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VAC Return to Lifetime Pensions Discussion

PuckChaser said:
I'd suggest to you that if the government cannot afford proper compensation, then they cannot expect unlimited liability from CAF members. Especially true considering we are required to give up charter rights as a condition of enrollment. Charter rights which are apparently worth at least  $10.5m.

:goodpost: :ditto:
PPCLI Guy said:
Is this so unreasonable?  From the perspective of a taxpayer, I would suggest that it is not.

In my opinion, it wouldn't be, if the PM wasn't throwing fistfuls of cash around the world and taking care of everyone else except Canadians. The amounts that have been given away are ridiculous, bankrupting and not good fiscal management by the government. I'm sure the money he's payed out to terrorists could've fixed some problems at VAC. Ironic that he takes care of our enemy, but not your own Veterans that fought that enemy.

What would happen if servicepeople said the same thing. "Sorry, I can't afford to lose any limbs or lives right now. You're asking too much. I don't have enough to go around."

The questions, probably, would have slid by, except the PM can't think on his feet and talk at the same time. He just said that Servicepeople that get injured are unimportant in the grand scheme and even though we can't afford to take care of them, we'll spend millions in court to fight them and maintain the same degrading status quo and still send them out to get injured and die. Only to come home to a great big "Fuck You".

He's just told the Canadian public that Canada can't afford an Armed Forces. If you can't pay the money to help fix the people you broke, you shouldn't have broken them in the first place.

And I'm a taxpayer also, and those taxes come out of the monies I receive from VAC.
They say they can't afford it, but does anyone know an accurate number of what VAC is actually asking for? (Total cost, not just how much each service member might get in hand) Hard to assess the validity of Treudeu's statement otherwise.
Pieman said:
They say they can't afford it, but does anyone know an accurate number of what VAC is actually asking for? (Total cost, not just how much each service member might get in hand) Hard to assess the validity of Treudeu's statement otherwise.

I'm sure someone figured that out in a BN or something similar when they looked at the options. Of course, it's probably labeled as cabinet confidence so you can't ATI it.

I like how they just take a lump sum and spread it across a fixed term with no interest adjustment. I'm sure financially you are better off taking the lump sum and investing it in something; at least a savings account would give you a 1% or so a year to partially track with inflation.
I'm having trouble understanding why the services offered by VAC are now being taken into account in total cost of what Veterans receive? To me it's like an insurance company saying well we provided you with services such as rehab and mental health so instead of the million payout we will only be giving you $200k.

If VAC is providing services the cost of those services should not come into play for the pension or lump sum amount when the government compares costs of the old pension system.
Attached is my calculation of what the new pension for life looks like. It is based on the VAC infographic at http://www.veterans.gc.ca/GCWeb/pdf/Retro/PFL-infographic.pdf

The devil will be in the regulations however based o their example, if it does not change the amount will bring us about half way to the old pension. I have a foot in both pension and disability awards.

Of course there may be all sorts of details which the bureaucrats may put in place that will make all this moot............

Enjoy the possibility..............


If the number at the bottom right is what I should be getting per month, I'm super excited at my $46. I can buy a case of the premium beer. Then again, I'm only 10% with lump sums in 2013 and 2015.
Trudeau said his government's monthly pension amount is lower because it takes into account the cost of services offered by the federal government including post-traumatic-stress treatment and psychological care, support for caregivers and family members who look after wounded veterans and job training for those who can still get back into the job market.

I think this is all smoke and mirrors. First the new "pension" in 2019 is another promise before an election just like the other one. Why, why will it take two years to draft regulations and legislation? If Vets are such a priority it could be done in 12 months. Drop tools. do this.

All these other new benefits the PM/Minister are touting are budgeted at x million dollars and are added to the the total of what VAC is providing. Thus VAC big budget figures. The question is:are all these benefit budgets being expended? How easy are they to access?

If these benefits are not utilized then it's just a carrot not eaten and a method to say: Here voters, we gave Vets all this and they didn't use it, but we are giving Vets millions of dollars.
Rifleman62 said:
If these benefits are not utilized then it's just a carrot not eaten and a method to say: Here voters, we gave Vets all this and they didn't use it, but we are giving Vets millions of dollars.

The governments idea of we're spending millions on programs, so they don't have to give you cash, is a ludicrous concept. Perhaps even Canada's own 'Chelsea Pensioners'? (which would be a great gig, but not available to all)

Bill C-74 Pension for Life.

CVA has isolated the Veterans Affairs part from the rest of the Bill.

Teager said:
Bill C-74 Pension for Life.

CVA has isolated the Veterans Affairs part from the rest of the Bill.


Cheers Teag
So for those that already received a lump sum, does anyone know if we'd have the option to take whatever the top up monthly payment will be in a lump sum as well? I rather get it all in one shot than get 130$ a month....
meni0n said:
So for those that already received a lump sum, does anyone know if we'd have the option to take whatever the top up monthly payment will be in a lump sum as well? I rather get it all in one shot than get 130$ a month....

I know the answer is no but I can't exactly remember why but it has to do with technically receiving the full amount already.
Hmm that's unfortunate. They do mention in the documentation for the new pension for life that members will have the option to take a lump sum so I was hoping that those that will be getting the recalculated benefit will also get a lump sum option.

Sent from my LG-H873 using Tapatalk

meni0n said:
So for those that already received a lump sum, does anyone know if we'd have the option to take whatever the top up monthly payment will be in a lump sum as well? I rather get it all in one shot than get 130$ a month....

There should be something other. That $130 is kind of a kick in the junk. This whole thing is, but I would be pissed off if they don't allow some kind of lump sum. That 130, won't even pay a cable bill, and I read a $46? Wtf.

Just remember this come election time, educate friends and family on this nightmare and false promises.

The sad part, myself at 102%, and my parents, I think grade 2? On the old, my parents recieved more then if I waited and dumped all claims in on April 1st.
So, It was a bit Slow today at work.
Also My "issues" make me want to be in the know, and know whats exactly expected.
I redid the Spreadsheet that another member did. Thank you for that,

I matched up the steps and followed them as per the infographic. Which the math does work out,

I have multiple payouts, with 4 different DAs for different injuries. HAd to go to VRAB several times, and some reassessments.
In the Sheet are notes, The only things you need to fill out are

Everything else should Auto Fill;

1. Payment date (Month/Day/Year)
2. Payment award(amount)
3. Disability Amount %
4. Age in years
5. Life Expectancy according to VAC
6. Additional Payment, the extra payment that was made to match/

I did find it is equal amount of money paid out between the current and the PFL if under Hybrid,
Hope this helps.


upandatom said:
So, It was a bit Slow today at work.
Also My "issues" make me want to be in the know, and know whats exactly expected.
I redid the Spreadsheet that another member did. Thank you for that,

I matched up the steps and followed them as per the infographic. Which the math does work out,

I have multiple payouts, with 4 different DAs for different injuries. HAd to go to VRAB several times, and some reassessments.
In the Sheet are notes, The only things you need to fill out are

Everything else should Auto Fill;

1. Payment date (Month/Day/Year)
2. Payment award(amount)
3. Disability Amount %
4. Age in years
5. Life Expectancy according to VAC
6. Additional Payment, the extra payment that was made to match/

I did find it is equal amount of money paid out between the current and the PFL if under Hybrid,
Hope this helps.

that was great thanks
I sent a message on my vac to find out about taking the lump sum option, still waiting for an answer. I also did the calculation with the excel sheet, thanks for that. For the amount that I will get, I would really rather get it in one payment than getting a ridiculous 100$ a month....