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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Isn't it a criminal offense to wear that garb when you aren't actually what it proclaims you to be?
FAL said:
Isn't it a criminal offense to wear that garb when you aren't actually what it proclaims you to be?

Stolen Valour legislation is in place in a few countries but seems focused on nailing n those wearing decorations/medals to which they are not entitled.

The quality of the video isn't good (cell phone I'm guessing) but I take it the offecnce was th Walt was wearing a Ranger Tab and/or Ranger Scroll. I guess one could make an argument that they are "decorations" in that they are akin to hazard badges. I think he also mentioned the WALT had a CIB and EOD on the uniform. Again under Stolen Valor would these qualify?

Either way poor showing by the cops at least based on what we've seen. Mind the Ranger in the video does come across as very aggressive (no surprise) and obviously upset, which suggests that it's not his first encounter with this WALT. I'd be interested in the full storyhere.
FAL said:
Isn't it a criminal offense to wear that garb when you aren't actually what it proclaims you to be?

In Canada it's an offence to impersonate an officer.  This took place in America, and he was posing as an NCO.
Danjanou said:
I think he also mentioned the WALT had a CIB and EOD on the uniform. Again under Stolen Valor would these qualify?

The walt has on his "uniform" a CIB, EOD, 101st Airborne Screaming Eagle and the Ranger Tab..... ::)
Hatchet Man said:
In Canada it's an offence to impersonate an officer.  This took place in America, and he was posing as an NCO.

In Canada it is an offence to wear the uniform with rank, Branch, Unit, or any other identifying badges, no matter the rank on the uniform, if you are not entitled to wear the uniform.

419. Unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates

419. Every one who without lawful authority, the proof of which lies on him,

(a) wears a uniform of the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force or a uniform that is so similar to the uniform of any of those forces that it is likely to be mistaken therefor,

(b) wears a distinctive mark relating to wounds received or service performed in war, or a military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron or any decoration or order that is awarded for war services, or any imitation thereof, or any mark or device or thing that is likely to be mistaken for any such mark, medal, ribbon, badge, chevron, decoration or order,

(c) has in his possession a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card from the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force that has not been issued to and does not belong to him, or

(d) has in his possession a commission or warrant or a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card, issued to an officer or a person in or who has been in the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force, that contains any alteration that is not verified by the initials of the officer who issued it, or by the initials of an officer thereto lawfully authorized,

is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 377.
Would wearing a former CF member's dog tags fall under this offence? There's a guy who's been wearing his uncle's CF ID discs outside his shirt in my area, sporting them like thinks they make him bulletproof.
Conz said:
Would wearing a former CF member's dog tags fall under this offence? There's a guy who's been wearing his uncle's CF ID discs outside his shirt in my area, sporting them like thinks they make him bulletproof.


That only makes him a moron with NO fashion sense.
There's a guy who's been wearing his uncle's CF ID discs outside his shirt in my area, sporting them like thinks they make him bulletproof
I believe the proper term for this person would be 'Douche Bag' ;)
KerryBlue said:
The walt has on his "uniform" a CIB, EOD, 101st Airborne Screaming Eagle and the Ranger Tab..... ::)

It is within the realm of possibility some grunt in the 101st did Ranger School, EOD, and deployed to Iraq long enough to earn his CIB. Something tells me though that while there may be a few guys wandering around Fort Campbell dressed like that, this guy was never one of them.  8)

Edit for typos
Danjanou said:
It is within the realm of possibility some grunt in the 101st did Ranger School, EOD, and deployed to Iraq long enough to earn his CIB. Something tells me though that while there may be a few guys wanderign around Fort Campbell dressed like that, this guy was never one of them.  8)

Sorry, I missed the fact that he according to the real ranger is also wearing the Ranger scroll. You can't be in both the 101st Airborne and 75th Ranger Regiment at the same time can you?
KerryBlue said:
Sorry, I missed the fact that he according to the real ranger is also wearing the Ranger scroll. You can't be in both the 101st Airborne and 75th Ranger Regiment at the same time can you?

No you can't.  They are separate units. 

For Reference
Ranger Tab- Means you did the course
Ranger Scroll-You are a Ranger and in the Regiment

Edit found a high quality version on youtube

It would appear he is wearing the qualification tab and not the scroll.  However he is wearing E8 Rank (equivalent to a Canadian MWO), so the likelihood of a real E8 walking outside drinking coffee with no headdress.....yeah. no.
recceguy said:
It's not worth the time to even discuss it. Let it go.

That's what the whole walt thread is about though, getting into the details to spot the less than obvious fakes.  Not everyone is as blatant as the Hines twins.  8)
This story "popped up" on Facebook. While not classic waltism, it adds a different perspective. The story is reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act.

Faux major sought time off for girlfriend

MAY 3, 2014 10:02 PM

Victoria provincial court heard details of a case in which a Victoria man pretended to be a Canadian army major to get his girlfriend a little time off work. The man has been placed on 12 months probation.

