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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
  • Start date Start date
Awesome! Im thinking the specialty trades were announced first. MP, ATIS etc like was previous stated. High hopes for next week. Don't know if I said it already or not but I'm working 6pm-6am shifts next week...So of course I will get a phone call when Im sleeping from my boss lol *sigh* such is life!
Grats Cbr600! And everyone else. Still keeping my fingers crossed for everyone. Cbr, I sent you a pm if you would be so kind?


Oh and I got my acceptance message today, now I am wondering when I get the instructions......I kinda hoped they would go hand and hand. I know it says no action until conditions met on the offer, so since it shows no issues on the acceptance message (which is very short). When should I start changing my uniform? Any input from former OT persons here?

Wrathwitch said:
Oh and I got my acceptance message today, now I am wondering when I get the instructions......I kinda hoped they would go hand and hand. I know it says no action until conditions met on the offer, so since it shows no issues on the acceptance message (which is very short). When should I start changing my uniform? Any input from former OT persons here?

I would hazard a guess that they will get your VOT instruction out to you in short order, dependent on day to day 'fastballs'.  The usual VOT "change trades" date is the generic APS posting date, around mid-July so it won't be long.

As for your uniform changes, your VOT instruction is the document that will allow that.  Once you have your VOT instructions (it will detail your DEU for your new trade and your effective date), take that to Base Clothing and that should be all they need to start the process.  Base Supply should give you the normal Scale of Issue for operational/dress uniforms and will let you know what kit you have now that you need to return.

For AC Op (Air Ops trade), you will wear the Air Ops cap badge and will get your trade badge upon completion of QL3.

I'm taking a page out of John Oliver's book and saying that if I get my OT today, I'll drink a Bud Light Lime and order everything off of the dollar menu from Mc Donalds.

Honestly I was planning on doing that regardless, but apparently promising to do that will make surprising things happen.
Thanks Eye

I also wanted to thank you for all of the info you have dropped in this forum along the way. Very helpful. Thank you.

LS Cochrane
how long does it usually take to get the "instruction" after the offer was accepted?
Ah thanks

Just waiting on that to go on my ojt.

ATIS guys here are trying to get me even before my cos

It just says no action til instructions are received
Yup.  Officially all that has happened at this time is the "hey, you want to OT?" and you saying "Yup" parts.  After they do the "well, here you go...you are OTing on date XX" its official.


Congrats btw.  ATIS is a good trade (I was 226 before my last OT).
Posted btl north bay.. waiting trg... TD when I do go on course.. will be rough
Still nothing here either...

Theres bloody marks on the door of my office where I've been scratching....
All this anticipation is a real pain in the ass.

I figure if I'm Armd going clerk, maybe someone going to from clerk to supply could let me take his spot then I'll trade my spot with CLPisyummy. We'll just swap nametags and no one will be the wiser right?
My offer came in for Int Op (Air). I'm hoping that I can switch the element to Land but, if not, I'm going for it. Good luck for all those still waiting!