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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

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Clerk Wannabe said:
Messages come from NDHQ so you should just go by Ottawa time. A buddy and I track the time in Ottawa and make up elaborate back stories as to why nothing has come out yet. For example

"Hey, it's 1300 in Ottawa."

"Yeah but they have to sit down at their desks or finish their conversations before they look at the computer for the first time so that'll take until about 1315"

"Yeah I guess, and then they'll have to head off to a meeting"

"No, it's 2 July, it's Katy's birthday so there's cake in the conference room"

"Katy from the 3rd floor? The one with the clubbed foot?"

"No, Katy from the 15th floor with the poodle who won't stop peeing on the couch"

And so on...

This all depends if they work the early shift or the late shift...
I've never seen a message come from Ottawa after 1400 my time. Least productive late shift ever, must have a lot of birthdays during that shift.
So early shift being 0900-1100 and late shift 1300-1500, also known as water cooler and cake shift lol
Well I know its now almost what? 5pm in Ottawa? So I am just hoping that the message was cut and my BPSO is just taking her time getting it to me. There is still hope on the day here lol
Scuba_Dave said:
Well I know its now almost what? 5pm in Ottawa? So I am just hoping that the message was cut and my BPSO is just taking her time getting it to me. There is still hope on the day here lol

Not to be a debby downer here but I spoke with my BPSO and have looked at previous messages that  have come in for OT offers. The BPSO gets it at the same time as the unit does. The message is disted from NDHQ to the unit and BPSO. It doesn't go from NDHQ to the BPSO and then to the unit. So the only way they would know is if the message did come to the unit but hasn't been processed there yet.
Our entire Regiment hasn't had ANY offers or other info come in yet as of noon today according to my clerk.

I was upside-down in a LAV all afternoon so I couldn't check to see if I got any updates...
Eye In The Sky said:
For those who are going to be applying for the 2015/16 AVOTP or COTP...


Getting into my trade of choice ain't the problem (BPSO said I was a VERY good fit) ...  its getting out of the trade I was pulled into that's the problem...
Im pretty solid I figure...How many people are trying to remuster INTO the infantry as opposed to getting out of it lol
FWIW, I am in Ottawa.

Had I not received the offer, I was planning on applying to the privacy info act to see exactly what the PSO had to say in the application process. There is also much more I learned about the trade I could include in the interview, but I would definitely prepare better for the PSO interview. I did not realize just how important it was. I also learned much more about the trade I was applying to and there was much more I could have contributed during the interview had I known just a bit more.

I know people don't want to hear that atm. I know all of the offers haven't gone out and I hope and wish for my fellow servicemen that you get what you need.

I did have a back up plan which would require legwork but i would not have gone gently into that goodnight.

Best of luck to everyone.

In retrospect the risk for future job satisfaction cost me spec pay and my spouse's job. Not a decision to be taken lightly and I am concerned for the future, but I do feel that in the long run this will be the best for us both.

Daywalker, don't give up. My CoC REFUSED to support my memo on the minute sheet all the way right up to the CO. Were determined to keep me even though I sucked at what I was doing but once it gets out the door, the CoC has nothing to do with it unless you are in some hellish red trade.
Well I had nothing but great support, from everyone in my CoC up to the CO, and the words from the BPSO during the interview were "blown away". I was VERY prepared and basically had a detailed portfolio that I gave them about myself, and how I relate to the new trades, etc...

However... I am in a trade that is borderline yellow/red. BPSO said that is the ONLY concern they had for me... Let's hope it works out. Every year I have to wait, makes it that much more difficult to get out of this particular trade.... it's complicated.
Keep in mind that even red trades are not "no one can OT out!".  The OUTCAP %'s for a given trade (% of the TES) are 2% for Green, 1% for Amber (yellow) and 0.5% for Red.  It might be a small # for Red, but its better than 0% allowed to OT-out...
Eye In The Sky said:
Keep in mind that even red trades are not "no one can OT out!".  The OUTCAP %'s for a given trade (% of the TES) are 2% for Green, 1% for Amber (yellow) and 0.5% for Red.  It might be a small # for Red, but its better than 0% allowed to OT-out...

does anyone know what trades are in the red?
I could probably dig it up tomorrow at work. Its on the DIN somewhere just can't remember where lol.
Do a DIN search for Basic Production Documents.  You are looking for an Excel spreadsheet called OUTCAP Matrix or something close to that on the BPD page on the DIN.