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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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kincanucks said:
Woo is me.  Yes it takes a longer time to enroll someone with previous service than someone without.  So what. 

Wow. Considering you don't know my situation, etc., that's pretty rude to assume this attitude.  Did you ever think there might be a reason I need the process to go quickly and that waiting until 2010 just wouldn't be acceptable?  Think about being in my shoes before commenting like that.

kincanucks said:
Thankfully, I know someone at Recruiting Group HQ and they've just hastened the Medical Offices in Ottawa.  I asked the CFRC to hasten them, but they said they can't.  So, effectively, if it took 6 months to get my Med Docs, so be it.  That to me is unacceptable.

Yes keep making friends at the CFRC.  People who pull the "I know somebody at ..." a just a little too self important.

And yet I have an excellent relationship with them.  Again, you need to know the whole situation before commenting negatively as you've done.  Have you ever heard of networking?  You've probably done it in your day-to-day business ... well guess what?  My business at the moment is getting back into the military.  So, I will contact whomever I need to get the job done.

They have no knowledge of any hastening actions taking by myself or CFRG at the CFRC, as this was done behind the scenes.  They would not hasten Ottawa for the docs, so I took the bull by the horns and got it done.  So tell me, why couldn't the CFRC do this?  Why did I have to seek assistance elsewhere?

As for getting out of the military previously, you're right ... no one did make me get out.  But so what?  Again, you have no idea of my circumstances at that time.  So, because I do want to get back in am I to be considered a 3rd class citizen?  Should I expect to be treated differently ... actually, yes.  I offer a skilled package that can be utilized by the CF now.  I don't have to do any training, so I can be slotted right into a position now and not months later.

Feel free to slam me again.  We've seen what you're made of now.

Cheers, Hilander.

Hilander said:
Wow. Considering you don't know my situation, etc., that's pretty rude to assume this attitude.  Did you ever think there might be a reason I need the process to go quickly and that waiting until 2010 just wouldn't be acceptable?  Think about being in my shoes before commenting like that.

And yet I have an excellent relationship with them.  Again, you need to know the whole situation before commenting negatively as you've done.  Have you ever heard of networking?  You've probably done it in your day-to-day business ... well guess what?  My business at the moment is getting back into the military.  So, I will contact whomever I need to get the job done.

They have no knowledge of any hastening actions taking by myself or CFRG at the CFRC, as this was done behind the scenes.  They would not hasten Ottawa for the docs, so I took the bull by the horns and got it done.  So tell me, why couldn't the CFRC do this?  Why did I have to seek assistance elsewhere?

As for getting out of the military previously, you're right ... no one did make me get out.  But so what?  Again, you have no idea of my circumstances at that time.  So, because I do want to get back in am I to be considered a 3rd class citizen?  Should I expect to be treated differently ... actually, yes.  I offer a skilled package that can be utilized by the CF now.  I don't have to do any training, so I can be slotted right into a position now and not months later.

Feel free to slam me again.  We've seen what you're made of now.

Cheers, Hilander.

Don't worry buds I know your situation very well because I have seen self important people like you come through my detachment all the time when I was in recruiting.  Think the world owes them everything because they were once in and they know people.  No, you are not a 3rd class citizen but you should wait your turn just like everyone else.  You know what happens when CFRC/Ds ask other agencies to hasten things?  They get told to wait just like everyone else.  Good luck.

HH and DA
Wow ... look at you.  Talk about self importance!  You think because you've either been in or are in Recruiting, you've got all the answers.

You know what?  I am that important.  Maybe not in your eyes, but I KNOW I offer the military a lot.  I did when I was in and I do even more so now.  No, I wasn't the answer to all problems ... I'm human.  So what if I want the timings to be quicker.  I take it YOU would just roll over and take whatever answers you're given?  You would wait 12+ months because that's what they tell you it would take?  Well, then you deserve all the crap you've received in your career.  If you want something bad enough, you have to fight for it.

And that is what I'm doing.  I'm questioning the timeframe it's taking.  I'm finding ways to improve upon those timings.  I'm doing it discretely through the Group (not the Detachment like you think), as I know someone there that can make things happen.  He and I have discussed how to approach these timing issues and he's advising me on what the CFRG HQ can do for me.

I'm being told that it'll take a long time to get booked for a medical because there aren't that many Dr's available to do one.  You actually think I'm going to accept that?  Guess what, I'll drive to the next province on my own dime where the Dr situation might not be as bad.  Don't tell me I'll have to wait one month for the medical, when in the next province it could possibly be this week.  The CFRC/D's are all on the same system, so the tests and results can be done elsewhere.

