
:salute:  to your friend, the Wren.
niner domestic said:
So mr-I-want-to-complete-my-medal-collection, I hope you find one and when you do, remember that probably the one person in Canada who was deserving of having such a medal has been forgotten and then denied hers.  I hope at the very least, when you look upon the medal, you will remember the Wren who will never see one meant for her.   

I understand your frustration with the lack of recognition of your friend, but what does that have to do with Eliminator's request? He is looking to purchase a medal to add to his collection, not trying to have one awarded to him. Your sarcasm is unwarranted.

Eliminator, give the people at www.medalsofwar.com a call, they might be able to find one for you. If anyone can, it's them.
niner domestic said:
So Mrs. M whose service number is under the 500 mark, who proudly represented Canada at the coronation of HM, and who now is a glorious 85 years young, remains without her (a) QGJM medal. 

- Coronation medal  1953
- Jubilee medal 1978
- Golden Jubilee medal 2003

Ummm.... does that mean that Mrs M has received the first two of the three?

If in 2003 you had written or phoned your MP, you would have had no problem having one with her name on it. 
eliminator said:
I'm still looking for a 2002 Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal Original. It's the last Canadian commemorative medal I need for my collection.

I'll pay upwards to $250-$300 for a mint original.

I will sell you my boy scout badges... $20 per badge piece.. mint original. Must see.. PM me for details.
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