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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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Hmmm trade hopper eh?

Started as reservist traffic tech, joined reg force as AC Op, got backstabbed out of the trade and CT to Military Police, made some dumb career move due to a relationship, got out for 10 years, got in as Comm Rsch and am now going back to AC Op.

Kinda surprised that the PSO didn't ask me about it much on my interview haha!

I fully planning on finishing as AC Op. I know what side the grass is greener on as I have been on both sides of the fence :D

PS Clerk. Sorry to hear nothing yet for you. I know how hard it's gotta be.
Clerk Wannabe said:
someone once called me a trade hopper because I CT'd from armoured reserves to armoured reg force.

Anyone receive their VOT instruction after signing the offer letter yet? It's been about a week for me and haven't heard anything back. My unit is going on leave in about a week so hoping that something comes back before then.
None here.

I am hoping to get it soon as I have clothing stores apt to switch element and they won't do it until I get the message (instruction) and our clothing stores MCpl will be going on leave very shortly after so not sure where I would do the uniform change if I don't have it before the 24th of this month...

Also, it won't feel official until I get that message. Yes the offer is great but nothing like the bird in hand vs looking at the 2 in the bush so to speak.

Yea, that instruction message will answer a lot of the questions about what the next year will bring.

My biggest concern is being posted restricted/prohibited move of HG&E to Esquimalt to undergo training, while my SO sits at home for the next 6 months(best case). I'm going Navy so I'm hoping the CM sees some logic or has mercy on me and gives a full cost move to Esquimalt before my training and keeps me there after my training. We will make it work either way.
No VOT instructions here either.... and my unit will be on block leave after next week. My OR told me to clear out with the unit as much as I can anyway. BLT told me to give them a copy of summer leave pass from the unit and other stuff from my clerk so that will give them what they need ahead of time, so I can report back after block leave.

However...yes base clothing won't do anything without that message, and I need to change to Air Force, so that may be an issue trying to get that done within summer leave since most people may be gone.
Yah I was happy to hear from the BTL Clerk that I didn't need to change my summer leave pass. I had made plans and thought I would surely have to change them seeing as the COS date was 15 July.

It'd be nice to get that instruction as it'll answer a lot of questions I'm sure. Does it include information regarding when you will go on your 3's? I have a pregnant wife at home that's due in October so we are anxiously awaiting to find out if I'll be in Gagetown this fall on course or not.
I just got an email from the D Mil C Sgt asking which Regiment I would like to go to. Im guessing thats because she is writing up my VOT Instructions...Think I should hear by the end of the week :)
Scuba_Dave said:
I just got an email from the D Mil C Sgt asking which Regiment I would like to go to. Im guessing thats because she is writing up my VOT Instructions...Think I should hear by the end of the week :)

Regiment is also recorded on your MPRR so he probably needs it for the HRMS update.
Either way its a nice warm fuzzy feeling that I was asked instead of just blindly finding out...That being said its the military, I said PPCLI...So in actuality im going to be a Vandoo LOL
Scuba_Dave said:
Either way its a nice warm fuzzy feeling that I was asked instead of just blindly finding out...That being said its the military, I said PPCLI...So in actuality im going to be a Vandoo LOL

Have fun in Wainwright, say hi to Vickers when you get to WATC!
Bradboy said:
Does it include information regarding when you will go on your 3's? I have a pregnant wife at home that's due in October so we are anxiously awaiting to find out if I'll be in Gagetown this fall on course or not.

Mine didn't...it said:

So those of you who are now in reciept of your VOT instructions message. How long after you accepted the VOT did you get it in hand?
Haven't received mine yet... and others at my unit haven't either. Anyone OT'ing to ATIS get theirs yet?
Talked to my clerk today that seems to have a grip on what's going on at D Mil C with the VOT instructions. She said there's only 1 Captain at D Mil C who's tasked with sending out the VOT instructions which is what is taking so long. Not sure where or how she got this info but seemed confident that was the case. 
Well thankfully Supply here doesn't care if we have them in hand for uniform changes...Getting rid of my navy stuff and taking on all the army kit next Thursday...Was just hoping to have that message prior to just in case they asked lol
Hell, I had my Army kit washed and ready to turn in, got 98% signed out of my unit and have copies of everything my BTL clerk would need. I asked supply if I could at least get name tags done ahead of time.... no go.

If I don't hear anything by next Friday, its going to be a looong summer leave. Hopefully that poor Officer doing the messages can get some help up there...
Anyone got their official instruction message yet? If yes, how long did it take between the time you sent your acceptance message?