You know that and I know that.

Me, I choose to see if the system can be improved upon and you know what?  It can, in a number of ways.  I want to be back in the military, so I'm going to do EVERYTHING I can to make that happen.  The quicker, the better at this point.

So, take your attitude and sell it to someone else.  You talk to me about being an Officer in the military?  Take the time to understand an issue first before thinking you have the right to crap on someone.

Who's self important now?

Cheers, Hilander
(More of leader than you ever wished to be)
Hilander said:
Who's self important now?

I don't know about everyone else but i read your posts and all i see is "I".

(More of leader than you ever wished to be)

Brilliant. You bitch that other posters make assumptions about you and you turn around and make some about them. Theres a word for that. I will give you a hint, its starts with "H".

Dont bother getting back in, we dont want ya.

You know that the more you post like that, like a spoiled little child, the more you dig yourself into a deeper hole.  You are setting the stage here where many who have been or are in the same boat as you are wondering about YOUR ethics.  They are wondering how they too can start to used the backdoor connections of their Members of Parliament, their Mayor, their Premier, their friend in the PMOs Office, their best friend's uncle the CLS, etc. to hasten their entry into the CF. 

Go ahead.  Tell us all about your "connections at CFRG".  I think some of your "connection's" bosses are also interested in your morale and ethical values.  Many from the CFRG do frequent this site, and offer valued advice to potential prospects.  I wonder what example you are demonstrating in jumping the Que.

I hope that you also realize that the CF has changed drastically since you left in 1996.  Others who have re-enrolled as skilled applicants are also wondering about your situation and why theirs is so much different. 

But if you want to argue 'till you are blue in the face with people who have been or are Recruiters....fill your boots.  Your subordinants are also making judgements of who you are.  You have after all given us all a good description of who you are;  a Log O, returning after being out for 13 years.  You know how small the CF is, and how fast the word gets around.  Heck, us peons really can't hold you back.  So carry on.  Paint us more of a picture of who you really are.
recceguy said:
Wrong. I had my complete original UER, amongst other documents, and it took them over a year to verify my previous service and get me re-enlisted after an eight year absence.
Well, that's why I said I imagine =\
the 48th regulator said:
Please refrain from imagining what is the right and wrong thing to do.

It just wastes bandwidth.



milnet.ca staff
Fair enough, but if everyone refrained from posting things that are a waste of bandwidth on this site the forum wouldn't need to be subdivided.
starseed said:
Fair enough, but if everyone refrained from posting things that are a waste of bandwidth on this site the forum wouldn't need to be subdivided.

And that is strike three.

You have mouthed off enough on this site, and I will tolerate no more.

If you are here to participate, learn the rule about staying in your lane, with regards to experience and what you post.

If you are here to torment the Moderation staff, trundle off and spend your time preparing to be a soldier.  If you haven't noticed, most of the people you challenge are, or were.



milnet.ca staff

"More of leader than you ever wished to be"

Wow just wow.  Really?  I don't see me on here bitching about how the recruiting system is slowing down my re-enrolment.  Oh that is right I have served for 25 continuous years.  You are a shining example of self before service but I guess to each his own.
Not sure if anyone would be interested in my story, but here it goes.  In 1985, I applied for ROTP straight out of grade 12, but was denied due to the fact that my "marks were just not high enough". One year later, after a year at Saint Mary's University, I applied again (my only goal in life at that time was to be a pilot) and was accepted.  I entered as "B List" which meant that I was slated to go back to Saint Mary's unless a spot opened up for me at Mil Col.  Two days before I was slated to get on the plane in Vancouver to go back to Halifax, I was informed that I would be going to Royal Roads Military College.  I had 4 seperate ULOs (University Liason Officers) tell me that I would NOT make it as my marks were not good enough.  I believed the first three, but the fourth one ticked me off enough that I decided to prove them all wrong.  In 1990, I graduated with BSc in Pysics and Oceanography (showed them!). I did not make it as a pilot, and was transferred to Logistics (transportation).I got out in 1994, believing that the grass would be greener on the other side and dump trucks just don't turn my crank. At that time, the pay was still quite low and progression was limited as there was a real slow down in promotions. 
I have done a large variety of jobs since then; almost all in a leadership capacity.  But after being laid off twice, and having a wife and 2 children, the need for job security is very much a priority in my life.

