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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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How about a little less sub hunting, and a little more ISR on deserving terrorist groups worldwide  ;D

If so, count me in!
Attention: Latest News - Air Operations

As of 5 April 2015, Air Task Force-Iraq conducted 732 sorties:

CF-188 Hornet fighters conducted 476 sorties;
CC-150T Polaris aerial refueller conducted 123 sorties, delivering some 7,278,000 pounds of fuel to coalition aircraft; and
CP-140 Aurora aircraft conducted 133 reconnaissance missions.
Eye In The Sky said:
Attention: Latest News - Air Operations

As of 5 April 2015, Air Task Force-Iraq conducted 732 sorties:

CF-188 Hornet fighters conducted 476 sorties;
CC-150T Polaris aerial refueller conducted 123 sorties, delivering some 7,278,000 pounds of fuel to coalition aircraft; and
CP-140 Aurora aircraft conducted 133 reconnaissance missions.

I'm very aware of what's going on with ATF-I

I was just asking you to wave a magic wand and sustain those ops for the next 20 or so years for me ;)
The people with the wands waved it, and crews will be away from their families on that 1 of many jobs Aurora community folks do for at least another year.  Busy times.
Eye In The Sky said:
I believe it's a simple process.  The board sits and scores the applicants files.  If AC Op is taking 10 VOTs, and you are in the top 10, you will get an offer (assuming your MOSID has not met its outcap #yet).  IIRC, they do an initial set of offer msgs and wait for confirmation of acceptance.  If someone declines and/or no longer meets the criteria ( ended up on TCAT or C & P, etc), they go back to the list and offer to the next people on the list.

The waiting is hard, for sure.  Good luck to all who applied!

Yeah what kills me is not knowing things ie: how many people HAVE applied to VOT into that trade? I know they will take 6 VOT applications. If they bypass you, do they give reasons (I heard no from the PSO). Kinda hard to put forth a better showing on the next go if you don't know why you were declined and how to improve.

My story is a bit unique in that it was my first trade, I passed the QL3 and worked in the trade. Unfortunately I got back-stabbed out of it during IFR training portion, they asked me if I wanted to stay and work tower, but I took the opportunity to go for my first choice (MP). Now I KNOW what side the grass is greener on and I want back!!! But not sure if my being in the trade will work for or against me in the assessment. It's nerve wracking!
So I know I am probably too late to submit a VOT for the 2015 deadline, but I will give it a try anyways or for the 2016 deadline. I am
looking to do a VOT from Infm to ED tech. I have mentioned this to my CoC many times and many of them turn a blind eye to it or kind
of pushing it to a "look into it later". I am just looking for information on how exactly to start the process, what exactly is needed? or
who do I talk to, to discuss what my options are? I have read several of these threads, but none that I could find, outline the actual first
steps to take. I have read some of the links and everything posted to other threads, but you may as well be typing in hieroglyphics.
If anybody has any info at all it would be greatly appreciated.

jotyro17 said:
So I know I am probably too late to submit a VOT for the 2015 deadline, but I will give it a try anyways or for the 2016 deadline. I am
looking to do a VOT from Infm to ED tech. I have mentioned this to my CoC many times and many of them turn a blind eye to it or kind
of pushing it to a "look into it later". I am just looking for information on how exactly to start the process, what exactly is needed? or
who do I talk to, to discuss what my options are? I have read several of these threads, but none that I could find, outline the actual first
steps to take. I have read some of the links and everything posted to other threads, but you may as well be typing in hieroglyphics.
If anybody has any info at all it would be greatly appreciated.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I am incorrect here but unless you are going for one of the "direly in need" trades, the cut off for the 2014-2015 AVOT program is over.

Firstly and foremost you will need to submit a memo of "Intent to apply for AVOT". This is the official means by which you let your CoC know your intents. Not verbally. They will likely NOT be supportive, however they MUST action your memo. Don't do this at the last minute as a lot of units tend to fornicate the canine when it comes to processing it.

1. Step one wait for the CANFORGEN for the 2015 AVOT program to come out. (you can check the current one just to get set up with links as to what you need)
2. Draft your memo and submit it (you can either do this WITH all of the paperwork the CANFORGEN tells you to have COMPLETED before submission or submit the memo initially and round up the paperwork). It involves you getting a medical that will be valid (including aircrew medical if you are going aircrew trade) your CoC's recommendation, your MPRR, an assessment written by the CO (usually delegated to one of your Sr NCO's) and a few other pieces of paperwork to attach (there is 5-6 parts you have to have completed before submitting it to the BPSO). You will also need a sheet signed by your OR stating that there is no administrative action that you are pending or undergoing as well as your record of understanding what the risks and expectations should you be accepted.
3. Submit all of the paperwork through your Admin clerks who will forward your UER to the CO for the final signature before the Admin office sends it to the PDEV/BPSO's office.

