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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

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Daywalker said:
So who do I goto to get that resolved? Mine still says Army in Logistik, so I can't order any Air Force stuff at all...We have only one Tailor here and they are so busy that I can't even make an appointment until mid July. (I tried to do that weeks ago to avoid this...no go) There is no way for me to get anything DEU related before July 15th.

Base clothing won't even do anything with me until July 9th.

I've had to resort to buying my own slip-on, name tags and blue Beret. I still need some blue shirts...

Daywalker, I really wouldn't sweat it too much. Nobody is going to beat you with a stick if you don't have your DEU good to go by the "required by" date. I was a bit frazzled at first but then realized it's no big deal. Our clothing stores here is so small that I will likely be Ordering my basics and have to wait a week before I can actually switch uniforms (taking into account even getting cap badge etc sewn on). I believe that the 15 July is the default date on every VOT instruction memo but taken into account that this year is 3+ weeks behind, most logical CoC will not fret if your DEU's are not good to go.

If your OJT is far from your current unit, just take your DEU's with you and have their clothing stores make the necessary adjustments.

On a personal note I would LOVE to walk outof my clothing stores apt. today in my new element but things like ordering a beret (whatever size it is etc) will take a bit of time. So I will likely have to wait a week + just to finally convert. I still don't have my instruction message but clothing stores is willing to deal because Logistik reflects my new rank/element.

The shocker is that I will likely lose my spec pay sooner than I thought haha. I think as of the 15 July I am no longer spec pay. Wishful thinking was that I would keep it until I start my 3s haha.
DrtyBinRat said:
Logistiks does not pick it up off of HMRS. An offline(e-mail) request is sent from your clothing stores to Ottawa with a copy of the acceptance message, Mr Richard LePage is the specific POC. He makes the change within the Logistiks system. From there your clothing stores will order you a new set of DEU through their side of the system without affecting your current points balance.

It is literally the checking of a box and hitting save.

Source: Soon to be leaving the Supply Tech trade.

Rog that...I asked about that when I OTd a handful of years ago and was told what I posted.  Liars!  >:D

Does it pick things like promotions up off HRMS?
Eye In The Sky said:
Rog that...I asked about that when I OTd a handful of years ago and was told what I posted.  Liars!  >:D

Does it pick things like promotions up off HRMS?

No, a lot of people think that it does, however it is just most likely a case of them getting updated at about the same time. When the system was first implemented it was supposed to be able to do a bulk data extract, but it never happened. Keep in mind we were also supposed to be a paperless military by 2008!

Scuba_Dave said:
Wicked! Well thats always refreshing, was thinking that this DEU appointment was just to measure and stuff again. Then had to order all the new stuff!! Yay to keeping all my points! Thanks Bin Rat!

No problem Scuba, I wouldn't doubt that your appointment is in fact to remeasure you. It might seem redundant, but because its a free entitlement they want to make sure that everything is right to reduce returns.
Here is the specific reference in the SAM(ALM-007) for new environmental DEU, in case anyone was curious;

Change in Environment - When a change of environment occurs whether from an Occupation Transfer (OT) IAW CFAO 11-12, change of trade Military Occupational Structure Identification (MOS ID) or upon members’ request, the member is entitled to a new DEU uniform at the new environment at public expense, less the common items previously issued from the other environment as per applicable scale of issue. The member must present the occupation transfer authorization letter or message to clothing stores, indicating effective date of the OT or/and change of Environment. Clothing Stores must send a copy of the OT message by fax or electronically to DSSPM so the member's Clothing Online profile can be updated and allow the online initial issue. There is no requirement to return previous environment DEU. However, if the member has less than one year of service, DEU items must be returned and member can keep the common items.

Reference - ALM-007, Section 5.5, Part 1, Para 2.116, Subpara C
I was lucky enough to recieve an offer for VOT from Navcomm to ACISS, my CoC is just drafting my acceptance today... and my effective date is 15 Jul with a full kit return/issue and DEU fitting tomorrow morning... Gotta love MARPAC keeping it consistantly close to the wire in everything they do...
Thanks, not over yet though. Still gotta get that acceptance message out though. Getting a little punchy, but everything was signed and only needed to be packaged up and fired off to DGMC as of this morning, so should make the deadline.
Comms_Guy said:
I was lucky enough to recieve an offer for VOT from Navcomm to ACISS, my CoC is just drafting my acceptance today... and my effective date is 15 Jul with a full kit return/issue and DEU fitting tomorrow morning... Gotta love MARPAC keeping it consistantly close to the wire in everything they do...

I can't get a DEU fitting until the 28th of July... with my effective date of July 15th....  :(  Guess I can't do any DEU parades anytime soon.

ACISS is going through changes as it evolves again and again....  if you are of the Electronics Tech type mindset and want to do that type of work, make sure your COC knows that you might be interested in being ACISS-CST after you are done your DP1.0.  They need all the help they can get.

Congrats and Good luck!
Holy crap, still waiting on instruction message.... it's kinda making me wonder if they received my acceptance. I know my Aircrew Air factor was granted on Monday (or thats when I heard that it was granted) but by the flaming balls of Hades can they just put me out of my misery?

Correction: I just heard on Tuesday which makes this only 2 days after that. Still after I get that message I know everything is hunky dory. I could care less WHERE I am TD or what holding pen they put me in locally. I just want the ability to "take action" with official permission.
Any idea where you will mark time during your PAT stint?  Staying at the mothership or escaping?
I hear rumours of NDHQ but if given a choice or opportunity I would like to "mark time" with Station training here as I won't have to deal with downtown traffic or parking! Also be able to ensure one less thing to dag amber or red with when I am on course. When they send me to NDHQ I will ask if I can do it at Station training.
Just wondering if anybody would mind PM-ing me a copy of their VOT memo, it would be greatly appreciated !
If you aren't being given an OT offer, you "should" receive a message indicating so. Who knows when the deadline for that actually is...  One of my clerks said they were receiving OT offers as late as August last year.

It wouldn't hurt to goto your BPSO and politely ask what that status is. I know the waiting this year has really sucked....
Just wondering if anyone is still waiting for their VOT instructions? My husband received an offer for Nav Comm on 10 June. He accepted it on 16 June, but the OR didn't fax the acceptance until 19 June. Still nothing here. Starting to feel a bit anxious. It won't be real until he gets the instructions. I hope everything is okay and it's still on its way.  We are in Cold Lake.
My husband has not heard.  However, his was posted to another unit on base without hearing anything. 
armywife_can said:
Just wondering if anyone is still waiting for their VOT instructions? My husband received an offer for Nav Comm on 10 June. He accepted it on 16 June, but the OR didn't fax the acceptance until 19 June. Still nothing here. Starting to feel a bit anxious. It won't be real until he gets the instructions. I hope everything is okay and it's still on its way.  We are in Cold Lake.

I didn't get my VOT instructions until at least 2 weeks later. My BTL (where my offer said I was posted to) had my VOT instructions before my OR received them.

Cold Lake.... I can understand why you want that confirmation! The cost of living must be crazy there now...
Everyone should be posted to the BTL on their Effective date, unless there are some unusual circumstances.  If you have received an offer and no instructions, check with your OR and if they haven't gotten anything, ask them to check with your local BTL.  :2c:
I have as of yet not received my instruction message. If I haven't received it by the end of the week I will start doing some digging.
