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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

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Still nothing. Cant believe this process is so delayed. And no  ways to actually know where we stand... :-[
Yeah I called my BPSO yesterday, they gave me the stock response as per usual. Just hoping that if more people call in it might ping them to do something about it (not likely).

I've thought about griveing the process since every year that I've attempted this has been super messed up. But my unit has been really supportive of me during the process so it would kind of be a slap in the face to them.
All you'll do by spamming calls is piss off the BPSO who likely has 0 input into the selection now.

What are you going to grieve? That you had to wait to hear back? All the emotional trauma incurred? Waiting is nothing new in the CAF, you likely should have figured that out by now.
PuckChaser said:
All you'll do by spamming calls is piss off the BPSO who likely has 0 input into the selection now.

What are you going to grieve? That you had to wait to hear back? All the emotional trauma incurred? Waiting is nothing new in the CAF, you likely should have figured that out by now.

Cool your jets there captain america. I said I called the BPSO once, never said I was spamming. And I said I've thought about grieving not I'm going to. If I did my grievance would focus on the lack of transparency irt delay time frames, especially since the BPSO system is already in place to communicate these delays. As well as that the process only occurs once a year when it could occur before and after APS, lowering wait times and helping with unexpected changes that always come up during APS.

I'm well aware that waiting is part of being in the CAF since I've been waiting for this present OT for over 3 years now, but bitching about having to wait is also a well known military tradition, a tradition I'm proud to uphold.
If you and everyone else applying for AVOTP, OVOTP, UTPNCM, etc call or email the PSO every week that's alot of time wasted telling people " we don't know" for a process that is out of their hands and control.

If the PSO shops constantly bug the folks trying to sit selection boards and get offers out and process acceptance intructions to various career shops, units,  BTLs and TEs...well any efficency just gets lost in the minutia.

I might as well chip in here.

Firstly everyone take it easy. One of the great things about this forum IS the chance to vent to each other (within reason of course), so that we aren't constantly badgering our family/partner etc with it. Try to keep the peace with each other here. It's a tough process especially if you are one of those people who really really HATE what you are currently doing, this becomes even more important. So help each other out by being patient.

I also want to thank everyone here for participating and keeping each other informed about whether or not you have heard any news. It certainly makes me feel better knowing that NO ONE has heard anything yet. Better that then everyone here getting their offers and me being the only one not having heard anything :D

I have a feeling that we should be hearing something coming this week. I sent an email to the PSO clerk who was pretty helpful with me last time, unfortunately I am off until Wed. So I can't say what her response was regarding what programs they work on and in what order etc.


Im crossing my fingers for this week. Would be nice to know! And agree I agree with you Wrath. Good place to vent, Im certain everyone is getting a little edgy with the lack of results right now...I know I am. Would just like to know. So here is hoping for sometime this next few days :)
Hey guys - I'm on leave, but my boss just e-mailed me to say my OVOTP acceptance message just came in. Sounds like the messages are coming out now, at least for Officers.

Best of luck to you all!
Nothing in Ottawa yet, but I heard via the unofficial grapevine that next week the messages for AVOT NCM should be starting. Unless that is, they OAVOT goes out at the same time as the NCM one. I believe Dipstick mentioned he/she got his/hers recently.
All officers Vot message has been out or close to as of yesterday. Only Ncm is awaiting their messages.  :salute:
Well I hope that since Officers are done, that we start today. Why take a break and then get insane again (from a BPSO side of things) get the crazy done all at once lol