Tips: get a tracking number on your memo before you submit it (if you have an OR close within your unit) BEFORE you push it up the chain (This is after it has made the final draft and been signed). My unit pushed it through even though I asked to wait so I could get this.

Don't wait until the last minute to do this or you will likely miss out (getting aircrew medicals or specialist eye appts can take a month or more to have done). Ensure that you are Green (good to deploy) and if possible be prepared for the BPSO interview. You may have to re-take the aptitude test and or personality test if you haven't before.

Your CoC is not going to do the legwork for you on this one. It is not in their best interest.

Bottom line is if you are unsure, make an appointment with the BPSO before you start this, they are the best people to point you on the right path.

Good Luck it's an endurance race, not a sprint
Perfect, thanks for the info ! Just wondering what the 'time in' qualifications are to VOT? I see in a lot of the older threads there is a lot of different answers.
For combat arms, it should be 36 months under LOTP.  For all other trades, 48 months.

Find and read CFAO 11-12, its the place to start for understanding the requirements.
Could anyone tell me in what format the offer is offered? ie: message like a posting message. or just an email?

I am a bit antsy about this part of the process as my unit pretty much all the way up the chain did not support or endorse my application. My limited understanding as to what happens after the boards sit (and even about that process) has me concerned because the offer is time sensitive no? So if my chain, whoever receives this offer first, has the power to kill the time sensitive nature of the offer.

To better clarify my questions:

Who receives the offer at one's unit? I don't anticipate that I will be just getting an email from DGMC.

Is it only one person who receives it at the CO's level or does it go through a messaging system or the OR? Meaning is there a dist list rather than just lose out because someone was on leave for a couple of weeks?

Who is the offer sent by? Can I track it back to the originator or is there a place to respectfully enquire at a lower level of the Chain to see if there IS anything on the table that I haven't been made aware of? If so, who?

Any info is much appreciated, thanks!

Mine (VOT offer) came in a normal message to the unit and was processed by the OR.  It had a dist list and IIRC, Info addressee's were the  FPSO, gaining and losing CMgr's, and a few others.

Action addressee's were myself and Unit CO.

There is a timeline to reply and I have never heard of an offer being sat on until it times out; it's official msg tfc from a HHQ. 

FWIW, my unit at the time also tried to make my VOT application fail, but once the offer was in, the CofC info'd me and actioned it quickly.
I appreciate the input Eye, a small bit of relief.

Seriously my minute sheet looked like I was asking to sleep with everyone's wife. It wasn't a big surprise as they told me point blank that they would push my memo but would not endorse it. However even some emails got circulated on what should be done if the entire CoC didn't support it (this reached the BPSO office because they weren't sure that it should go to the BPSO if the CoC didn't endorse it. So going in, the BPSO knew that my unit did not want this). (The CO was the only person who replied on my memo, thank god stating that he agreed with my unit's POV but felt the member should have the opportunity to attempt it).

My WO sat on my memo for 3 weeks at the beginning because I didn't hand it to the MCpl to give to him, once I apologized for my error, it started moving with something like 2 weeks of corrections following.

So I am just a little gun shy about the whole situation.
Understood.  Unfortunately it is common for some peoplein the CofC to try to stall applications based on theirpersonal opinions.

PSOs are aware of how the game is played however.  My unit wasn't going to fwd my application.  After I spoke to the FPSO, a phone call was made to the unit and the ball started rolling again.
Eye In The Sky said:
Mine (VOT offer) came in a normal message to the unit and was processed by the OR.  It had a dist list and IIRC, Info addressee's were the  FPSO, gaining and losing CMgr's, and a few others.

Action addressee's were myself and Unit CO.

There is a timeline to reply and I have never heard of an offer being sat on until it times out; it's official msg tfc from a HHQ. 

FWIW, my unit at the time also tried to make my VOT application fail, but once the offer was in, the CofC info'd me and actioned it quickly.

So you didn't receive the message directly but it came down through the CoC despite the fact that you were an addressee on the message?
Of course.  I don't have direct access to the msg server.  It's common for msg traffic to go to the central registry, etc so it can be properly tracked and actioned.  As an action addresse I recieved it from the CR/UOR via the CofC.  Per normal. 
I have some relief in a way, I found out who receives all of the incoming messaging traffic for my unit and oddly enough she remembers me from before when I was here, so she took my name down and told me that if she sees my name come across the board she will shoot me an email.

So now I don't have to worry that I won't RECEIVE the message, only that I might not receive the OFFER based on selection.

Thanks for listening and replying, much appreciated Eye.
No problem,  I remember going through similar thoughts and concerns.  I have never heard of units messing around with official message traffic, and BPSOs are also in the loop and likely to enquire to units if replies arent recieved in time.

Good luck!
I am asking on behalf of my husband.  Is this the same delivery process for someone that is deployed?  Thank you.
Yes but perhaps delayed slightly as it will go from his unit who will forward to the deployed unit for him to receive.
Thank you for the quick response.  I will let him know.  There have been some issues with the home unit with passing information to him.