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"Wake up, Canada - we're at war!"

scoutfinch: A reward for service as a civilian over twenty years ago.  Any connections long gone, though one hopes some knowledge retained to shine light where there is darkness.  Connection with Damian Penny is pure chance--he apparently liked my comments at "Daimnation" and invited me (along with some others) to guest-blog.

And I should add I don't know Mr Bobbitt personally--just e-mail contacts.

Ummmm... don't go all conspiracy-theorist on me now... I wasn't reading anything into the fact that you blogged on Damien's site... I hardly know Damien Penny other than as a name who graduated from my law school.  In fact, I think he was in third year when I entered law school. 

I just thought it was odd... as in unusual, not as in *should I be looking for a weird connection* kinda odd.
Sounds like all my E T L -labelled stuff is going to get devalued soon by peple flooding the market with cheap imitations.  Better sell quick while the market is stable!

Bumper sticker with "Just because Im paranoid doesnt mean they're NOT out to get me" punchline: $12.95

Original copy of 6 Int Coy Internal memo: $4.95

NORAD Int camo hat that says "Int guys do it behind locked doors": $14.95

Original MOC 111 Certificate of Achivement: $0.01

"Been there done that" Picture of 7 Int Ops and Officer on a runway in the Middle East: $9.99

Photocopy of the "Mujahideen handbook", in Arabic with Bosnian subtitles: $199.00

Many others, cheap, call now before out of stock, 1-866-555-5555. Ask for 'Spooky'.

Come to think of it, I didnt until I retired. Then I turned in my issue article 'Suppressant, Humour, for Analyst, C1A1, extra-strength, one unit per, class B'