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VR due to impossible issue of Sec Clr


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Good day everyone,

I was wondering whether anyone has information about VR and moving F & E. I have researched the QR&O 15.9 + but I could not find whether under my circumstances, I get to be moved back to the province where I come from. The reason for the VR is the following:
I am a Canadian citizen due to birth in Canada. But I've never lived here so I don't have any family or friends in this country. But regardless of that, the Forces hired me as a 291er (Comm Rsch). Unaware of the fact that I need a TSSA clearance to continue trades training, I've been sitting in PAT for almost 2 years. Now they say that it could take another 1-2 years for my clearance to come in. That is just a waste of my time. So the results are a VR. But, since I've already been posted to Kingston, do they (CF) move me back to N.S. even though that I won't finished my contract? (I am on a VIE 4Y.) They can't really expect me to stay in the CF untrained for more then 2 years.
I would really appreciate if somebody could help me on that issue.

Thanks in advance
I've been untrained for 6 years now :)  I'm still a happy camper!  OT or try to make your time enjoyable! 

There is no other trade that interests me, besides, by the time I put in an OT, that will take at least 6-8 month. Plus, for the most part, people need some sort of clearance. I just have enhanced reliability. That qualifies me for almost nothing. Plus, I'm really feed up with the fact that the Recruiting Center ignored my background, still offered me a job, and now I'm sitting it out. All my friends from Basic and the First unclassified portion of QL3 are going on their QL5. It really sucks that all your buddies are flying through the trade and I'm not even qualified. I just want to go out and make sure that I don't have to pay for F & E back to N.S. Plus, in my opinion, it is not my fault that the CF can't train me. They should have investigated me deeper before offering me such a job. I don't want to point any fingers at someone, but I really had enough.

I'm still young. I could do a career somewhere else. I don't want to be a happy camper and waste time in the service for nothing. (Applies to last post!!!)
Used to be they would move you back to your point of enrolement or equivalent distance, but have been away from Releases in some time.
When my wife released for 291 she did not get a move claim.her furnature and effects had to be moved by myself.She broke contract at 4 years in (second BE)and did not receive a payed move.

Your situation is sad really,unfortunately getting that high of a security clearance takes a long time.

I really cant blame you,2 years on PAT is quite a long wait.When the course is also a year s
My secret clearance took 6 months.  The Top Secret is very long though...

Wow 6 months for Secret clearance. 

"Hurry up and Wait" is the only phrase I can use to describe the military. 
The problem is that I don't even have confidential. The cleaners in my school have a higher sec clr than I do! That is really f you c k ed.
I had hoped that there was somebody that had recently the same or similar experience or any good advice besides "Happy Camper" "Hurry Up and Wait" or "JUST finish your contract." I know that the CF moves you back after your VIE, but once again due to the fact that they can't train me, and I'm just sitting on a chair all day I need a solution.
According to this:

Non Eligible Members The following table depicts which members are not eligible for relocation under the CF IRP. Members with a release item listed in this table are to be administered in accordance with current release regulations.


Item Category Reason For Release
1(a) Misconduct Sentenced to Dismissal
1(b) Misconduct Service Misconduct
1(c) Misconduct Illegally Absent
1(d) Misconduct Fraudulent Statement on Enrolment
4 (c) Voluntary On Request

Found at: http://www.forces.gc.ca/dgcb/dcba/engraph/Addendum4_APS_2003_e.asp?sidesection=2&sidecat=99

It appears if you are classed under the 4(c) you will not be eligible to an IRP. 

If you appear to be classed under 4(a), then you will be eligible for IRP. 

Thanks for your research! I can't really ask my unit to release my other then voluntary. I mean, if it is up to them, then they want me to finish my contract!
It is much easier! I'm absolutely lost! And I don't really know who else I should contact in that matter!
Thanks anyway guys for your posts!
