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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Blackadder1916 said:
U.S. Code, Title 10, Subtitle C, Part II,  Chapter 567, § 6244 . . . the US law dealing with the award of the Silver Star; enacted Aug. 10, 1956 and the sole amendment to the law on July 25, 1963 

This only applies to the awarding of the Silver Star to the US Navy and Marine Corps.
The Silver Star was placed into law by Congress in 1942.
This is a Link from a U.S Army blog site for the awarding of the Bronze Star, and it does specifically state that the Bronze Star may be awarded to foreign troops. I can't find anything regarding the Silver Star other than what has already been posted.

According to Wikipedia, some Australians were awarded the Silver Star as far back as 1942.


Another one bites the dust! GOOGLE Clayton Donaghue Orillia for another Walt being charged. This one has allegedly some more deviant side line issues.  I seem to remember him and suspect the farthest away he's been might have been Petawawa.
ModlrMike said:
Update: seems the LS in question is a serving member on the Wing, and former member of my unit. Some email traffic generated today. MTF.

Received an email from the Cox'n courtesy of the Wing Chief. The errant member will be subject to some direct mentoring.

I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I know I don't want any.
Not a military walt/poser, but one worthy of inclusion ...
A Pennsylvania man who claimed for years to have escaped from Auschwitz, met track and field star Jesse Owens and Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, confessed on Friday that he had fabricated the entire story.

“I am writing today to apologize publicly for harm caused to anyone because of my inserting myself into the descriptions of life in Auschwitz,” Joseph Hirt, 86, wrote in a letter sent to his local paper, LNP, this week. “I was not a prisoner there. I did not intend to lessen or overshadow the events which truly happened there by falsely claiming to have been personally involved.”

“I was wrong. I ask forgiveness,” he added. “I determined at that moment to do everything in my power to prevent the loss of the truth about wartime life (and death) at Auschwitz.”

For years, Hirt gave public speeches about his experiences in the second world war, including his Jewish family’s flight from Poland to Belgrade. But he also told people that he was arrested by the Nazis, sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz, and met Mengele, the SS physician who tortured prisoners of the concentration camp. Hirt claimed to have escaped under an electric fence at the camp.

He added an extraordinary prologue and epilogue to the story, saying that he saw Adolf Hitler turn his back on Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, and that he met Eleanor Roosevelt and Owens after his arrival in the United States ...
milnews.ca said:
Not a military walt/poser, but one worthy of inclusion ...Ouch!

Not technically a Walt either, just a jokester I remember. On a call in this guy's apartment. A studio portrait of him in uniform on the wall. I asked if it was taken during the war. Yes, he said. Me, "I bet you saw a lot of action." "Oh yes, I was a Remington Raider." I was impressed! Then he explained, and we had a good laugh together.  :)

But, sometimes those are the type of guys who really did see a lot of action?
Latest nabbed & charged in Toronto ...
Daniel Roy sat hunched over on the southeast corner of Bloor St. and St. George last week, legs outstretched, his head sinking to the ground between his knees.

In front of him was a sign that read: “Retired military. Sick and homeless. Please help.”

Wearing a dark green military jacket decorated with insignia and a maroon beret, he thanked strangers that dropped coins into his small tin or stopped to bring him food, and gave the sign of the cross when a man handed him a $20-bill.

Roy, 49, was arrested and charged with unlawfully wearing a uniform of the Canadian Forces on Tuesday morning.

Toronto Police were notified of Roy’s actions after a veteran suspected his uniform was not legitimate.

Police spokesperson Meghan Gray said he was arrested and charged for unlawfully wearing a military uniform of the Canadian Forces, namely the uniform of a Captain in the Canadian Army, contrary to Section 419 (a) of the Criminal Code.

He was released on a promise to appear in court ...

With those wings, he must be one of those "Sky Captains" I'm hearing suggested the new RCAF ranks. >:D
Eye In The Sky said:
The 2nd picture makes me literally laugh out loud!  Glad they stopped this moron.
That's the photo I shared via FB when someone says, "maybe we should give this guy the benefit of the doubt - maybe he WAS a vet."  Vetranarian?  Maybe.  Veteran?  Less likely ...
mariomike said:
Outrageous. Most panhandlers I have seen are satisfied with an old army surplus jacket.

milnews.ca said:
That's the photo I shared via FB when someone says, "maybe we should give this guy the benefit of the doubt - maybe he WAS a vet."  Vetranarian?  Maybe.  Veteran?  Less likely ...

Even in the ( unlikely, by the look of it ) event he is a veteran, this comes into play,

Wearing Uniforms Post-Release/Retirement (merged)
9 pages.

Even in that event, A) He's not wearing it properly, B ) He's disgracing it by begging.

Although having said that, I'll never forget the cover photo on Toronto Life magazine of the president of the Toronto Police Association begging with a tin cup ( while sitting on the sidewalk ) on the Yonge Street strip!  :) He actually went on to become the chief of the Waterloo P.D.! RIP Chief Brown.
This is why it is important to destroy your tunics on retirement.  Don't drop them in the Goodwill or even the garbage, completely destroy them.
"...gave the sign of the cross when a man handed him a $20-bill."

I guess I would too! I wonder how much some of these people make? I've read some unbelievable stories.

mariomike said:
"...gave the sign of the cross when a man handed him a $20-bill."

I guess I would too! I wonder how much some of these people make? I've read some unbelievable stories.

How about the lady from Hamilton who commuted to the Eaton Center in a BMW to panhandle, while her husband had a good paying job and they both lived in a upscale neighbourhood.
George Wallace said:
How about the lady from Hamilton who commuted to the Eaton Center in a BMW to panhandle, while her husband had a good paying job and they both lived in a upscale neighbourhood.

Do you mean "The Sticker Lady", George?  :)
mariomike said:
Do you mean "The Sticker Lady", George?  :)

I believe that is her.  Sorry......So she drove a Jetta.  [:-[