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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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If the English part was your weakness: read, read, read, and read some more. News articles are usually a good start.
If the Spatial Awareness was your weakness: try drawing 3D shapes, playing video games, or constructing 3D puzzles.
If the Logic/Math was your weakness: practice pattern finding, long division and multiplication, ratios, and memorize the multiplication table.

Any more advice would be giving it away!  :)
RCDcpl said:
Just curious....how did you pass the CFAT the first time but then fail it a second?  What also has me kind of curious is you are asking about what kinds of questions are on the test.  You've already done it twice.....you should know what to expect.

As for advice....study harder

It happens, once out of school some people do much poorer on standardized testing, especially if they were already iffy on things like math to begin with. 

To the OP, if you apply your going to be in for a long haul, as not only are you probably going to require a re-enrolment waiver (if you had an unfavourable release, which seem like the case),  you are going to need a 3rd level CFAT rewrite waiver, which is not easy to obtain, and you are going to have to demonstrate to CFRG's satisfaction that you have undertaken steps to improve your ability pass (ie taken additional math/english courses etc.).

The CFAT itself isn't really changing, just the way its being administered, CFRG is rolling out the "iCFAT"  as opposed to the "eCFAT" currently being used.  It's really anything for applicants to be concerned with, its more a new system for the CFAT to store and process the results.
I am currently reapplying as well.  I was at the mega in June, some family issues led me to VR.  BIG mistake, definitely should have attempted a special leave or anything else really.  However, I'm not sure how well that goes over when you're on your first course.  Anyways, I called and spoke with a recruiter who told me there was no 6 month minimum wait time.  Just apply and see what happens.  The interview is where you're going to have a good chance to explain what went wrong and why it's not going to happen again.  My biggest concern now is that a VFS (verification of former service) is going to be done before and interview can be conducted and it can take a rather long time to get.  If it takes to long and the trades you apply for are closed, then it's HUAW until next April.  Good Luck! Let me know how it goes!
Bigm said:
I am currently reapplying as well.  I was at the mega in June, some family issues led me to VR.  BIG mistake, definitely should have attempted a special leave or anything else really.  However, I'm not sure how well that goes over when you're on your first course.  Anyways, I called and spoke with a recruiter who told me there was no 6 month minimum wait time.  Just apply and see what happens.  The interview is where you're going to have a good chance to explain what went wrong and why it's not going to happen again.  My biggest concern now is that a VFS (verification of former service) is going to be done before and interview can be conducted and it can take a rather long time to get.  If it takes to long and the trades you apply for are closed, then it's HUAW until next April.  Good Luck! Let me know how it goes!
I agree with you 
BIG mistake, definitely should have attempted a special leave or anything else really.
Thanks for information.
I will contact CFRC after April 1st.Thanks again and good luck.
I heard about VFS (verification of former service)  but  I don't think so it can take a long time because I spent  less 3 months in CFLRS.
Bigm said:
I am currently reapplying as well.  I was at the mega in June, some family issues led me to VR.  BIG mistake, definitely should have attempted a special leave or anything else really.  However, I'm not sure how well that goes over when you're on your first course.  Anyways, I called and spoke with a recruiter who told me there was no 6 month minimum wait time.  Just apply and see what happens.  The interview is where you're going to have a good chance to explain what went wrong and why it's not going to happen again.  My biggest concern now is that a VFS (verification of former service) is going to be done before and interview can be conducted and it can take a rather long time to get.  If it takes to long and the trades you apply for are closed, then it's HUAW until next April.  Good Luck! Let me know how it goes!

If you VR'd in June, then it's been more than six months anyway. Good luck on getting back in :) If all goes well, maybe we'll both be there this summer.
Like a couple of other guys who have posted in here, I was advised by CoC/BPSO that as a member who was not MOC qualified, it would be in my best interest to leave (Release item 4c.) and rejoin the forces in the trade I wanted as opposed to waiting on a VOR that would take (insert vague estimate here) to complete. I was told at the time that all my qualifications would carry over, as well as my pay grade (P-3). This has me worried, though.

