Eye chart: 6/6 is 20/20. Except the chart is in metric. Multiply the numbers by 3 and you have the eye chart in feet.
Eye surgery: I recommend it. But then again, it worked out fine for me. No loss of night vision, only see starbursts at night when my eyes are tired, and I can usually force my eyes to focus it off anyway. Doesn‘t affect the rest of my vision, as I don‘t stare at bright lights much at night. I can read licence plates easily at 4-5 car lengths, whereas before surgery, I couldn‘t read a licence plate at all without contacts/glasses.
Snipering: Again, I don‘t see the attraction. I‘d love to do a sniper course, and perhaps a recce course, but have no desire to spend days on end mvoing miniscule distances, ****ting in a plastic bag, not being able to whisk skeeters off my forehead for risk of giving my position away. Too many people saw "Sniper" or "Enemy at the Gates" i think. Having the skills is useful, being alone in the middle of the boonies with a rifle is not very useful. This is not Stalingrad 1942, we are in a whole new concept of war operations.
Christmas: Have a merry one. Or happy holidays. Whatever floats your boat. And happy new year.