A Victoria man who pretended to be a Canadian army major to get his girlfriend a little time off work has been placed on 12 months probation.

Victoria provincial court heard the details of 53-year-old Allen Philbrook’s scheme to dress up in uniform and deliver a letter, purportedly signed by Gen. Walt Natynczyk, then Canada’s Chief of Defence Staff, to the supervisor at the Oak Bay Kiwanis Health Centre on Sept. 27, 2012.

Crown prosecutor Susan Rupertus told the court that Philbrook’s girlfriend, Heather Scott, worked there as a licensed practical nurse and had asked her supervisor for time off because Philbrook was sick in hospital in Vancouver and doctors recommended she be at his bedside.

According to Rupertus, Scott’s supervisor, Penny Donaldson, was skeptical and told Scott she would need a doctor’s note.

Scott took time off. When she returned to work, Donaldson asked for the doctor’s note. Scott replied that the note would be coming from the military shortly, said Rupertus. “After that, Mr. Philbrook, in full military uniform, arrived at the centre and found Ms. Donaldson, who was in a meeting with some colleagues. One of her colleagues immediately noticed the uniform was 1960s vintage,” Rupertus said.

“He identified himself as Maj. Philbrook and handed over a letter written by Gen. Walt Natynczyk of the Canadian Armed Forces. He thanked her for giving Ms. Scott the time off and left.”

Donaldson looked at the letter and was immediately suspicious because it was full of mistakes, Rupertus said. “It did not have the look of a general’s letter.”

The supervisor questioned Scott and the investigation continued from there.

Philbrook pleaded guilty to forgery. A second charge of wearing a uniform of the Canadian Forces without lawful authority was stayed by the Crown.

Defence lawyer Roland Kuczma told the court that Philbrook is a good man who made a terrible mistake that did not benefit him personally. “It’s clearly unsophisticated, but it was an attempt to help Ms. Scott,” Kuczma said. “It’s very unfortunate that shortly after, their relationship broke up.”

Kuczma said that Philbrook was in hospital with a heart condition and doctors thought having his partner there would help stabilize him. “[Scott] was going to go over to help out, but very quickly, everything was OK,” Kuczma said. “She had asked for the time off, and they gave it to her. She went to Tofino for a few days. When she went back to work, they asked for a letter to prove she was needed. She found herself in a difficult situation and [Philbrook] wanted to help out.”

Philbrook suffers from a number of disabilities and from stress and depression, Kuczma said. But a psychiatric report shows he has computer training and wants to return to work. He’s also excited about the birth of a grandchild.

Although Kuczma asked the court to impose a conditional discharge, provincial court Judge Sue Wishart did not feel it was appropriate and instead suspended the passing of sentence.

“I’m concerned by the offence because there was some thought put into it, first writing the letter then dressing up in uniform and going to her place of work with that letter,” Wishart said.

Wishart ordered Philbrook to perform 40 hours of community service, to stay away from the Oak Bay Kiwanis Health Centre and to attend counselling as directed by his probation officer.

- See more at: http://www.timescolonist.com/news/local/faux-major-sought-time-off-for-girlfriend-1.1020485#sthash.L10aDob9.dpuf
Remember this guy?

Canadian part of network that tried to smuggle Gadhafi son into Mexico


According to the Telegraph the plot involved Mexican, Canadian and Danish suspects, who flew into Mexico to open bank accounts and purchase safe houses. (Mexican interior minister Alejandro) Poire said.  Digital Journal reported in October that Saadi's Ontarian bodyguard, Gary Peters, was involved in Saadi's escape to Niger. He said at the time that his escape plans included either Mexico or Canada. The National Post has now reported that Peters was also involved in an elaborate plot to smuggle Saadi into the Mexican resort of Punta Mita, on the Pacific Coast.

Like he wasn't already in enough poop ....
A year after he was deported from Canada for war crimes committed during the fall of the Gaddafi dictatorship, a private security contractor has been outed by a veterans group for faking much of his military record.

Calling Gary Peters a “scurrilous liar, cheat and wannabe,” the Australian and New Zealand Military Imposters group said the former Ontario resident had worn medals he was not entitled to, including for service in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Nor had he served in the Special Air Service, although its insignia is tattooed on his arm, the group said on its website. “Peters has no entitlement to wear any of the above medals except perhaps the Australian Defence Medal.”

Confronted with the allegation, Mr. Peters acknowledged to the veterans group that he had been a “private soldier driver” in the Royal Australian Corps of Transport between 1991 and 1995 but had never served abroad, it added ....
More from the Australian & New Zealand Military Imposters group on this guy here.
For those of you who enjoy a good laugh please follow the link and watch this muppet try to talk his way out of his Waltery!


Audio sucks on that vid, can't make it out, but his tone is quite waffle-y.