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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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  The intent on enrolment is to keep people in the occupation they joined for at least 3 to 4 years.  This allows for training to be completed, and for some employment in occupation - hopefully a deployment.  The new enrolment form provides better layout of this information.

How long it will take to get back in will depend a lot on what your CFAT score was, and what occupation(s) you want.  The occupations that are open throughout the year are the Combat Arms and the Technical occupations - especially Navy Technical occupations.  If you have university entrance math and science you would be a good fit for the Technical occupations - if not, it will be harder.
I have been told that the six month waiting period is no longer in effect but it can take that long to get your paperwork to re-enrol you into another trade.  Which is fine by me because, IMHO, the recruiting system should not be used as OT facilitator for those people that don't like their current trades and want to change.  They didn't have to pick the trade in the first place and shouldn't be wasting valuable resources to change now.
kincanucks said:
Which is fine by me because, IMHO, the recruiting system should not be used as OT facilitator for those people that don't like their current trades and want to change.  They didn't have to pick the trade in the first place and shouldn't be wasting valuable resources to change now.

No the recruiting system shouldn't be used as a OT facilitartor, this slows down the process for new members joining. If you don't like you trade spend your time and ot later, you can OT our of Red Flagg trades it just takes longer then a normal OT
When I went through in a very similar story, the 6 months period stands. This gives the time to your unit to filter you out of the system and archive your files in the proper places.

It takes quite a bit of time to get your files back together and in order after you decide to do this, so trust me...be extra patient. Doing it this way will cost you many many extra months.

On the other hand, I obtained a waiver from the commander of the recruit station I re-applied to that granted me immediate right to go through and forgo the wait time.

Best of luck!
as for not liking my trade and knowing what I was getting into, shouldnt have picked it all that stuff you were talking about...  When I applied I was told by the recruiters to just put down any combat arms trade and then transfer to the trade I wanted after basic, because it would get me in the military faster.  So I did, and then was told I wasnt allowed to OT. 
But none the less thanks for your input.
Whalley said:
as for not liking my trade and knowing what I was getting into, shouldnt have picked it all that stuff you were talking about...  When I applied I was told by the recruiters to just put down any combat arms trade and then transfer to the trade I wanted after basic, because it would get me in the military faster.  So I did, and then was told I wasnt allowed to OT. 
But none the less thanks for your input.

To Play devils advocate I understand your issue the recurting system fails at times , but why get out , take the time build some rank senority and get paid to do it. Remember if you get out it could take a long time to get back in. Trades you are interested in can be closed faster then you think. If you enjoy the forces then stick it out

That is all
I was in the Army before doin my courses up in Meaford. I VRd on my DP1 course now its been 7months and i feel its been the worst mistake of my life. I had family reason to leave the military but now i wanna comeback. I was no shit pump i held my own. I was wonderin if any of you VRd and cameback and how was the steps you had to go through to get back. I did call and they still have my file and info was wonderin also if they take long to review me or do they go straight to physical and medical ytraining and get me back in it. Thank you
Although some here may be able to tell you their stories of getting back in after a VR, no-one can say for certain how long it will take for you.

Your best bet is to get yourself to the CFRC as soon as possible and get the process started.

RetiredRoyal said:
13 July 07 (Yes, Friday the 13th) Air Factor awarded, docs cleared for Borden to formulate offer.

Since my file cleared Toronto I've been getting a bit of a run around that I won't go into detail about until I sign my offer. Short story is that left and right hands aren't coordinated and its taking ages to get my offer written up.
A lot of things go into it.  One, they need to locate your old pers docs and medical file.  If you reapplied within six months of releasing their is a strong chance that your file may be in transit or in between admin. procedures.  This can cause delays.  Also, if you were in, a prior learning assessment takes place to see what you qualify as/for.  This is for your benefit as well as the CF's.

One thing though, despite the length of time it takes to get back in, and the procedures it takes, ultimately you made the decision to leave the CF.  Complain all you want about the procedures but you have but yourselves to blame at the end of the day.  Now I'm not knocking anyone for leaving for whatever reason.  Just keep in mind that you are the architect of what is happening now with your file.

Good luck to all.
Federalist_frog said:
Hi, I used to be in te canadian forces last year (2006) at least I did my BMQ in Valcartier from may to august. I've finish best student and best athlete, so im not some kind of frig all. After that, my fiance finally realized that she didn't like the military way of life for our relationship... So with some pression from the family I decided to retire from the army in october. It's not been yet a year and Gosh I miss the army way of life. I'm still with my girl but I,ve kinda change my way of seing things... I'm not happy at the university despite being an overaverage student. I don't want to be an officer,, well not yet... I don'T believe that I have what it takes to lead men... I would be interrest in rejoining as an armour personnel (what I used to be) or in the infantry. I would like to know if anyone knows if the army really likes to re-enroll personnel? and if yes what can I do except (phys test) to be more interresting for them?

