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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Peter Toth, of Red Deer, AB has been found guilty of impersonating a US Marine during Remembrance Day Ceremonies at three local schools.  He was charged with three counts under Section 419 of the criminal code.  He plead guilty to two counts, fake medals and fake papers, after saying he was suffering from mental problems and now has PTSD.  One count of wearing an unauthorized uniform was dropped by the Crown.  Fake Soldier, Frank Gervais, famous for being interviewed on camera during the National Remembrance Day Ceremonies in 2014 received one year probation and 50 hours of community service.  During Peter Toth's trial, there were 10 veterans in the court watching him.  The judge sentenced Peter to 1 1/2 years of supervised probation and 200 hours of community service.  We would have liked more but a win is a win.  We feel the courts are seriously looking at fake soldiers and not letting them get away with it.




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This has been posted already in the Walts, Posers and Wannabes thread in Radio Chatter.
10-4.  I was looking under Current Affairs.  I was just letting everyone know the good news.

Anyone from NS familiar with a hunting store owner in Lantz that claims to be an ex SAS sniper ? 

Bought some ammo last night from a guy of CGN and started blabbering about this guy at Hnatiuk’s who is claiming to be an ex SAS Sniper. 

It sounds to me like a guy those credentials should be known by someone on this forum.

Now I am not that familiar with SOF folks but I would imagine these people are quiet professionals and don't go around advertising their qualifications, I could be wrong. 
Halifax Tar said:
Anyone from NS familiar with a hunting store owner in Lantz that claims to be an ex SAS sniper ? 

Bought some ammo last night from a guy of CGN and started blabbering about this guy at Hnatiuk’s who is claiming to be an ex SAS Sniper. 

It sounds to me like a guy those credentials should be known by someone on this forum.

Now I am not that familiar with SOF folks but I would imagine these people are quiet professionals and don't go around advertising their qualifications, I could be wrong.
Peter Elliot

His self declared CV

Professional diplomas / certificates:
NS Provincial Firearms instructor. 
NS Provincial Hunter safety instructor.
British Military, All arms, Explosives, Map reading & Survival, CQB, Rappelling & Unarmed Combat instructor.
UKPSA, National instructor, Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun. 
ASLET, Police firearms and tactics instructor. 
BSAC, Sports diving instructor.
NPDS, Commercial Diver. 
Essex Police, Advanced driver, Offensive/defensive and surveillance driving. 
BAWLA, Olympic weightlifting instructor. 


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

From the company page

15 yrs in the British military, sniper, operational in several conflicts around the world. Eight years in British Special Forces; 5 years as a police officer and a "sharpshooter" in a "Tactical Firearms Team"

No idea if true or not.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Nuggs said:
British Military, All arms, Explosives, Map reading & Survival, CQB, Rappelling & Unarmed Combat instructor.
"Map Reading"?!  He is one hardcore MF -- hell, I think I  may be ovulating!  :nod:
And, over the next few days, horrified thousands will be hastily deleting that skill from their Linked In profiles.
Hell no I'm proud of my map reading skills, after all for most of my time in the army I've been told that Officers with maps are dangerous. Or was the most dangerous?
But how dangerous, by comparison, are ovulating Journeymen?

Some people are attracted to danger, though, I suppose.
No Hel Like Tac Hel said:
Peter Toth, of Red Deer, AB has been found guilty of impersonating a US Marine during Remembrance Day Ceremonies at three local schools.  He was charged with three counts under Section 419 of the criminal code.  He plead guilty to two counts, fake medals and fake papers, after saying he was suffering from mental problems and now has PTSD.  One count of wearing an unauthorized uniform was dropped by the Crown.  Fake Soldier, Frank Gervais, famous for being interviewed on camera during the National Remembrance Day Ceremonies in 2014 received one year probation and 50 hours of community service.  During Peter Toth's trial, there were 10 veterans in the court watching him.  The judge sentenced Peter to 1 1/2 years of supervised probation and 200 hours of community service.  We would have liked more but a win is a win.  We feel the courts are seriously looking at fake soldiers and not letting them get away with it.

1.5 years probation and 200 hours of community service is nothing to sneeze at, especially considering that most Canadian cases seem to be those of individuals with a demons to deal with - kinda sad actually.  Unlike a lot of American walts, there seem to be few cases of anyone trying to gain some kind of financial advantage (e.g. military discounts) from posing.  I think this sentence was actually quite appropriate.  The respect of his community is likely shattered.  I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.  Treating things like this too harshly can actually backfire in that if sentences start getting too high, then judges will start to hold the actual offence to higher standard, meaning they will become reluctant to find guilt in lesser cases.

Anyone recognze this man? Says his name is Robert Broughton. Is supposed to be station/posted in Milo South Africa and is from Calgary. Says he is retiring in December.

From what I have found out there are no serving personnel there.

My sister in law who is a widow has been communicating with him and he asked for her to buy a $50 I Tunes Card......



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That first picture looks photoshopped to me. The border around the hair is too sharp, and the shadows don't line up.
Here's a link to the latest available "Canadian Gunner" (2015)


Technically if he's a gunner major he should be in the book somewhere as either a major or captain but my quick review couldn't find any "Broughton". The uniform in the picture does look like a recent genuine gunner one. Can't make out the nametag clearly or the shoulder flashes but it does appear as RCA and "Broughton" so I would have thought the name ought to have been in the book even if this is a photoshopped effort.


ModlrMike said:
That first picture looks photoshopped to me. The border around the hair is too sharp, and the shadows don't line up.

I think it looks "Shopped" too, because his head looks too big.

I beware of anyone who starts asking for money/gifts...
PMedMoe said:
I think it looks "Shopped" too, because his head looks too big.

I beware of anyone who starts asking for money/gifts...


Please counsel your in law to put these people/person on ignore and go over the security settings of their social media.  I have had to help out my in-laws with this. 

Another step could be to reverse image search the pictures.
He's also wearing the "Corps" patch (  ::) ) on his left arm....

(so he may be 'posing,' but it's in Dress Regs… and arguing that CADTC and Army HQ are somehow "Corps" is a different tangent)