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Want to become a Navy Diver

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Hi All

I am trying to find out if Army is the right choice for me. And I need some advice.

What is most important to me is how quickly will I reach my goal of becoming a Navy Diver if I can get a pretty clear answer to that I will be happy.

First of all, I am already a diver with 4 years of teaching experience in the cold water in British Columbia. I have about 500 dives. I have knowledge of decompression theory, mix gas diving, decompression diving, accelerated decompression stops, physiology etc. Will this knowledge&experience and certifications accelerate my way to become a Navy Diver?

What are the chances of me getting the position I want? I want to become a Navy Diver not a cook in the Navy...

What percentage of Privates get accelerated promotion to Corporal? 4 years is a long time for getting paid 31K and being a private, specially for a Navy Diver...

Does Navy Divers count as a specialist? If yes 1 or 2?

Firat Ataman
So, you're wondering if the Army is the right choice for you, but you want to become a Navy diver?  Maybe there's something I'm missing here......

As far as how many Privates get accelerated promotions, I don't think anyone can give you a number.

Clearance Diver is a Spec 1 pay level after you have attained the rank of Leading Seaman and your QL5 course.

Your best bet is to contact a CFRC or go online and chat with a virtual recruiter.
Being in the Navy is probably the best way to become a "Navy diver"!! The Navy has 2 different classifications of divers.  One is a "Ship's Diver" . The only way to become a Ship's Diver is to be posted to a ship. Purple trades on a ship can get it but they are a lower priority than Navy trades. Ship's Divers get an added bonus each month. I'm not sure what it is now. The other is "Clearence diver". As far as I know they are the highest paid NCM trade in the CF. If I'm wrong on that then just stand by I'll be corrected. Your experience as a civvie diver will help but not much. Not too many civvi dive instructors have to pull mines off the sides of ships or disarm WWII floating mines under water. They will not take into account any civilian experince you have. I am a Dive Master and have spent all my time in the cold waters of the North Atlantic. I have been diving for over 30 years. So I too have a few dives under my belt. The diving that you do in the Navy is different from teaching a course or pleasure diving. The Ship's diver's course is 5 weeks long and the Clearence diver course is 11 months. And that's after the 11 week prelim.

Recently we opened up the CD trade for direct entry. However, in the past the only way you could become a CD is by either being a ship's diver or combat diver. Combat divers are only open to Combat Engineers.

If you want more info I would suggest you go to your local Recruiting Centre and talk to them. They can get you the info you want.

As for accelerated promotions it is the decision of your supervisiors to do that you do not get to choose. In the Navy they are few and far between. You need to be VERY well trained and show GREAT leadership skills.

None of us in the Military today joined because of the outstanding pay. We get paid well and there are perks but join for the service not for the money. You'll get a lot further ahead quicker.
I'm no expert, but Clearance Diver has to be one of the toughest jobs going. My hat's off to anyone that does that.
FDO said:
The other is "Clearence diver". As far as I know they are the highest paid NCM trade in the CF. If I'm wrong on that then just stand by I'll be corrected.

According to the pay tables, it's Spec 1, so I think you may be wrong.  Any other trade making Spec 1 would receive the same pay at the same rank level and Spec 2 trades would receive more.

PMedMoe said:
According to the pay tables, it's Spec 1, so I think you may be wrong.  Any other trade making Spec 1 would receive the same pay at the same rank level and Spec 2 trades would receive more.


Well, there is also the fact that, in addition to any spec pay they may recieve, they are also entitled to the $627 dollar a month Diving Allowance, outlined in CBI 205.34.

205.34(2) (Eligibility) An officer or non-commissioned member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force on Class "B" or "C" Reserve Service is, unless the member is an allowance under 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance), entitled to Diving Allowance if the member is qualified to the standards established:

for a clearance diving officer or clearance diver in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff and is filling a position requiring diving duties that is designated by the Minister for the purposes of this instruction, at the rate of $627 per month; or

That having been said, the Special Operations Assaulter allowance, which starts out at 1352 a month, and maxes out at 3567 (With 14+ years of being an Assaulter) blows that out of the water. Hopefully not literally. :)
Told you I'd be corrected. How about Clearence Diver is the highest paid trade in the Navy? I forgot we had other elements!
PMedMoe said:
So, you're wondering if the Army is the right choice for you, but you want to become a Navy diver?  Maybe there's something I'm missing here......

I'm guessing your missing that english isn't his first language, and he is using the word "army" instead of "military." Hopefully anyway.
Hi All

First of all, yes English is my second language as many Canadians and I did use the wrong term but I do know the difference :) 

Thanks a lot for the information. I did go to a local RC, they did not have much information on clearance diver position. Apparently the main person was not int he office. They will get back to me.

Thanks for pointing out that allowance. That does make a difference fro sure. Pay is important for me, it is not the main reason however it is important. Making 31K for 4 years and going through hell in the course is not worth it. Currently I am making more.

I do have another pay question, I hope I do not upset anybody here.. I have found 2 different pay scales on the internet and I am not sure which one is true.  One table only has rank ( from forces.ca ) and the other one has ranks plus increments and your pay goes up slightly every year.( from national defence website)  Which one is correct? One is also higher than the other...

I am really looking forward to the info that they will send me!

Firat Ataman
ballz said:
I'm guessing your missing that english isn't his first language, and he is using the word "army" instead of "military." Hopefully anyway.

