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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

medicineman said:
Notice he's also got more gongs on him than a Russsian General?


Toss up


Mind he ain’t got nothing on those Korean Generals’


Something tells me I'd stand a better chance with the Koreans than I would with the Canadian "Snake eater"!
FDO said:
Something tells me I'd stand a better chance with the Koreans than I would with the Canadian "Snake eater"!

In either case I think the bling doubles as body armour. 8)
Idi Amin was also a "medal detector":
Must be an early picture there MM, he does not appear to be sporting his VC 8)

Old Sweat said:
It has been my experience that the real tough guys never feel the need to tell people how tough they are. And I would add there rarely is any doubt about their toughness in the eye of the beholder.

Not only that, but all those I knew and met that were or are (for real and not BSing) in the military always prefer not talking about some of the shit that happened (for those that went on tour), limiting their stories to the humourous and positives. That and there is the whole non-disclosure thing of security clearances. Anyone that brags about such stuff usually have few screws loose.
Come to think of it, the closest bragging stories I heard limited to a few about BMQ (by another girl about my age who ended up getting medically released or some such), and another I am not sure if he was in the reserves or regular, telling some wacky stories about the Ice Storm, and one story where he dressed down a MP when they stopped a truck he was driving to or from or near Pembroke for something they did not do or/and just outside of jurisdiction.

I was wondering if anyone know or heard of female 'Walts'? I am curious, as the girl I referred to before spoke out of ass a bit to much before starting BMQ (for the longest time, most of us [group of friends] did not believe she was joining the CF), and about other endeavor attempts before they happened or not.

One would presume there are female walts although I have yet to come across any.

Anyway the uber hard Hooligan from Hereford is claiming to be the real deal.


Please note the old " I can't tell you about it because it's all secret" line of defence. ::)
It's easy to tell that he's a walt, because real SAS guys don't wear "beige" berets.

Number 4 on the bottom row might be one of the ones sported by a certain local TV star/walt. Hard to tell from the photo, though.
Loachman said:
It's easy to tell that he's a walt, because real SAS guys don't wear "beige" berets.

FWIW, in my rather limited experience, anyone from that level of "go faster" types, be it SAS, JTF2, Delta or whatever, never volunteer that they were.  If they feel they can trust you, and you privately ask them a direct question, you might get an honest answer.

It's almost a guarantee that if someone tells you, out of the blue, that they were JTF2, SAS, Delta or anything like that - they're lying.  The way they keep the identities of guys who are/were SAS classified makes it mind bogglingly unlikely that someone would just saunter up to a Remembrance Day parade with that kind of regalia.

Your mileage may vary, of course.
Reviving walt thread instead of starting new one.

A reminder:  The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and Canada's constitution, guarantees the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.  That said, what's the only thing worse than someone faking military service?  Someone faking military service AND illness to raise money for himself  :rage:
A B.C. man wanted for allegedly posing as a member of the military and seeking donations to pay for his health costs has been charged with fraud.

Douglas Archie Clark, 64, of Burnaby, was charged with 13 counts of fraud, police said in a news release Friday.

Police allege Clark has defrauded 40 or more victims out of more than $1 million.

Complaints dating back to the 1990s claim Clark portrayed himself as either an active or retired member of the Canadian military - and was even seen in a military-style uniform, police said. It's alleged he asked for money to pay for cancer treatments that were not covered by his medical plan.

After an investigation spanning three and a half years, police arrested and charged Clark in June. The court released him under the conditions he not contact any of the alleged victims or wear any military uniform. He was also ordered to stay in B.C. and return to court July 11.

When he failed to appear at that court date, a warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was picked up again Thursday ....
Source:  QMI Media, 12 Aug 11
The only BSing I did about my career was in the mess after training weekends and training nights. This was during the mid 80's, Myself and another older member of the unit would sit at the bar, and wait for the newbies to wander in and then we'd start trading stories about or tours in Vietnam during the 60's and 70's. Once we had one or two on the hook, we'd reel them in. Once or twice it was worth a free beer.

Funny, we were both barely old enough to have been alive during the Vietnam war, but aqpparenly we pulled off a good enough line that a couple of the newbies bought it.
On my IAP and BOPT I had a couple of 19 year old RMC bound cadets that had some Reserve time... One in his few years in the Reserves managed to spend a year as an assaulter in JTF 2 while the other spend two years in the UK training the "British Intelligence services."  Both would fervently defend themselves when called out by their peers with some coomom sense or the UTPs on the course.  As an aside, I believe both graduated and are somewhere in the CF...
D3 said:
As an aside, I believe both graduated and are somewhere in the CF...

Somewhere in the CF leading troops.... :facepalm:
Hopefully in a cubicle at NDHQ with no responsibility for anything to do with troops.

medicineman said:
Hopefully in a cubicle at NDHQ with no responsibility for anything to do with troops.

Or, more scarily, in a cubicle at NDHQ able to do more damage to more troops than if they were a platoon commander  :(
Or, he got mature, and is now a reasonably fine leader of troops.
cupper said:
The only BSing I did about my career was in the mess after training weekends and training nights. This was during the mid 80's, Myself and another older member of the unit would sit at the bar, and wait for the newbies to wander in and then we'd start trading stories about or tours in Vietnam during the 60's and 70's. Once we had one or two on the hook, we'd reel them in. Once or twice it was worth a free beer.

Funny, we were both barely old enough to have been alive during the Vietnam war, but aqpparenly we pulled off a good enough line that a couple of the newbies bought it.

One of our favorite pastimes while sitting 6 miles below the DMZ was to introduce the newbies to the orientation, with heavy emphasis on how lonely it got here at nights (while having an arm around their shoulders, and a light squeeze), giving them their list of equipment to draw at battalion, but emphasizing that they draw at least 2 body bags....one for someone else if they got hit, the other for them if they got hit....Great fun!!! (envision  uncomfortable squirms, big round eyes, etc..... ;D)

This doesn't count the number of times we sent people off to Quang Tri or Da Nang on a Mike boat or LST (a 2 day round trip) to draw a 5 gal pail of frequency grease because radios were not picking up signals..... ;D