Obviously this CANFORGEN doesn't apply to me directly - but I wonder - this would seem to indicate there is a mechanism for recognizing previous qualifications. Therefore, can anyone answer definitively - will my BMQ be recognized? AsI was a cbt arms recruit, "BMQ-L" for me was just the first 5 weeks of DP1, which I completed and got my crossed muskets infantry badge - but I've been told that since this isn't the same as the BMQ-L course (though as there was a BMQ-L running in parallel with my inf Dp1 course, this confuses me - they ran the same curriculum and timetable as us, only we were up a lot later scrubbing stuff). Will I have to redo the course? And of course I'd like to know if I'd start again as a Pte-Basic in terms of pay..

When you rejoin a PLAR will be submitted - make sure you ask your question to the recruiter. Do you have any paperwork saying you are qualified BMQ-Land ie course certificate.  Do you have your DP1 course report still as that will say which PO's you have completed.  Not sure if those PO's would be valid as you did not(from the sounds of it) finish DP1, ie meaning the BMQ-L qual was granted to you.  Copy of your MPRR - that will list all qualifications you have.

Also crossed muskets Infantry badge?  I assume you mean the Infantry Corps capbadge?
Your basic most likely will not be recongnized there has  been a new directive that state any member who releases and is not QL3 will need to redo basic...i have been out just under 5 years and will need to redo it as well
I was advised upon releasing my basic would be good as well, but in 2010 a few things changed. Most recruitment centres do not even know of the new changes until you start the process. The directive came from the CDA. Many members are not even aware of it. I have tried to get around it but in the end there is nothing you can do. I know of one other guy so far that has dealt with this as well and lost. So just be aware that although the BPSO says you will be fine chances are you will not. I would get them to look further into the new basic directives for non ql3 members
Individuals who want to re-enrol in the CF after a period of absence apply
through normal recruitment procedures. CFRG HQ R7 PLAR and all CFRC's, have
been authorize to validate or recognized common qualifications that are
managed by the Canadian Defence Academy (CDA). Based on the PD system,
(education, training, experience, self development) gained while serving,
the BMQ remains valid for a limited timeframe unless a mbr reach the
Operational Function Point (OFP) before being release from the CF.

A BMQ completed on or after 1 January 2003 remains valid for:

Time served 12 months - valid for 24 months
Time served 12-23 months - valid for 48 months
Time served 24-35 months - valid for 72 months
Time served 36-59 months - valid for 96 months
Time served 60 months + Qualified for Life

Duration of Qualifying Service is as per - CBI 204.015(2)- Qualifying

This is the email I got back from them. Sorry for the multiple posts
Remember, this policy was to bring back qualified members - people who could draw their uniforms and start working immediately.  Those folks were the priority, not people who decided to quit before they were occupationally qualified and then reconsidered.
dapaterson said:
Remember, this policy was to bring back qualified members - people who could draw their uniforms and start working immediately.  Those folks were the priority, not people who decided to quit before they were occupationally qualified and then reconsidered.

Not to mention someone who wants to rejoin in a different trade.
Howdy folks. I did two years as LCIS, which is now a new trade as I understand.

Reason for Leaving
Personal issues mainly, I joined up right after college, and I intended to be a medic. They convinced me to join LCIS, because I was a nerd. I had a college education in Health and Wellness, and no real life experience. Went from college to the CF. I wanted to get out and start my own business, experience Civvy life.

Why I want back in
Civvy life blows. There's no money (at least for me!), no plan, no work ethic... It's all just blah. I'm trying to go ATIST, and was wondering how long I might expect to wait to get back in.


Thanks folks!
@ Skeletor - yes, the infantry corps badge. I wasn't sure what to call it

JHunt - thanks for the information. That's a pity and I certainly hope you're wrong, but at least I'm forewarned now if you're not ><
No problem, it was a huge blow to me. I don't want anyone else being blindsided! Good luck
I heard you have to re-apply online in the Canadian Forces website. And there is an option I think where you can choose from that label you as a "skilled" (previous CF experience) applicant.
MMSS said:
If you VR'd in June, then it's been more than six months anyway. Good luck on getting back in :) If all goes well, maybe we'll both be there this summer.
Good luck guys!!!
I was in 4 years ago and left as well, I think they said a 6 month wait or something before reapplying.
But I applied back about 2 years now, and just got a call last week with a job offer, and I was merit listed 6 months ago, but there was no jobs open at that time. The wait seems to be longer now to get in since the jobs keep closing. When I joined the first time took about 1 month from when i applied and was given an offer.