Clearly.  Of course, that's difficult to tell from a single post and I'm not a linguistics expert.  ;)

As far as allowances, I was going to mention that, but since they are not actually part of your pay, I didn't bother.

ataman, check the dates on the pay scales you are looking at.  They just changed this year and there were mistakes on the updated one.  Although, like FDO said, none of us joined for the money and neither should you.  The CF is paid far better than they used to be and at least you know you're getting an incentive almost every year.
I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that none of us joined for the money. I'm certain that there's a statistically significant portion of the members of the Canadian Armed Forces who would list the decent rate of pay as one of their prime motivations for joining. Everyone has a reason to join, and I think it is both unrealistic and unfair to expect that everyone is doing so purely for self-less "to serve Queen and Country" reasons.

Personally, my prime motivation when I enrolled was the concept of job security. Yes, the whole "to serve Canada" thing was there, but I'd be lying if I said it made the top three. I'd also be lying if I were to say that I wouldn't put in my release tomorrow if it were announced that we were all getting a pay cut of 50%.

Joining for the money is a perfectly valid reason to decide to serve your country. There are indeed very few reasons to join up that I would consider "bad". It's really the end result that counts.

I just got an email back, even tough previously I was told that I could apply as a clearance diver, now I am being told I can only transfer from reserves or from another Navy Trade. So I am getting conflicting information. FDO, it seems like you knew for a fact that they recently opened up for direct entry. Could you please confirm that for me.

Firat AtAman
I will double check my notes tomorrow at work but I do know that a couple of years ago because of shortages the CD trade was opened up to direct entry same as SAR Tech and AESOP. But like I said I will double check in the AM and get back to this site.
Okay, I'll rephrase that:  Most people don't join solely for the money.
One thing that must be considered here is that he lives in BC, and 31k is certainly living in a cardboard box out there. I'm not sure if there's anybody that wants to serve Queen and country bad enough to work for 31k in BC.

Ataman, in BC, post-living differential is rather high. As of Apr 08, for Kamloops-Kelowna, it was 525 per month, Vancouver was 1083, Victoria/Esquilmalt was 816, but Nanaimo was only 75. This may be something else you may want to consider into your pay.

EDIT: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/db-as/pld-ivc/pldhr-ivcth-eng.asp here, take a look in case i missed something.
FDO you forgot the third dive class: Port Inspection Diver.

Ballz I highly doubt that he'll have to worry about living off base the first few years of his career.
Considering he'll probably be bounced from one CFB to another as a CANDIDATE he won't have to worry about that PLD.

Ataman if you're joining for the money don't. That's the wrong attitude, and if you're making more now then why bother joining if money is important?

I strongly discourage those who join DE into a high stress, hard selection MOC. The reason for this is that they have a high failure rate to begin with, and this is CF members, off the street applicants are generally not in the same fitness level as those who are serving and have prepped months some years for this chance.

Get into a Naval MOC first. Get in a NAVRES PID if you want, see if you like the life style and the work environment. Then if you really want it go for CD Prelim. This way you get to have best of both worlds. A well paying civi job and a chance to play sailor.
MedTech said:
FDO you forgot the third dive class: Port Inspection Diver.

Ballz I highly doubt that he'll have to worry about living off base the first few years of his career.
Considering he'll probably be bounced from one CFB to another]d a CANDIDATE he won't have to worry about that PLD.

Ataman if you're joining for the money don't. That's the wrong attitude, and if you're making more now then why bother quiting if money is important?
I strongly discourage those who join DE into a high stress, hard selection MOC. The reason for this is that they have a high failure rate to begin with, and this is CF members,
Off the street applicants are generally not in the same fitness level as those who are serving and have prepped months some years for this chance.

Get into a Naval MOC first. Get in a NAVRES PID if you want, see if you like the life style and the work environment. Then if you really want it go for CD Prelim. This way you get to have best of both worlds. A well paying civi job and a chance to play sailor.

You can't fault a guy for trying to maintain his quality of life money wise.Yeah sure you can stand on the cardboard box anx and preach,but I'm sure you don't know if he's got kid's other money requirements.As per people jumping on someone for asking a very valid question.

If money aint important I suspect you donate all your spare money to charity?
Fact is money is important to some.Me included.If I couldnt etch out a life I wanted  I wouldnt have joined.
X-mo-1979 said:
You can't fault a guy for trying to maintain his quality of life money wise.Yeah sure you can stand on the cardboard box anx and preach,but I'm sure you don't know if he's got kid's other money requirements.As per people jumping on someone for asking a very valid question.

If money aint important I suspect you donate all your spare money to charity?
Fact is money is important to some.Me included.If I couldnt etch out a life I wanted  I wouldnt have joined.

You're right I can't. However, I wasn't faulting him for wanting to keep a quality of life, but rather his casual dismiss of the fact he wouldn't join for so little. But we're both speculating here so I'll stick to what I said and why I said it.

X-mo this isn't about me here. Just so you know I DO donate to charity, and I make less then $40,000 a year, and I own a car, and I pay rent and a variety of other bills. Oh want another shocker? I live in VANCOUVER, which is probably THE highest living cost in CANADA, so sorry you're not budging me on that one.

My point is extremely valid. If the OP wanted to join just for the money, then no he shouldn't join because according to himself he makes more now. So why would he? He even says he wouldn't I was merely addressing that point. So why don't you suck back?