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Vehicle Technician ( merged )

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rafe
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Having been a civilian mechanic previous to enlisting as a vehicle tech i can tell you that once you have completed your training, and are actually posted to a unit on your apprentiship (QL4) its pretty max relax. Much more time to learn as you go than you would with a service manager breathing down your back downtown. We work on everything from chainsaws to tanks and everything in between. We GENERALY dont do much basic vehicle servicing, as it is considered the drivers responsibility, but it does happen. What kind of work you do, and on what type of vehicles depends where you are posted. As you have a college certificate you should be entitled to signing incentives, which should in be starting at Private pay level 3 in your case.
Any more questions feel free to shoot me a PM.

Craftsman Harding,
1 Service Battalion, CFB Edmonton
Hey guys, Im just wondering what its like to be a vehicle tech, where it can take me etc.  I have no experiance in vehicles but Im willing to learn and how would this affect my abilities of becoming a vehicle tech. Once done training where would I go as in reg.
eechoss said:
Hey guys, Im just wondering what its like to be a vehicle tech, where it can take me etc.  I have no experiance in vehicles but Im willing to learn and how would this affect my abilities of becoming a vehicle tech. Once done training where would I go as in reg.

Well first of all, are you in the Armed Forces,seeing you are using  Military Terminology, or have just joined or are considering ?.

Second and not to appear sarcastic, as far as your Mental and Psychical abilities permit you to.

Thirdly, if your real lucky Afghanistan. Military Drivers and Mechanics go to the same places as the Infantry do.

I will add that Veh Techs are everywhere's the CF is.  Your first posting could be to an army base, then to one of the coasts "owned" by the Navy and then to an Air Force Wing.  While on an Army base, you could be at Base Maintenance, attached to a Service Bn (read in the field alot), etc and from what I have seen and know from buddies in this MOC, you could expect to rotate thru the various shops on the base.  Veh Tech's live the lifestyle of the unit they are posted to (i.e. if with Army, they cam up, dig in and all the other 'army' stuff as well as wrench-bending). 

Hey guys, I'm interested in becoming a vehicle tech. Im just wondering how much knowledge of engines and what not should someone have before joining? I know some stuff I do all of the work on my own vehicles but as far as rebuilding engines and such Im pretty lost. Also what kind of salary should I expect? I'll probally think of some more questions later but this is all for now :) lol Thanks in advance.
They teach you everything you need to know on your courses.  For pay levels, do a search, it's been covered here numerous times.
also .. do they pay you during your basic training? Im just wondering I lost my job and I have bills to pay and being a mechanic was something Ive wanted to do for awhile now so I figured this would be a good way to do it
Yes, they pay you during basic.  Please use the search function or look around the threads regarding basic training, etc as you will find most of your answers.
Not only do you get paid during training but after you have been fully trained and have few years experience you are eligible to write your inter-provincial "red seal' licence that would allow you to work anywhere.  We are hiring vehicle techs now so get to a recruiting centre and get some more details. Check the web site www.forces.gc.ca

So not so much a question on vehicle tech..I have a fair bit of debt probally about $10,000. Some have gone to collection agencies because I lost my job 4 months ago and am having a hard time finding employment in my town. I have been making payments still over the 4 months but some were behind already and went to collections. How much is this going to affect my ability to join? Would it be fine as long as my income from the army would cover my bills?
Skaven said:
So not so much a question on vehicle tech..I have a fair bit of debt probally about $10,000. Some have gone to collection agencies because I lost my job 4 months ago and am having a hard time finding employment in my town. I have been making payments still over the 4 months but some were behind already and went to collections. How much is this going to affect my ability to join? Would it be fine as long as my income from the army would cover my bills?

Keep in mind the application process can take well over a year. My application has been in since September and I'm only on the medical form stage.

As for your bills, the current salaries are listed both on the Canadian Forces recruiting website and on these forums if you do a search. We can't tell you if it will be enough. That said, I believe poor credit could potentially compromise your application if it's out of control.
Skaven said:
So not so much a question on vehicle tech..I have a fair bit of debt probally about $10,000. Some have gone to collection agencies because I lost my job 4 months ago and am having a hard time finding employment in my town. I have been making payments still over the 4 months but some were behind already and went to collections. How much is this going to affect my ability to join? Would it be fine as long as my income from the army would cover my bills?

Look into getting some credit counseling. It shows that you realize you have a problem and are willing to work with someone to solve it. The recruiters seem to like that you are willing to put that extra little umph in. Mine did, and i was just under $20k in the red. It takes time to solve, but it's not imposible.
Let me tell you that if you ignore your payments, that tells me that you're willing to give up responsibility.  Not good for CF members.  If you keep it up, despite your difficulties, then you've proven to me that you're reliable.
Vehicle tech?  Marine Mechanic?  All engines are basically the same.
I want you to look into a program called NCM SEP.  Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Education Plan.  This plan will send you to a local college, get a diploma.  The CF pays for everything that you need to go to school.  Books, tuition, student fees, and a stipend for pens and paper.  Then on top of that the CF pays you about 31k a year with all the benefits for medical, dental, drug program, family plans, leave, travel, etc that you get as a full-fledged member (because you are).  You graduate with your diploma, corporal's stripes, pay at 56k and guaranteed employment for three years.  After that you're on your own, or you could stay.
To me this is a no-brainer.
Good luck.
I havent so much Ignored them as fell behind..Im still making payments most of my bills are caught up and being paid(thanks to my very loving mom) and im still looking for some kind of job in my local community to help. Also I have a nice tax return this year (about $3000 thats going stright onto my bills) I do plan and staying a full fledged member..I think it would be more fun working on LAV's then doing tune-ups on someones huyandi :P
Im from Northern Ontario and I have two Recruiting Officers coming to my house on Monday to speak with me. There is no RC in my town but they happen to be in town to visit my local High school so they said they are going to stop by and speak with me. Also as a Vehicle Tech what kind of work would I do and what kind of vehicles would I be working on?
Now you have to do your own research on forces.ca - look up the trade and imagine that every vehicle that you see that is being run by the Army has to have a mechanic behind it somehow.  We have civilian vehicles too.
Good luck.