Thanx a lot

:cdn: Federalist Frog  :cdn:

You can switch to reserve service, so you can have time to accomplish your university and have time with you gf and family. One day when you done school and divorce, you can get back into regular force without starting BMq all over again.
I was released from the Primary Reserve in Feb 1997, I re-applied for Re-enrollment to the reserves in October of 2006 but its already August of 2007 and still waiting for VFS, Have I missed the window to be granted RSBP?  It might have an impact on my continued interest as im 32 years old now.
To the best of my knowledge, RSBP can be granted if the time between service periods is 5 years or less, however, every situation is different.  When I got back in the Reg Force in 1995, I received a RSBP, however, I had been in the Reg Force before, had just left the Res F less than a year before and there was a very short time between my swearing in (after the May long weekend) and the beginning of my QL3 crse (05 Jun).  You would have to check with your local unit.
Well, under normal circumstances, you certainly have missed the boat as far as retaining all your rank & trade qualifications.  To date we are talking about 9+ years and much has changed in the subject matter we teach our reservists.

Will you be forced to start from the bottom & work your way up, not for me to say, but you have a lot of catching up to do.

Talk to your recruiter &  good Luck!
I would be going into a different trade, so I dont care about previous rank or previous trade courses, I would just prefer to avoid doing basic again and get right into my 'new' trade. 
RetiredRoyal said:
15 June 07 Docs clear Medical Review Officer in Ottawa, go to Toronto for Air Factor (happens to be my 42nd birthday, too)

Well, I did a telephone interview with recruiting yesterday ( 5 Sep 07) because the trade I was initially interviewed for isn't the one i'm going in as my entry trade it's a long story but my enrollment trade is generally not direct entry. They had to ask me the basic interview questions based on the other trade.

I was advised today that my position for my post course posting has been given a position number and that I have two upcoming course dates and should receive my offer in the next few days. First course date is Sept 17th here in Winnipeg. Kind of curious where I'll be attached or ordered to report during the month between my courses as my current residence is not the same as the intended posting unit and my October course is in neither of those places.

So far it's taken 13 months. Some of it my fault as I had LASIK and waited the 3 months before submitting my medical stuff from my doctor and had some reserve kit issues to deal with. My stuff was removed from my locker when they reno'd the hangar and disappeared. I filed a loss kit report instead of paying for it which ate up another month or so.
Hi everyone. I realize this question will be addressed by medical staff. I am just wondering if anyone knows of any cases where a similar thing has happened or if anyone has any insight as to what could possibly happen.  When I was enrolled I disclosed ALL pertinent and relevant information about my medical history.  I have ADHD. When i mentioned this to the medic at the recruiting centre, I was given a form for my doctor to fill out. I returned the form and my medical was accepted. I was enrolled and went to Borden for BMQ Sept 10th. While I was there, I spoke to a doctor at the MIR. I dont know if it was the stress of just being there or what it was but I had noticed I was a bit distracted and I spoke to a Doctor about it since I am not medicated for ADHD. The DR told me that the Forces woudl not treat me for this and that in his opinion I should not be in the Forces. I then went and spoke to my course instructors and to a Warrant. I was told that  if the DR recommended a release. I was told I could be put on PAT until the files was cleared and a decision was made and this could take several months.

I was a bit discouraged by this and did not know what to do. I spoke to somebody else who gave me differ5ent information all together. Anyway I asked the Warrant and a PO2 and also another instructor about the possibility of having a VR ...seeing a civi DR getting treatment for my ADHD which is just a pill in the morning and the re enlisting. They told me that it wasn't a bad idea. I was told that ADHD should not prohibit me from entering the forces. Which it hadn't in the first place as it was disclosed before my enrollment.

Anyway to make a very long story short. I'm wondering what my chances are of being re enlisted. Will the fact that I Had a VR and the fact that the DR thinks I should not be in the Forces keep me from re entering?..The Dr spoke to me for like 10 mins..he never examined me or anything...so he really couldn't diagnose me with anything ...does anyone have any idea what teh chances or re enlisting are?...and Im looking at Comm Reserve this time instead of Reg Forces

Thank You

WTF, if you are in and want to stay in... why on earth would you do the VR thing.
If you are released due to ADHD and the MOs recommendation, you will be facing an uphill battle to get back in.

Your choice BUT, don't be surprised of the barriers you're going to be stuck facing.
yeah I understand your point. I had no idea how to proceed and I was told going hoem and seeing a civi doctor would be easier than going through all that crap...the DR never even examined me or anything. I sope to somebody from Medical at Gagetown who told me the DR cant suggest realeasing me without a full medical check...I should have thought of that before!!!...anyway I will just have to deal with whatever happens. She also told me I can appeal any decision if Im not let back in..but whatever...liek I said I will deal with whatever happens