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Waiting For The Phone Call For BMQ

I called again today and actually got through to a recruit and he pulled up my file turns out my back check was cleared and the only thing I waiting for is my medical to get cleared, he told me to call back a week from today and it should be cleared by then so I'm hoping I can make it on a course by then end of March.
Hey everyone. Just to give everyone a bit of an idea about how long it CAN take, i just got my call today, and i applied beginning of December. So all I can say is don't give up =). With the amount of recruiting ads I've seen recently, I'm sure the offices are swamped.

Anyways, I'm getting sworn in in Calgary on the 11th, and fly out for Saint Jean on the 27th. Maybe I'll see some of you there.

Good luck everyone.
Oi, I applied in October.  ;) Well, sticking in there is all we can do, besides keep working out and reading up on our history and BMQ horror stories. Scorching71, glad you got your call! Hopefully some of us meet you there, and good luck.

SoldierInTheMaking, lemme know if you get the call in a week.

For now, I'm supposed to be writing up a report of BackCheck's call history and which of my references received any word. Oi vey, wish me luck.

Just want to know if this is normal, I recently had medical forms get sent away to be reviewed. They reached the destination around the end of February, so I was told. When I first gave the medical forms to my file manager he said it could take 2-3 weeks, when he said that, the 3rd week would have been March 12, but when I called they still we're being review, then the recruiter I was talking to then said it could take 30 days till they receive them back. I then told him it has already been three weeks, so he said if I don't receive a call by the end of March, call them back. I don't think I will be rejected because of medical issues I passed it with flying colors, V1 for everything. The only problem I had was flat feet, and I only need insoles for them. I did have asthma though when I was a baby but it wasn't even recorded because it was such a small case which I grew out of after a few months to a year, so that should not be a problem, everything else with me was fine. So is there any reason for me to be worrying or does it usually take this long?


Try to remember; yours is not the only medical file being reviewed. Timings can be - at best - estimates, not definites.  If they are dealing with multiple difficult cases that can bog things down as well.  There are so many variables in the recruiting process - you really just can't ballpark when anything is going to happen.  Just be patient, and watch the mail.  As long as you don't find a letter in your mailbox, don't sweat it.  There is no point in worrying about something you have zero control over.  Just keep checking in from time to time and eventually there'll be news for you.

Good luck!
Alright, I will, thanks for your help...........I better not get a letter in the mail, I would be extremely upset, not that I could do anything about it but still, very upset.

My medical was on December 8th, and I didn't hear anything until February 16th, which was unfortunately a letter saying I failed the medical (chiro/orthodics), but I appealed their decision and I got a 2nd letter saying they reconsidered and gave me a pass (March 6th).

Maybe the time-frames, orthodics/insoles part, or the fact it's in the form of a letter,  might help you not to worry. 

Be patient and good luck!  :cdn:
AAHH finally got the call. Swear in mar26 BMQ apr 6t. Good luck to all thosestill waiting.I Hope to see you all there.
smittymed said:
AAHH finally got the call. Swear in mar26 BMQ apr 6t. Good luck to all thosestill waiting.I Hope to see you all there.

Congrat's and good luck at BMQ, I'll hopefully be there soon.

So far the process for me has gone pretty quickly. I applied for communications, linesman and sig op at the beginning of Aug, and I completed my physical today. My recruiter said I could be finished the process by the end of Nov, but won't make it in time for the fall basic and I'll have to wait for March. I'm hoping that changes and I can do my basic ASAP, but I might have to wait for spring since I applied for Reserves. The more research I do, the more I want to be fulltime, does anyone know if its difficult to transfer from Reserve to FT?
Component Transfers from the PRES to Reg Force can take lots of time, others go very quickly.  Many variables to factor in.

If you are serious about Reg Force, you might consider changing you application from PRES to Regs now.  :2c:
I've also been thinking about switching to Reg. I though about part-time for a while, but the more I think about part-time, the more I want to do full-time. But, as everyone else, I am waiting for the call to BMQ, quite a nerving process, and many nights by the phone.