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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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I just don‘t understand this system. And today the defense minister announced another 200 million cut from the forces. Apparently its the Leopards being targeted now. And yet they claim to be so underbudget that the can‘t get the system to work. Not enough clerks to process VFS proposals fast enough.

Isn‘t it a benefit to have personnel who have training and understanding of the system? Doesn‘t that save tax dollars and provide better depth on the reserve force?

What a joke. God help us when this war starts.
:warstory: I thinking of returning to the forces. I been out 2 years and I am wanting to got reg force this time. I was wondering about RSBP, how they deside if you don‘t do basic. Is better to go to basic? Can you deside to got to basic even when you are eligible for this entry plan? The recuriter wasn‘t very helpfull, I was told they would let me know if I eligible at enrollment. If anyone could give heads up please.
Since no one seems to be giving you an answer, I‘ll give you my understanding (which should NOT be taken as gospel) and at the same time bump this thread up for you. First of all, how long were you in the Reserves for? That might have an impact on the decision. Without fobbing off at the mouth about reasons and exceptions, you will more than likely have to do basic upon enrolling into the Regs.
The recruiter can‘t tell you that, he hasn‘t seen the Verification of Former Service, which must be done on re-enrollees. The assessment on what equivalencies will be granted i determined by CFRG, not at the CFRC. All you can do is apply and wait for the offer; you don‘t have to sign if you don‘t like the offer.
I am currently a reservist on edt who has requested  release from the army. I haven't received my release letter yet and decided that I wanted to transfer from reserve to reg's any edvice on that
and anyone know how long it will take
A component transfer or re-enrollment takes a while because you basically need to do everything that a first time applicant does.  However, you also need to do a bit more.  Things such as VFS (verification of former service) and all that good stuff.  I would suggest trying to go component transfer though, because a re-enrollment is a pain in the ass you don't need.  If you get out then go to get back in they need to pull up all your previous docs from your unit/archives.  Short story, do a CT you'll like it a lot more.
My last unit was CFLRS St Jean... Im wondering if anyone (particularly any recruiters around) would have a best-guess (I recognize no guarantees) on a VFS timeframe for there? Clearly my file isn't too large... 1 year in......

Im just curious if I can expect a year, or a few months....
VFSs and PSDRs can now be requested through the computer at most recruiting centres/detachments and it takes approximately 5 minutes.  What takes so long with previous service applicants is the request for med records but this now only takes 2-3 weeks at most now.  There will still be occasional slow ups especially with people released before 1997 and those with reserve service from units that haven't forwarded their release paperwork, in some cases five years after release.
How about some details!   Were you just being a *** or did you want an answer?

So if its been 2 years, I should expect 1-2 months?

What does this mean?   You applied two years ago and they still don't have it?

Does anything in my post apply to you?

Note: Your file does not stay at your last unit it is sent to central archives.   That is why you have to wait a minimum of six months before reapplying to the CF after release.   That is so the wieners don't treat the release system as an occupational transfer system.
No. I was in the forces under ROTP for a year. I was released with recommendation to re-enroll (I believe it is a 4(C) ?  Could be wrong... I'd have to look at the paperwork).

Without getting into why I released (since this has been rehashed before, and Im confident based on disucssions with my previous staff that I would be a good candidate for re-enrollment) I'm looking at re-joining but this time the reserves. I released July 2003.

Not trying to be a shit at all... just clarifying!

(Also, interesting to note, I was actually encouraged by many staff at CFLRS to use releases and reenrollment as a type of OT - althought they were referring to enrollment program and not MOC (ie ROTP RMC to ROTP Civ. They mentioned it was pretty much the only way to do it).

Cheers, and thanks in advance.
Hello -

I have done a search of the forum using the keywords "verification former service" and have found quite a few complaints about how long the process can take (I won't bother you with my particular sob story), however I was not able to find any information on what might be involved.

The CFRC told me that it will contain information about my prior service (Cadets and Air Reserve) but it will not be entirely complete.  It apparently will not contain course reports for example.  However I applied for and received (under the access to information act) everything that DND had with my name on it, and my course reports are present in those files.  I suppose my first question is why the discrepancy?  It's only an academic interest, but I am curious.

Additionally, also present are some very old letters of recommendation from various COs and former colleagues in Cadets and the Air Reserve for an application to RMC that I subsequently did not submit.  My second question is if they might be contacting these people.  That might account for the length of time this process seems to be taking.

Lastly, the CFRC informs me that they had to resubmit their request the required information.  The young lady I spoke with thought that it - given the time it is taking - someone might have been concerned that the request was not received.  ...She wasn't sure however, so I wonder if someone can tell me if this is a common occurrence and if so why. (Again, really just sort of curious.  The CFRC can seem like such a black box!)

(By the way the young lady with whom I spoke is kind enough to submit some inquiries on my behalf to see if there is anything that can be done to speed things along.)

I can tell you from experience its a lot longer to get in with prior/current (ie switch from reserves to reg force) than it is to start from scratch with no prior experience.  CF paperwork is a nightmare and unfortunately it results in unecessary delays trying to verify and track things down.  This from experience.

I appreciate the inside scoop.   When your paperwork was finally processed were you able to ascertain what the devil was involved that took so long?
With so many people involved in the process, and with the chain-of-command hurdle (I'm referring to when your recruiter can't phone someone and ask whats up with your file because that someone is "too high up" in the chain of command) its near impossible for me to find ou where the holds ups were.  In some cases people may be able to find out, but in my case its sat on so many people's desks for so long who knows where the delays were.  I know my medical went thru more promptly than others have, and the MA held on to my file for an awfully long time (over six months), but other than that I don't know why the three year delay.
Did you say 3 year delay?  That's remarkable!  ...I really don't know what to say.  I'm glad that you were finally processed.

This might be a topic for another thread, but perhaps it's time to contract out the recruiting process (or as much of it as can be).
Joe Blow said:
Did you say 3 year delay?   That's remarkable!   ...I really don't know what to say.   I'm glad that you were finally processed.

This might be a topic for another thread, but perhaps it's time to contract out the recruiting process (or as much of it as can be).

The delays do not have anything to do with recruiting.  All requests for prior service information go to NDHQ, reserve units and Reserve HQs.  The process is made easier now that requests can be requested electronically and, if the person was released after 1997, it can be received instantaneously.  If an applicant has previous service documents then they should provide those at the time of application.  Recruiters do not sit on requests and will regularly check on the status of those requests with whomever they feel can answer their queries.
Kincanucks - Thank-you for your reply. That's very encouraging!  I have managed to obtain documents related to my prior service through the Privacy Act and will definitely make sure they are added to my file at the CFRC.
not sure if this question belongs here or in the other areas of the forum, but here goes.....
 in the quest to find some action i left the canadian army and got myself a job in Baghdad. i will eventually be heading back to canada and to the army once i am ready to settle down and live the easy life, but what i am curious about is how long do i have before my courses are no longer valid. i really dont feel like doing my QL3 031 over again, but i guess i may have no choice if i leave it too long. also, if i get back in before this deadline, what are the chances of requesting the Bn of my choice ?

Applicant has completed Reg F recruit and MOC trg, and applying for the same MOC and has been released less than five years. File will be forwarded to the appropriate MA/School to determine skilled status. If not considered skilled, then RSBP.


Applicant has completed Reg F recruit and MOC trg, has been released for less than ten years and applying for any MOC (see Note B), unless granted skilled status.

Note B

if elapsed time since date of release is greater than five years, CFRG HQ in consultation with MA will review on a case by case basis if applicant has maintained relevant skills or qualifications deemed to be of military value.