I have been batting the idea of re-joining for a while now, but would like to be a MARS officer this time.  So...early July, I went down to the RC and picked up my application.  I returned it two days later and was scheduled to write the CFAT on Aug 4, but it has been rescheduled for Aug 17.

I am very, very excited to re-enter the military as I feel that I never truely left.  I don't focus on regrets about getting out, but instead focus on the fact that I have gained a lot of great leadership experice in other areas of life which I believe will make me a better officer.  I am almost 42 and trying like hell to get back in shape.  I can do push ups and sit ups (but not that many, yet) and on my third day of running, was able to run 1/37 miles in 14 minutes and fully intend on being able to complete the 2.4 km in the required time.

It has been so long since I went through the process the first time that I was wondering if anyone could help me prepare for the interview. What type of questions do they ask?

Thank you ahead of time for anyone who responds.

Steve, the interview is very straight forward.  Granted, it's been 10 years since I did it, basically, all you have to do is know a little bit about the trade(s) you want, the CF in general and be honest in all the answers about yourself.

If you search on this forum, you'll find a bunch of good information about the interview.

Good Luck!
Thanks for the quick response.  Without wanting to sound too confident, I do believe that my "life experience" and maturity level will help my somewhat, but do have concerns about them not wnating me back in due to my age. Anyone else try to get in when they were in their 40s?

Although my body is in civies, my heart remains in uniform.
Steve_D said:
. Anyone else try to get in when they were in their 40s?

I believe you will find several threads about those that have done it.
I am 41, and I am in the process of joining. I decided to join last winter when I was laid off for the first time. I went to a few job seminars while I was off, and the CF was  giving a presentation at one session. I was approached by a recruiter who asked if I was interested, I told him that I thought I was too old and would not be accepted. Long story short, that was not the case and I am just waiting for my medical to be OK'd, then I am on my way.
Remember age is just a number. I am looking forward to the challenges ahead. I know it is going to be hard, but in the end I am sure it will be the most rewarding experience of my life. Just keep in mind because you are over 40, you are going to have to get a bunch of extra medical testing done, ECG ,blood work and such. This will slow down your process a little but just stay focused and start working out! Good luck to you!

Thanks Mark.

I am not worried myself about my age.  I truely believe that I can and will accomplish this as long as I remain dedicated and focused on my goal.  My main worry was how the RC was going to view my age. Good point about the extra medical, thanks.

Just wondering how long most people waited between writing the CFAT and receiving their results and then how long until they had thier interview?


Steve_D said:
Just wondering how long most people waited between writing the CFAT and receiving their results and then how long until they had thier interview?



I just wrote my CFAT and you basically find out immediately whether or not you've made the grade for your specific trade. They won't tell you a percentage score, but only if you've passed or not. After I was told that I passed, they told me to call tomorrow morning to book the interview. Hopefully I get mine booked sometime this week but I won't know until tomorrow.

Hi Steve,

I am in my late 30'ies already and applying for MARS too but in the reserve. However, during the interview it was thought that I was applying for the regular, I don't know if that makes difference in the type of interview given.

For the CFAT, time yourself when you are preparing for the exam. I found the main challenge was the small amount of time allowed to answer, but I am a slow thinker. I got the interview one or two weeks later, I don't remember exactly.

For the interview, I found it was mainly to double check all the information in your application, to make sure that you have common sense and you are not a "special case" as you can find times to times on the present forum. However, they get banned pretty quickly from this forum, thanks to the Mod!

In my case, it was more about who I am than what do I know, to make sure that I am not living in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which in my situation, could apply as I have tendency to be a dreamer, not always smart on the evaluation of challenges, often I take too much on my shoulder for what I can carry!

I was honest about my strength, my weakness (being older, my CV was talking for me), my hope, my interest in CF, my concerns, well to sum-up, I was honest to all the questions I was asked!

Be clear, concise, short answer for wide questions, answer to the question, avoid digression,...

They didn't comment on my age at anytimes.

Be constructive in your answer, don't be shy about past mistakes or failures but explain it in a constructive way, what did you learn about it and so on...

Make sure that you read on your trade, enough to show in your answers how you could be a good fit for this trade based on who you are.

I don't know how the interview changes from officer to officer, trade to trade and files to files so I am just talking about my own experience and perception of the interview, but I got the ticket for the next application step, still take my word for the  :2c:

Hope this help!