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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Hey there ladies and gents,

I knew this guys story was a load and a half, but never investigated further.  I baited him with a question, and he evaded..but i never followed up.  I'm not actually PPCLI (my brother inlaw is however), but i study canadian military history.

His posts were hilariously full of garbage, and full of call-of-duty-esque logic.  I'm glad you all came over and tore a strip out of that thread and him. 

Keep up the good work.  :salute:
George Wallace said:
Which one?  All four were in my Troop.  The guy on the left was my GIB.  Give me a name and I can tell you.

yeah, the quote was pretty hard to read....Greay background and lght black words :P

flyingmonkey said:
Apparently, he's the one on the far right

Is that your "Civie Right", your "Army Right", "on the right in the picture", "on the right as they stand in the photo", or whatever?  With a name, several of us can ID whether or not (s)he is legit.
Yeah...that's the guy...a definite Walt if I've ever seen one........sheesh!
George Wallace said:
Is that your "Civie Right", your "Army Right", "on the right in the picture", "on the right as they stand in the photo", or whatever?  With a name, several of us can ID whether or not (s)he is legit.

I'll point you to: http://wurmonline.com/forum/index.php?topic=6737/post-190468#msg190468

Der Panzerkommandant said:
That's so funny! I personally know that guy as he's serving in St Jean, Que right now. I also know the fella on top of the 'yote as he was blown up in an IED blast (he's doing well now) and the other with his arms crossed is another young guy that was in in my troop a couple of years ago.

I'll give Steve (the guy on the far right) a call and let him know!     

Imagine that...going from impersonating a Patricia to impersonating a Dragoon.

George Wallace said:
Thanks for the link.....but:

Ah, sorry! Didn't realize they had that sort of filtering  :-X The thread was locked shortly after that post anyway, without any additional information being posted.
George Wallace said:
Is that your "Civie Right", your "Army Right", "on the right in the picture", "on the right as they stand in the photo", or whatever?  With a name, several of us can ID whether or not (s)he is legit.

Well considering I only quoted the orignal post, I couldn't tell yea. But I would assume he is reffering to the right from Camera side, not subject side. But thats all cleared up now anyways.
George Wallace said:
Is that your "Civie Right", your "Army Right", "on the right in the picture", "on the right as they stand in the photo", or whatever?  With a name, several of us can ID whether or not (s)he is legit.

To add to this, with a name, several of us can find out:
1-where he is posted;
2-his service number;
3-when the last time he had items such as underwear and boots issued to him;
and 4-the size of said underwear and boots.

That is of course if he is in the CF.
;D  Of course (s)he isn't, so his/her name will not match the photos of people we know. 

We have already seen that (s)he claims to have been posted to Units that did not match the locations (s)he said (s)he lived.

I am sure that if (s)he did produce a S/N that it would be an invalid one.

(S)He likely never had anything issued--it all being purchased at a Surplus Store or on Ebay.

(S)He likely couldn't figure out the size of any of the articles; boots, pants, shirts, jackets, gas mask, etc.

Well obviously you're not going to find Corp. (lol) Kelly Sikorski in the DIN GAL since his pers file was erased 1984 style as soon as he joined the JTF2 Stryker Seamen...

At the setting of the sun, we hear the faint whisper of muffled rotors as the Black Helicopters take their positions of surveillance over our target whose electronic devices are closely monitored by CSE and 2 EW Sqn (a super secret, clandestine unit stationed outside a major Canadian City that shall remain nameless).  Silently, with trained precision, stealthy agents of the Crown gather their information on our unsuspecting Walt, building terabytes of databases on his/her activities, creating link analysis to connect all his/her contacts and activities, slowly widening their net of .............
Actually, it's "Lieutenant Corporal", and in the thread he claimed that rank, he claimed his last name was "Muller".

popnfresh said:
Well obviously you're not going to find Corp. (lol) Kelly Sikorski in the DIN GAL since his pers file was erased 1984 style as soon as he joined the JTF2 Stryker Seamen...
Redeye said:
Actually, it's "Lieutenant Corporal", and in the thread he claimed that rank, he claimed his last name was "Muller".

He also claims to have a wife, a daughter (whose alleged given name is different from the name he gives as her username), and at least 3 separately-identified nephews, one with height and weight measurements given.
So is a Lieutenant Corporal a NCM, NCO or Commissioned Officer? 
I must Know so I can too achieve this prestigious rank.  :P
CEEBEE501 said:
So is a Lieutenant Corporal a NCM, NCO or Commissioned Officer? 
I must Know so I can too achieve this prestigious rank.  :P

Obviously it's a Commissioned Non-Commissioned Member.
Did a bit of searching and came across this old thread


perhaps this walt also read the same book and believes it is a real rank