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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

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stellarpanther said:
If a person applied for and was accepted to VOT from HRA to FSA would the switch happen right after the offer was signed or would they wait until summer?  My CoC told me it wouldn't happen until summer and that's certainly what they want but if I was allowed to stay the same area, I would prefer it happened immediately.  if not I would rather wait until summer because of my son's school.
I don't remember if it is in the offer message or a follow-on once you have accepted, but there will be a hard date set by Ottawa.  That will also include the BTL you are being posted to on that date, most likely the BTL in the geographic location you are at now.
stellarpanther said:
If a person applied for and was accepted to VOT from HRA to FSA would the switch happen right after the offer was signed or would they wait until summer?  My CoC told me it wouldn't happen until summer and that's certainly what they want but if I was allowed to stay the same area, I would prefer it happened immediately.  if not I would rather wait until summer because of my son's school.

The date the offer becomes effective should be on your OT message. In the case of HRA to FSA, the dates could be moved up if you were in the old RMS trade and have the equivalencies to be employed as a FSA without more training required in Borden.

You can also request to move your effective date if its in the summer and you want to meet training course timings or be employed in the new trade. A knew of a case where a person OT'd to Log O received OT approval in May but with an effective date of 15 Jul. As the Log O courses started in June of that year not changing the date would have meant the individual sat in a PAT platoon for an entire calendar year.

Your CoC can also only minute your request to the career manager, not dictate the terms of your OT. Ultimately it is between you and the career manager with CoC input.
Good day,

I won`t write my whole story but to make it quick I VOT`d to my current trade in July 2014 and got to OFP in August 2016. I signed to stay in the trade for 3 years after OFP and that brings me to August 2019. I would like to know if I can apply for VOT again this year considering I will get the 3 years point close to the usual transfer date of mid July. Can the transfer date be moved to allow me to apply?
I decided to wait for next year, on that note, anyone knows if there are courses on DND learn I could take to improve my basic knowledge of the AVN and AVS trades. Im interested in learning and improving my file for OT aswell.
If you have not done POET yet, brush up on math and electronics (AC/DC).  These are the three POs that most fail.
211RadOp said:
If you have not done POET yet, brush up on math and electronics (AC/DC).  These are the three POs that most fail.
Thanks. I don't have Poet but I did a part of it on my Eo tech course. I still have the pips and study package. I will definitly look into those.

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Hey i had a question about switching branch after finishing a university degree. im currently working on submitting my application for infantry since it takes a while to get everything done. I was wondering is it at all possible to go from infantry to a pilot after i finish my university with a private pilot license. If not, then would it be possible to leave army and reapply into the DEO program for pilots? Also a side question, how strict are they in accepting a person who had corrective eye surgery(i know back in the day they didnt want any with surgeries but considering a shortage im not sure how strictly they are following those old school rules).

Thank you very much for your time and input
Are you currently applying for Regular Force or Reserve?
Hello, Ali Manasiya

Firstly, in response to Garb811's post, and just to eliminate any possible confusion, there are no off-the-street Res F Pilot entry methods.

If your goal is Pilot, apply for that, and make sure to advise your Recruiters are aware of your intent to complete your degree (any reason not to apply for ROTP and be paid for it?). There are threads here, somewhere, that cover Occupational Transfers (OTs) and you should read about the potential hazards of those - there is no guarantee of being able to do that, or do it quickly. There are threads about flying training as well.

There is no sense wasting time with something other than your primary goal. Flying training is a very lengthy process, exacerbated by frequent and unpredictable delays between courses. My new partner at work just finished his Basic Helicopter Course and has a two-year wait for his Chinook course, for example.

You registered on this Site a while ago. If you've not already explored pertinent threads, I suggest that you do so. There is much solid information and advice therein.
Hi everybody, little bit about me:

I'm DP1 qualified (non combat trade)

I have little bit over 2 years in

I want to change trade for image tech

I have an appointment with the bpso next month but before then, I have few questions.. I read a lot of documents, but different people are telling me different things.

Do I really need 48 months in to change trades? I don't like the trade I'm in right now and I would rather switch trades than staying in this one for at least 2years. I'm a little bit discouraged.

Do you have some experiences/infos to share ?

Thank you!

