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Waiting For The Phone Call For BMQ


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Hey I've handed in everything that has to be in, completed and successfully pass everything, and now I am just waiting for a phone call. I've called the recruiting centre a few days ago and they have said that they were sending my file to be reviewed and after that I would be on the merit board. I have also asked how long would it take to complete the process but she was new to the job and was able to give an estimated time which I can understand. Now I'm asking if anyone can give me or from experience how long it took them to receive a phone call? Or if I don't get accepted into the forces will they still notify me?
Thanks alot! :salute:
it took me around 2 months from being on the merit list to my offer, taking into considertation i had only 1 choice for a job and that i was comming in semi skilled and it was close to thestart of the new financial year (well at least that was the reason i was given anyway)
I'm on the end of my third week of waiting since i had my file sent to Ottawa for approval. It's a lengthy process and i'm sure they are swamped with applications.

I'm unsure of whether they stop the BMQ for winter or not, hopefully the phone rings soon though.

hey kr3w, i think the timings will all depend on the trade you're applying for and any issues you may have.  Once you are in the merit list, your application should go fast.
Before worrying about the phone call for BMQ, you have to know when you're going to get sworn in. Anyway, I don't know much about your trade, or whether you're goin for reserves or regular.. Wish you luck and for now, wait out! I waited 1.5 yrs but it's worth the wait.
CDN Aviator said:
Why would the CF stop for winter ?

Ummmm, because it's a much kinder and gentler military now don't you know.... ;D
The recruiting process took about 3 1/2 weeks from handing in my application to getting my offer.  It all depends on the trade you chose, how high you are on the merit list and your file itself.  Good luck
The trade that I choose was Infantry, and just out of curiosity will they notify you if you don't get accepted?
I was told if I get an envelope in the mail it would mean i've been turned down, and a phone call would be a thumbs up.

My trade is infantry too.  When they completed my medical they told me I would be reccomended for hire but it takes about a week to get approved my Ottawa.  I got a call 3 hour later with an offer.  This was however at the begginning of the fiscal year so a bunch of spots at BMQ were becoming available.  All you can do now is sit tight and hope the phone rings soon.
Kr3w said:
The trade that I choose was Infantry, and just out of curiosity will they notify you if you don't get accepted?

of course they will notify you. if you have no major problems, they should accept you.
Does anyone know when its the beginning of a new year for recruiting? Or how many people they take for infantry. I have been reading the samples from handing in your application to receiving a job offer, and didn't see alot of people apply for infantry. I'm just trying to gauge when I'll get an offer, because if I don't than I'm going to do some academic upgrading :P
As far as I remember, my recruiter has told me that at each unit, there are a certain number of spots that they fill up monthly or so.  The number of spots open is Unit specific. Don't worry man, just wait out. If there are any problems concerning your application, your CFRC should contact you.
If there was a handy guide for timelines as they apply to joining, there would be very few posts on this site.  :)

The new year for recruiting follows the fiscal year which starts April 1st. The best advice regarding wait times that I've seen on this site while waiting myself is to try and think of the waiting period as training. A great skill in the military, especially in the infantry, is the ability to hurry up and wait. You're going to be doing it your whole career so you might as well get used to it now.

Best of luck!  :salute:
jeffb said:
especially in the infantry,

Its the same everywhere......the infantry has no monopoly or anything on "hurry up and wait"
Thanks guys, its comin up on 3 1/2 weeks since I handed in everything. Still sleepin by the phone, but it will come soon hopefully :D knock on wood.
i had my interview today, and since all my medical and security/credit checks have already been completed the Career Counsellor said it would take 2 weeks to find out if i'm selected for the positions i applied for. he also said that if i don't hear anything in 2 weeks to give him a call to find out what's happening.
I had my interview today, nothing different from what I have faced in the corporate world except for the military questions. Overall it went really well, though I was disappointed that I had memorized where all the Infantry, Artillery and Armour postings were located and didn't have to show off my new knowledge. I was found suitable for Artillery officer which is all that matters. Now all that remains is part 2 medical, But I see no problems there. Looks like i'm about to play the waiting game too.