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waiting for the final call


Jr. Member
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I got a call last month from the recruiting center. I was told to choose 3 location I'd like to go, and i don't need to take the basic training anymore. The corporal said it could take several weeks for me to wait for the last call for the location and description of the job. So, anyone know whether it is normal to wait that long? or it is still in some kind of process?
Huh?  Can you give more background info / fill out your profile a little more so we know where you are coming from?

well, last time I asked something here should be 3-4 months before, it should be at the bottom now.
that's my history:
Dec 2004: application
Nov 2005: Fitness test
Dec 2005: security pre-assessment began
Sep 2006: first round of Medcial check ( they needed my old med profile from HQ)
Oct 2006: interview & optical test (because I took laser operation before)
Nov(or Dec): second round of medical test
mar 2007: updated my background check( Since, the file didn't cover the period from Jan. 07) 
may 2007: required to fax my transcript in the school ( maybe the copies were lost? I handed them in dec 2004)
july 2007: got phone call from the office, was told no basic training needed, to choose 3 bases like to move, and should get another call  in several weeks which will tell me where to go and exactly what i'll do.................................

around april 07, I called the office and was told all of my background check no matter security, financial, criminal..............finished at last.
I applied for vehicle tech, fire control tech, cook; they took my first choice.

What is your trade / occupation ?
Obviously you are not applying for any combat arms trade ( Armd, Arty, Engr or Inf )
even musicians need to take their Basic qualification - So I don't understand what specialty trade you might have that would preclude you from doing basic.....

Because I was in the res.(inf) 7 years before. i was surprised that i could pass basic after such a long time.
It might just be a matter of waiting to get you course loaded on an SQ or your trades course.  These are less frequent than basic training.
Hmmm if they are giving you a wave on your BQ then there's a good chance they are giving you a wave on your SQ as well & will put you on your basic trade course directly.  Given that the CF doesn't like to have people standing around doing nothing, they are prolly only going to bring you in just before the trade course starts BUT, my suggestion, visit the recruiting centre & make sure that things are Okie Dokie... and not sitting at the bottom of a pile.

Good luck
I am still waiting for CFRC to receive the OMD.  :)
Hey everyone, I saw this thread and had to post.  I'm reapplying for the Infantry since i abandoned my initial application so that I could attend university, so now that that's done I still want to join the infantry. I started my new application that continued from 2004 in March 2007.  At the moment my apptitude test, medical and interview are completed and my background check was sent away on the first of August... I've called once every week or so to check in with the recruiting center and everytime its the same answer, "give it another couple weeks and call back if u dont hear from us".  they sent me the last piece of a new application form that required me to sign the consent for security background check... so does that mean they sent it away but didnt even start the background check until 2 months after the fact? (I recieved the letter on 25 Sept, 07).  Any one have any ideas, should I just keep bugging them or is that being counter productive?
I dont know how much longer they're goning to make me wait  :-\
Any comments are appreciated thanks
haha, ya my post wasnt so coherent huh?  I'm just anxious and wondering if there is anything pro active that I can do about it (besides general preparation for BMQ), is the process really taking this long or are they simply sitting on there hands with it and I need to bug them more?  That's all
Shortr of dropping down and paying them a visit, not much to do except cooling your jets and working out
Ya you're probably right, waiting can get on the nerves but I suppose I'll get in eventually right.  Anyway thanks for the advice, happy thanksgiving eh