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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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If you get eye surgery, you will automatically go on a temp hold for six months. If you do not tell the Medics and you get injured on BMQ due to the surgery then the CF can‘t be held liable, as ell you could be thrown out for fraudulent enrolement (lying during the process). Incidentaly, lying to a CF Recruiter is still carried on the books with a 100$ fine on civi street, as well as no towing dead horses down Young St, TO on sundays (450$ fine).
yeah i failed the qualifications for infantry and they said i qualify for a medic, cook, or clerk as a V4.
You‘d be surprised at how hard and challenging beeing a cook is. Too often people don‘t realise what‘s going on in kitchens when they eat food. To them they go to a restaurant and eat the food but never think of the people that cook it.

I‘m nearly done my cooking course (culinary school), it‘s a year long, and it‘s harder than I had expected.

As for medic or clerk... it all depends on what you like.
On the same topic, does anyone know how the V1, V2, V3 etc... system the CAF uses compairs ot corresponds to the Snellen chart?
my vision is -5 in both eyes and they said that is v4.  They also said this is not good enough for enfantry. I was applying for the engineering reserves and they said my eyesight was not good enough.
hey all
i'm just wondering how good does your eyesight have to be inorder for you to qualifiy for combat arms? any help would be nice,thanks!
C-17 Globemaster - the subject of eyesight has been covered many times on this forum and if you do a search you'll be amazed at the info you will find. :)
Here's the link to the vision requirements.  Thanks Northern Touch for the link:


I found this is another thread on this very page.

what happens if your two eyes are very very different? in my case, one of my eye is perfect and the other is sitting at -6.5 so i have no clue what that puts me on the chart ::)
I've done a search and been unlucky so far on one thing. How are V1, V2, V3, V4 rated with the scale that has negative numbers like -2.0, -3.5 and so on?
if u had teeth with cavities (that were filled) and stuff like that, would you get docked for that or something when you do the medical??
How about the Air Force? Do you need PERFECT vision, or what? And will Lasik ever be exepted in the Air Force?
It's not about being in the Air Force, it's about being a pilot. To be a pilot, you need V1 uncorrected vision. No surgery, no glasses, no contacts, nothing. NO corrections. ZERO. If you do not have that, then there is nothing you can do about it, and you cannot be a pilot in the CF.

This question has been asked a dozen times in the past few months alone, and answering it repeatedly is starting to get tiresome. Please do a search next time as this has been posted ad nauseum.
Don't quote me onthis, but I'm pretty sure pilot and aerospace controller are the trades where you need to have really good vision in the airforce- pilots must have perfect vision.

Also, Combat_medic, sorry to pester you, but I have something like -4.00 in each eye. Would that fall into a V3 or a V4 category? I'm just wondering out of curiosity- it's not a big deal for me, because I'm actually more interested in some ofthe support trades which accept a V4 than the combat trades. Thanks
you need V1 vision to go into the airforce....I don't think that can even get eye surgery.  You just have to have great eye sight.
Alex: I think -4.00 is about a V2 or V3, but I'm not certain. However, I know someone in combat arms with a -5.00 correction, so you shouldn't have TOO many difficulties.