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Waiting for call after aptitude testing


New Member
Reaction score
Currently applying Direct Entry Officer for 1) Intelligence, 2) Air Traffic Control 3) MARS
Aptitude test was on Nov. 26th, passed and adjusted my trades to above with recruiter.
I was told to expect a call around February but did not receive any communication. I emailed them but no progress.

From what I hear they don't really take Intelligence Officers directly out of the civilian sector so I am fully prepared to get the call for my 2nd trade. I'm wondering if my file isn't progressing because I have Intelligence as my first choice. Wondering if I should call them, or if I am simply in the same backlog boat as everyone else.

I spoke to two acquaintances in the reserves who suggested I call them but I don't want to be pushy. They say 'they should be hiring like crazy' but I'm not sure what they mean. Also saw some ads on TV which would seem to indicate they are recruiting.

Anyway not really sure what the situation is.
If there is any advice on how to nudge things along that would be great.

Hello cdnjarhead

Thank you for your interest in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

It is suggested that you contact your local recruiting detachment, and remain in contact every 30 days. Just be reminded DEO entry plans are not currently a high priority.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
Sorry I have another question after all.

If I want to be a reservist and gain military experience and serve while I am waiting for DEO application, is this possible?
Or does this mean changing my application and becoming a reservist and giving up on the full time application entry?

I see that one of my local bases is hiring a part time Intelligence Operator, and since I am employed as a civilian and dont necessarily need to be in the military full time, and hearing that I could be waiting a dogs year for DEO, I am prepared to consider a reservist position especially since its related to my #1 trade choice.



Unfortunately it is one or the other. If you enter the Canadian Armed Forces as a Reservist your DEO application will be cancelled.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask