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Want to enlist - need a few clarifications from the FAQ here

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My apologies if this is too much of a repeated series of questions, mostly I'm looking for clarification from the FAQs. I want to enlist in the regular forces, most likely in infantry.

1 - I read the FAQ on tattoos and it mentions a new policy on neck tattoos. I have a tribal tattoo on my neck that would be visible, does this really mean that if I wanted to join I would have to have it surgically removed first?

2 - My wife has some serious concerns with me enlisting, I know there is already a post on this page, but I wanted to present the problems unique to my situation:

I'm 29 years old and married, no children. We own a condo in Calgary and she has just started school at Sait technical college, a two-year program. I don't want to disrupt her schooling, and she has some serious concerns about time apart. I know that Basic is 10 weeks, then there are another ten weeks after that. What I'm unclear of is how much time I would be away from home once I'm in the regular forces. Can anyone give me an idea, or give me a link to where I can find it? I've done a lot of searching, but I may have missed something directly under my nose. She has some real concerns with me being gone for months at a time after training.

I do plan on eventually speaking to a recruiter, however I think that would freak out my wife right now if she feels I'm moving too fast on this. Thanks in advance for any input you might have!
1.  I see people in the forces with tattoo's on their neck every once and a while.  Just ask yourself, "Is the the tattoo on my neck in any way reflecting a bad image towards the CF?"  And if the answer is no, it should be fine.

2. The time away really depends on your trade and element.  What trade are you looking at getting into?
I was thinking Infantry, I don't really have anything more specific than that at the moment.
I'm sorry if this isn't completely on topic but it may be of some relevance.  When I went for my medical the PO1 asked me if I had any tattoos.  I told him I have one, and he asked me what it was (a bird), but didn't ask to see it, although obviously he saw it when I had to strip to my shorts.  What does having a tattoo have to do with medical suitability for the forces, I am wondering?
kastanis said:
I'm sorry if this isn't completely on topic but it may be of some relevance.   When I went for my medical the PO1 asked me if I had any tattoos.   I told him I have one, and he asked me what it was (a bird), but didn't ask to see it, although obviously he saw it when I had to strip to my shorts.   What does having a tattoo have to do with medical suitability for the forces, I am wondering?

I sincerely doubt it. I know many many people who are covered in tattoos. The only concern seems to be if they are offensive or not.

Ref the other post: I'd never count on getting posted anywhere. They say the life of an army wife is very hard. If she's not prepared to accept the idea of moving around every few years then maybe you should re-evaluate joining up.
kastanis said:
I'm sorry if this isn't completely on topic but it may be of some relevance.   When I went for my medical the PO1 asked me if I had any tattoos.   I told him I have one, and he asked me what it was (a bird), but didn't ask to see it, although obviously he saw it when I had to strip to my shorts.   What does having a tattoo have to do with medical suitability for the forces, I am wondering?
It has nothing to do with medical suitability. It has everything to do with identifying marks and making sure separated body parts are burried with the correct owner.

By the way, in Canada we enrol we don't enlist.
Tribal Jedi said:
Ref the other post: I'd never count on getting posted anywhere. They say the life of an army wife is very hard. If she's not prepared to accept the idea of moving around every few years then maybe you should re-evaluate joining up.

Thanks for the feedback, but could you elaborate on moving around every few years? Do you mean being stationed at different bases?

Cgy said:
Thanks for the feedback, but could you elaborate on moving around every few years? Do you mean being stationed at different bases?

Yes.  Usually every 3 years one will have to move, somtimes a little longer.  But for the navy, since there are only two navy bases in Candada, sometimes one could stay on one coast for the entire career.
But that does not apply to every service member. Some, depending on their trade and where they are may spend a large portion or an entire career without being posted geographically. They may be posted between units (field units, base, training establishments) without actually being moved.
You won't have to worry too much about moving.  You will do your Basic training and then get sent to do Trades training.  Once that is done you will be posted to a Unit.  If you go Cbt Arms the likelihood of of you moving again before the end of your contract are very slim.  If you reach the rank of Sgt or above, then you will see opportunities for moves.  The Forces are very small, the Bases are so few, and the cost of moving people is too much.  If you are a Support Trade, not Cbt Arms, you may be posted to a Unit on a Base, then posted a few years later to another Unit on the same Base, where you will not have to move your family, just your place of work.  That is referred to as a "No Cost Posting".

Gone are the days when the Gov't could afford to move it's CF members every three or four years.  Now only Officers and Snr NCO's are likely to be moved around the country.

so they don't hardily move you at all now thats good news because from what iv read the moving every 2-3 years was what was hard on the families.
along the lines of tattoos, would 2 masks, one representing a smiling face, and the other a crying one...with the words "smile now  die later" be "offensive because it says die?
Thanks for all the info. My wife is actually warming up to the idea of me following through on this. Knowing that I may not be moving as much may help too.

We're probably going to speak to a recruiter together to see if it can work. I think my tattoo should be ok, it is just a tribal sun with a few tips coming up past the collar.
Pte. McKibbon said:
along the lines of tattoos, would 2 masks, one representing a smiling face, and the other a crying one...with the words "smile now    die later" be "offensive because it says die?

Offensive tattoos are probably mostly along the lines of having certain 4 letter words inked across your knuckles or wherever else, sexually graphic depictions, obvious gang related tats, or racist symbols.

I think most military personnel can handle seeing the word "die" tattooed on one of their coworkers, depending on the context of course.

Just out of curiosity though, how did you come to put that phrase with the Smiling Mask of Comedy, Crying Mask of Tradgedy symbol? I know a lot of theater people get those tattoos, but most of the ones I know are anti military types.
well, it isn't the "crying one" actually it is a mod of it, the mask looks like he is extremely pissed, hence..."smile now, die later"