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Vehicle names

Trooper Hale

Sr. Member
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When people name a vehicle its usually something boring or straight forward. B squadron names all start with 'B', A squadron is the same, you know the drill. I'm wondering though, has anyone ever had anything genuinely out of the box and original, something you saw and had a chuckle at?
I drive a carrier called "Boris the bullet dodger" and while its not the most original name, it at least gets a giggle sometimes. I also once saw a "RANGE SAFETY" vehicle which had, using the medium of black and white electrical tape had taken on the title "STRANGE FETISH".
Can anyone think of anything?
Had a Ferret designated as "Aardvark" and a Cougar that we named "Honk on Bobo".
I had a bunch of LSVW's that I would come up with new names for each time the hood was up along the side of some road....
8CH often used place names linked to Regtl history (Anagance, Hampton, etc)
RCD Recce sqn in Germany had each troop in a group (ie ours were girls names...some German). I'll never forget ol' Dagmar!!

We once called our Sqn Amb - Band Aid

went over well untill the CO saw it!!!!!
My old Regiment has an ML who's CFR ends with 666.

"Satan", "Devil Truck", and "The Beast" are all common
Hey we had one at Field Support Plt at CFSME might be the same one  >:D
skydiver said:
8CH often used place names linked to Regtl history (Anagance, Hampton, etc)
RCD Recce sqn in Germany had each troop in a group (ie ours were girls names...some German). I'll never forget ol' Dagmar!!


If I recall 8CH tank/cougar sqn names were all town names from Ontario.  Cobden, Blissville etc.  Recce Sqn as usual did things its own way.

My personal favorite was "Ditch Pig" c/s 44A (the assault troop dozer) about the same era as Dickdoo  ;D
We had a 113 named "Exxon Valdez", more oil in the hull than in the pack.
Kendrick said:
G-Wagon called "Flipper". 

But then again this could be generalized.


This isn't quite what you think.  We are talking about the names on individual "Fighting Vehicles".  These would be like you giving your car a personalized name.  In the majority of cases, and I can honestly not think of any instances, wheeled B vehicles have never had names.  Now that we have wheeled "Fighting Vehicles" we will gradually see names appear on them.
Not directly related, but during a work-up ex for an early Bosnia deployment, a Leopard turned up in our OPFOR camp. It had the standard IFOR markings on the side of the turret, in masking tape.
After immobilizing the veh with (simulated) AT mines, one of the boys went to get some tape, and transformed the "I" in IFOR into an "A", then adding a P in front, makingPAFOR (pas fort). The litteral translation is "not strong", but in a case like this it means "not clever" !!  >:D
We took a Coy picture on the tank, with the writing clearly visible, then the refs let it go...  ;D
I am ready to bet the crew did not wait until they reached their camp to remove the tape.  ;)
A little off topic, but all the canoes at the Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Centre were named after bands.

I.E - HMCS Sex Pistols, HMCS Black Sabbath, etc.
George Wallace said:
This isn't quite what you think.  We are talking about the names on individual "Fighting Vehicles".  These would be like you giving your car a personalized name.  In the majority of cases, and I can honestly not think of any instances, wheeled B vehicles have never had names.  Now that we have wheeled "Fighting Vehicles" we will gradually see names appear on them.

Aye, you're right.  I only thought of that because I was gunner on a g-wagon that flipped quite a few times in a short period of time and we ended up calling it that way.  But yeah, it's not in the same sense as you mentionned.  Thanks for the precision.

I suppose we can give you a "Special Dispensation" on that, and allow you to call G-Pigs I mean up-armoured GWagen's "Flipper".  ;D
Scrooge_Des said:
My old Regiment has an ML who's CFR ends with 666.

"Satan", "Devil Truck", and "The Beast" are all common

I seen it too!!! Gagetown Truck! I do recall Inf. School?
My first panzer was nicknamed "Armageddon".....but I guess it was too aggressive.

It was changed a couple of months later to "Anagance"    ::)

One of our Sect Comd's was named Jim and somewhat boyish looking. His APC Dozer was invariably christened "The Culture Carrier", hence "Boy Jimmy and the Culture Carriers".
Our LAV is named St Michael, and others, Spirit of ANZAC, Save the Ales, and yet another Scorpion King.

Back at my Regiment in Brisbane, two B Sqn LAVs come to mind. Bastards Inc, and Barbarossa!

Hope you're going well Hales, and we'll see ya before ANZAC Day 2007 for sure!

Cheers from Terrortown,