That will gve you all the requirements and timelines to submit your VOT.

However, the requirement for the majority of VOTs is to be OFP in current trade.
I'll wager a guess that CFAO 11-12 is still Ref A on the VOTP message (there isn't a 5002 Series DAOD for VOT NCM Reg Force out yet);  if that's the case, then yes the 48 months of service will likely still be in effect, 36 months for LOTP (applies to Combat Arms MOSIDs).
Haven't we been waiting years for an NCM VOT DAOD to come out? I feel like I heard it was coming 5 years ago...

From my experience, you require 48 mos of continuous full time service as EITS said. The exception being for LOTP as previously stated. The only other exception IIRC was the SVOTP about 10 years ago or so, when they wanted to offload some numbers from Infantry to other trades. 
It does appear that is still the case. OFP and 48 months continuous service.
The exception appears to be for those wanting to go SF Op and CBRN Op, they are reduced to 24 months.

Still no sign of DAOD.
Voluntary occupation transfer for untrained personnel

Canadian Armed Forces members who are untrained in their current occupation and interested in an occupation transfer are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the newly released CANFORGEN 055/19.

The voluntary occupation transfer campaign for untrained officers and non-commissioned members is aimed at all military members who have not completed training in their current occupation and wish to change their occupation.

The 2019-20 campaign will start on April 30, 2019. Interested members can choose a maximum of three occupations and must be willing to accept an offer to any of the desired occupations listed on their application form. As a minimum, all applicants must have attained the following:

- Achieved their Basic Military Qualification or Basic Military Officer Qualification
- Be untrained in their current occupation
- Meet the entry standards for the desired occupation(s)
- Hold a valid medical category for the desired occupation(s)
- Hold a valid Force Test, and any other applicable physical fitness standards required for certain occupations
- Not be under remedial measures

CANFORGEN 055/19 contains additional information related to eligibility, applicable deadlines, required documents and additional criteria.

The operational success of the Canadian Armed Forces depends on our ability to generate and maintain a large, skilled, and volunteer force to meet a broad range of tasks at home and abroad. Providing a fulfilling career to our members in uniform is also a fundamental consideration in how the Canadian Armed Forces manages military personnel. This is why members are provided with the opportunity to voluntarily change their occupation in the early stages of their career, where possible.

Members willing to go through the voluntary occupation transfer process must first notify their chain of command of their intention to apply so that their unit can initiate the administrative process. Units and applicants are encouraged to contact their local Personnel Selection Officer should they have any questions.

Hi guys,

This is for anyone who has been through a VOT. I am currently waiting for an offer should I be selected and have no clue how I should be contacted.

How did you guys receive your decisions or offers? Email, phone, CoC?

My reason for asking is  I don not have forces email access...

Thank You
I received mine through a message that I imagine first arrived at the designated authority for such personnel decisions (Adjutant or Unit CWO) who then filtered the message down the chain of command to myself, where I could choose to sign or not sign, then it was submitted back up the chain. Posting message followed after.

JesseWZ said:
I received mine through a message that I imagine first arrived at the designated authority for such personnel decisions (Adjutant or Unit CWO) who then filtered the message down the chain of command to myself, where I could choose to sign or not sign, then it was submitted back up the chain. Posting message followed after.

Thanks, I was worried it would only be emailed to my forces account and I'd miss out on it. 

Is this the same experience for other people?
My VOT Offer went to my unit as a Msg but attached in an email, and Info copies went to the gaining and losing Career Manager as well the Formation PSO.  In my case, it was released on 19 Feb and I had until 04 Mar to accept.  After my acceptance msg was sent, I received my VOT Instruction message on 13 Mar. 

Timelines may vary, of course.  If you are expecting one, it is worthwhile to email your supervisor/CofC and ask them to call/email/contact you as soon as it comes in if you are on leave/TD, etc.
There is a very large distribution list that the messages get sent to including the base central registry, base/unit orderly rooms, unit adj, and a bunch more like was already mentioned.

One thing I have noticed this year from all the selection messages cut this is year (all my units messages come through my office) is that they are being sent directly to the member from the originator as well as the rest of the distribution list. I think this curb any chance of the member missing out on accepting the message. We all know it can sometimes be slow getting the messages from the bosses.