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UVIC threads on Recruiting, Protests & Students against War

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UVSS reps say students can’t make up own mind about military.
I wonder how many UVIC students, that are CF members, pay dues to the UVic Students’ Society...

Is there any way this can be overturned ?
The motion was passed to clarify a policy amendment passed 10-1 by the last UVSS board of directors in April.That board amended the society’s policy on military issues to include, “The Society is opposed to the militarization of Canadian Society, and is unsupportive of a Canadian military establishment that violates international law and human rights.

Current UVSS board members felt that motion left it ambiguous as to whether or not the military was banned from the SUB.

The ban voted in on Sept. 10 means that the Canadian Armed Forces will be unable to attend the annual recruiting fair put on by UVic’s Career Services in the SUB every January. The Armed Forces attended last year’s recruiting fair.

Uhhh... please remind me - when did we violate international law and human rigthts? Was I asleep that day? Drat!

Militarization of Canadian Society?  Uhhh.... did we do that?  Can we do that?

Heh - with a bunch of students thinking like that I make a motion that the CF not permit it's officer cadets to study at that school AND that no research grant be provided to the school... don't want them to dirty their hands, dealing with our dirty money.... oh nooooo!
For this kind of crap freedom soldiers die? Kinda makes one want to rethink the whole concept..... ::)
F'ing christ, what an embarassment.  Some minority activists have obviously taken over the student council and, as most student dont give a crap or pay attention to their activities, has on its own decided to rewrite the rules to accomodate their beliefs. 
GreyMatter said:
F'ing christ, what an embarassment.  Some minority activists have obviously taken over the student council and, as most student dont give a crap or pay attention to their activities, has on its own decided to rewrite the rules to accomodate their beliefs. 

It's not that that UVIC students don't care, it's that the UVSS exists in its own world.  This was passed Sept 10 but I didn't hear about it until today when I picked up the latest copy of the Martlet.
I wonder if they know how many student at UVIC are in the Military?

Are these students now second class citizens because they are in the military?
Believe me, it's worse where I am.

Here's a snippet from an email sent by my student government last semester:

== Anti-War Protest in Toronto ==

On March 17th the CSA will be sending a bus to Toronto to participate in the cities
anti-war protest. If you are interesting in joining us please email <censored> to
reserve your seat!

For the record, $55.69 is the student fee for this government. Given there are at least 10 OCdt's (that I know of) at UoGuelph, that's $556.90 (if not more) military money spent protesting... the military. From what I've heard, the student government is a little more balanced and level-headed than last year, but we'll see.
Next question to put forward to these 'wackos' is "How do they justify allowing large Corporations who have large contracts to sell the Militaries around the world with equipment and services to attend?"  Are they also included in the Ban?  Is Freddy Chef being banned from the Job Fair?  They supply Rations to the CF.  Will Bell Canada be banned from the Fair?  It an many of its subsidiaries supply communications devices and services to the CF.  Will the Airline companies who bid for CF contracts be banned also?  I would imagine most, if not all, of the remaining companies attending the Job Fair will have some sort of contractual agreements with the CF, be they large or small in scale.  Even Staples provides office supplies to the CF.  Where will this idiocy end?
Name any University in Canada (or the world) where the student union isn't full of the leftish crowd. In the 80's when I was at University the student union was full of professional students whose main dream it seemed was to live the rest of their lives in school. Almost all of the other students with an ounce of initative and drive were working their butt off to get through school and get on with their lives. Hence they had no time for the out of this world musings of the student union.

As for U Vic, is it the union or the University itself that decides who comes to fair? I would suspect that it is the latter.
I suppose that they'll remove all the books they don't agree with from the library and burn them in a big bonfire, after dark (of course) then they can run around and smash the windows out of all the businesses that support, or might support, the CF.  Wow this is starting to sound familiar.....
Speaking of the Student Society, the Simon Fraser one has never been able to meet quorum to change their own bylaws - including the one requiring a 500 student quorum.  Yes, they can't get and keep 500 students at the meeting long enough to do anything at a school with somewhere on the order of 20,000 students.

It's a small wonder they still exist, although it would have been nice if we could opt out of funding them with our student activity fees...
FSTO said:
Name any University in Canada (or the world) where the student union isn't full of the leftish crowd. In the 80's when I was at University the student union was full of professional students whose main dream it seemed was to live the rest of their lives in school. Almost all of the other students with an ounce of initative and drive were working their butt off to get through school and get on with their lives. Hence they had no time for the out of this world musings of the student union.

As for U Vic, is it the union or the University itself that decides who comes to fair? I would suspect that it is the latter.

Career Services decides who comes to the fair.  However, the career fair is located in the student union building so the student union dictates who can be in the building and indirectly who can be at the fair unless the Career Services people decide to relocate the job fair.
Strictly speaking, since they are "unsupportive of a Canadian military establishment that violates international law and human rights", there would be no ban of the CF since it is not a military establishment that has violated international law and/or human rights.

A strict interpretation of what they said renders it null and void.

I wonder if they crafted it that way to appeal to leftists who don't think terribly analytically, but yet won't really cause any change to anything...

But, what do I know...?
Although xena is quite correct with the legal interpretation, I suggest the University administration and Senate should start receiving some letters and phone calls pointing out the fact that their institution is Federally funded, has CF members on campus and that many corporations do business with the CF and Federal Government.

Letter writers should also cc their Member of Parliament and all the various corporations which recruit at these job fairs, since politicians need to know that this University's students apparently do not want government monies or support; and so prospective employers can get a sense of what sort of people they might be hiring.

Lets see what happens when reality intersects the university!
a_majoor said:
Although xena is quite correct with the legal interpretation, I suggest the University administration and Senate should start receiving some letters and phone calls pointing out the fact that their institution is Federally funded, has CF members on campus and that many corporations do business with the CF and Federal Government.

Letter writers should also cc their Member of Parliament and all the various corporations which recruit at these job fairs, since politicians need to know that this University's students apparently do not want government monies or support; and so prospective employers can get a sense of what sort of people they might be hiring.

Lets see what happens when reality intersects the university!

I've actually done some research on the issue and it turns out the the UVSS is in someway contracted out by the university so it is not part of the university so they can do anything they want with regards to students without the approval of the university.  I think the best thing to do in this situation is to petition career services to host the career fair somewhere other than the SUB because the CF isn't banned from the campus; they are banned from the SUB.
Director-at-large Christine Comrie said it was important to ban the military from recruiting because some students are ignorant about the issues.

“A lot of students don’t know about the issues and don’t know about the facts,” she said. “We have to make this decision for students.”

I am so freaking fed up with this mentality. "You don't know any better, so I'll decide for you. Bias be damned!"
fullmetalparka said:
I am so freaking fed up with this mentality. "You don't know any better, so I'll decide for you. Bias be damned!"
That my friend is the entire point of my earlier post.  Big Brother is watching and obviously they know what's best for all of us because we are just a mindless mass, especially the ones fortunate enough to go to an institute of higher learning.  :rage: