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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

ObedientiaZelum said:
Who are you talking to rifleman62? It's like you're having a conversation with yourself?

It's generally accepted forum etiquette that in the absence of quotation, or addressing someone by name, that the immediately preceding post is the one being responded to.  Seemed pretty clear to me...and by some accounts, I'm apparently irredeemably stupid.  ;)
dodger39 said:
Maybe a photo of the uniform being worn may jog some ones memory. I've blocked out the faces until I can get an answer as to whether the unit existed.

Remember these 2 clowns from Brisbane, Australia. Well they now grace the pages of ANZMI. Read there astounding bullshit story here.
I've got a question.

How does one go about making an official conclusion that a person has not served, or did not serve to the extent the person claims? The reason I ask is one of my current supervisors talks about how he was in the CF as an MP but there are some things he talks about that just seems... off. Is there anyway I could call or email a department to verify someone's service? Sometimes I believe that this person did serve, but there are days where it seems he must have only done a Basic Engagement or dropped the ball at some point and got fired. There are even basic military terms that I've mentioned to him and he asks me what "it" is because he has no clue - terms that anyone that has indeed served 20 years, would know.

Thanks in advance.
He brought in his CFMPA certificate when he was putting together a request for Private Investigator status, but I'm sure you could easily get a hold of and forge something like that... I'm just skeptical, tis all.
JorgSlice said:
He brought in his CFMPA certificate when he was putting together a request for Private Investigator status, but I'm sure you could easily get a hold of and forge something like that... I'm just skeptical, tis all.

I take it, that an RCMP 'step' is involved in the process.  One whereby they will check his history and references.
JorgSlice said:
terms that anyone that has indeed served 20 years, would know.

I have served for almost 20 years. Do you have any idea how much things, names and terminology has changed over that time ?

Not everyone who says they used to be in is a poser.
CDN Aviator said:
I have served for almost 20 years. Do you have any idea how much things, names and terminology has changed over that time ?

Not everyone who says they used to be in is a poser.

I understand this, however, sometimes talking to him about his career he tends to avoid any and all questions altogether and begins to complain and act quite strange about it.

Was there ever a "NATO Use of Force Instructor" in Germany in 1983?
Is it possible for an MP to lead and complete over 350 investigations himself? In that light, is it possible without even having any association to the CFNIS?
CDN Aviator said:
I have served for almost 20 years. Do you have any idea how much things, names and terminology has changed over that time ?

Not everyone who says they used to be in is a poser.

He hasn't accused him of anything yet. He hass said he is skeptical, which is understandable in some cases.
JorgSlice said:
Was there ever a "NATO Use of Force Instructor" in Germany in 1983?

I don't know, i was not in the CF in 1983. Lots of things from the 80s aren't around anymore either.

JorgSlice said:
is it possible without even having any association to the CFNIS?

CFNIS was not established until 1997. If he had a career before 1997............

CFNIS is tasked with investigating "serious and sensitve matters related to DND and the CF." so i'm sure there are "non-serious and non-sensitive matters related to DND and the CF" that one could have investigated without being CFNIS, even after it was created.
JorgSlice said:
I understand this, however, sometimes talking to him about his career he tends to avoid any and all questions altogether and begins to complain and act quite strange about it.

Was there ever a "NATO Use of Force Instructor" in Germany in 1983?
Is it possible for an MP to lead and complete over 350 investigations himself? In that light, is it possible without even having any association to the CFNIS?

I've been an MP for all of 4 months and have well over 50 'investigations' to my name. Most for petty minor things, but if you consider anything we generate a report for an investigation, then definitely.
JesseWZ said:
I've been an MP for all of 4 months and have well over 50 'investigations' to my name. Most for petty minor things, but if you consider anything we generate a report for an investigation, then definitely.

So that's one put to bed.

The other was that he was the "NATO Use of Force instructor" and was training CIVPOL and MP personnel from all worldly militaries(sp) that were posted to West Germany during that time period around 1983. Among other things, he just seems very... bitter about his career which could for any number of reasons. I could just be over analyzing, my previous employer's management team was full of walts (well 2) that talked about tours to obscure and "classified city" that Canada never even touched as far as I know. One even said he was given the Canadian Medal of Honor.... No names, no pack drill.
The complete rundown on the walt brothers, John and George Hines which is
from ANZMI and shared with provisions of The copyright Act

The Hines Twins - John (Jack) Anthony Hines and George Edward Hines, aka George Edward Carr
Warning viewing the photographs in this exposure may cause nausea.
Before '97 it was called SIU (special Investigations Unit).  Rather comical bunch, they drove around "undercover" in propane powered black Dodge K cars wearing dark suits with white socks and CF oxfords (low shoes as we called them back then).