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UVIC threads on Recruiting, Protests & Students against War

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GreyMatter said:
Here's the site for the UVic 'Students Against War'.  For those of us who were around when the wall was still up and read what the big red machine used to put out, this material will look quite familiar...

"Students Against War is a collective of campus groups committed to the fight against all forms of oppression and explicitly violent conflict. Our campaign is one of creative resistance, education, direct action, public forums, and solidarity with communities living and resisting war and occupation. The group's mandate is to resist the militarization of society, and to confront the injustice of imperialism at home and abroad, in our capacity as students and as citizens."

- Typical Commie word-use in Pink (of course).
I wish the ruxted group would spam UVIC and that website with information to set the record straight >:(

I also see them trying to tye us to the US Forces and the invasion of Iraq
The text of an email I sent on Saturday to edit@martlet.ca (the only contact email I could find on the site):

“No right to choose
UVSS reps say students can’t make up own mind about military
by David Karp
The Canadian Armed Forces are banned from recruiting in the Student Union Building (SUB).”

As a former soldier of the Canadian Forces who served in Iran, Iraq, Serbia, Croatia, and Afghanistan (amongst other locations) – I’m astonished at your student union’s lack of faith in their fellow students.  It seems that the elite of your school (if such describes the members of the UVSS) has decided that they know what’s best for their peers.  Wouldn’t want their fellow students to be exposed to a viable career option, those poor students may not have the smarts to make their own decision.

So much for human rights and dignity.  If I was a student at UVic, I’d be hollering for a revolution against the UVSS – who the hell are they to make moral judgements on behalf of the student body?

Pay attention to the activist playbook here - knowing how the other side fights always helps  ;D

Funny how they've "secured" the document so you can't print it out - what would they say if government did the same thing?  Why wouldn't you want hard copy? Hmm....

Mind you, if you highlight the text, and copy & paste it to a document, it looks like you can print it out.  :nana:

- edited to give "fix" -
Im just pissed when im mislabeled as a US solier, "No Grandma, Im not going Iraq, I would be going to Afghanistan, Stop watching CNN and watch CBC once and awhile"
Im Proudly Canadian, Theres a reason we are bigger and on top.

That guide is a load of garbage, The key is Informed Protests Not sponsored by any Political Party, because political parties bring manipulation with it.

Edit: a little re-working of the last sentance.
SweetNavyJustice said:
At any rate, with any luck you won't be reading a story in the papers tomorrow about some old soldier who has actually been to Afghanistan and is also a student at UVic having gone over the table at UVSS members for their idiocy.   :)

Already been done and have the T-shirt, did not make the local papers though but made several issues of the Martlet (2000 I think). But on the serious side they always have positions unfilled. I used to plan strategy with the head of PRIDE and the head of the Native Student Union. They got tired of our veto's and took to calling us the "Cripple, Queer and Wagonburner". I am waitting for a few of those to realize their dreams of becoming a MLA or an MP and then some old memories become political coinage.  >:D
For once, the system works...somewhat.

UVic students challenge ban on military recruiting


I was at the meeting and the support for the CF and the right for them to recruit in the building was rather impressive.
3rd Herd said:
...They got tired of our veto's and took to calling us the "Cripple, Queer and Wagonburner". I am waitting for a few of those to realize their dreams of becoming a MLA or an MP and then some old memories become political coinage.  >:D

- Are the minutes of the meetings archived somewhere?  Taped, or sanitized hardcopy?
Amazing how similar the messages are:

"ISAF is a collective of Nations under a United Nations mandate committed to the fight against all forms of oppression and explicitly violent conflict. Our campaign is one of education of Afghan citizens, direct action against Taliban oppressors and their mercenaries, public forums with village elders, and solidarity with communities living and resisting war and occupation. ISAF's mandate is to resist the militarization of Afghan society, and to confront the injustice of Islamofascism at home and abroad, in our capacity as citizens and soldiers."

The main difference, of course is we act on our mandate.
TCBF said:
- Are the minutes of the meetings archived somewhere?  Taped, or sanitized hardcopy?


I have copies of the Marlet articles, as for the comments a formal complainant was filled with the ethics staff at UVic over it and somewhere in my files have the copies of those. If I remember correctly we also filled with the UVic ombudsperson. The icing on the cake was when their head of beverage services disappeared with 175,000(?) or so of student funds. The actual amount, his name and all that did make the papers though.

Edit to add:

thanks for the TC article. I worked with one person mentioned a number of times, glad to see she is still there.

Why is it not so surprising that, now that some students have objected and forced the issue, there is a whole lot of backpedaling and CYA going on...
TCBF said:
"Students Against War is a collective of campus groups committed to the fight against all forms of oppression and explicitly violent conflict. Our campaign is one of creative resistance, education, direct action, public forums, and solidarity with communities living and resisting war and occupation. The group's mandate is to resist the militarization of society, and to confront the injustice of imperialism at home and abroad, in our capacity as students and as citizens."  - Typical Commie word-use in Pink (of course).

The arent 'commie-pinko' words.  These are the words that hostile intelligence agencies, seperatist groups and other fomenters of violence around the world use to recruit future covert and overt agents, instigate guerilla action groups, and the same spiel that has been spread at universities since before WW2.  They even describe tradecraft for studetns to follow as part of developing their own 'direct action' aka 'insurgent group' as well as basic counter-measures against law enforcement agencies.  All in the name of freedom of speech of course.  They even attempt to deny its what they're doing by providing a rebuttal claiming they arent doing it all.  It so transparent its laughable, and people believe this stuff.

>“A lot of students don’t know about the issues and don’t know about the facts,” she said. “We have to make this decision for students.”

Hello, she's what 21, 22 OK, oh there's just so much life experience oozing from her ::). Give me a break! Still attached to mommy's apron strings.

Gal your life experience I can fit into a thimble and still have room, first of, geta life before you decide what other people should do with theirs.
i would really like to appologize for the UVSS. as a student here at UVIC i was absolutely disgusted with the ban. the fact that that they feel they need to "protect" from the canadian military is just a slap in the face. what makes them think they know more about the issue than their fellow students? am i not capable of make my own decisions? and what kind of message does this send our troop over seas? look, i'm going to be honest, i'm not exactly for the war and i certainly wouldn't have been recruited if they had been allowed to come here but that's beside the point. the military is a job, like any other. if students want to join why should the UVSS tell them they shouldn't or they can't? Unfortunately these people live in a world where they think nobody should join the military and we can just make peace with everyone and live happily ever after. Warn is a part of life, the military is a part of life. open your eyes and start living in the real world.
Its intresting to note the over-use of the word "terrorist" and how its now "Insurgent" in the media
TCBF said:
"Students Against War is a collective of campus groups committed to the fight against all forms of oppression and explicitly violent conflict. Our campaign is one of creative resistance, education, direct action, public forums, and solidarity with communities living and resisting war and occupation. The group's mandate is to resist the militarization of society, and to confront the injustice of imperialism at home and abroad, in our capacity as students and as citizens."

- Typical Commie word-use in Pink (of course).

These groups never really change. The entire "resist the militarization of society" only applies to Western societies, never the opposition. I am old enough to remember their rhetoric when the Soviets were our enemy, and I never heard any of these groups oppose ANYTHING the Soviets did. ::)
Brazil_66 said:
I wish the ruxted group would spam UVIC and that website with information to set the record straight >:(

I also see them trying to tye us to the US Forces and the invasion of Iraq

Now why would the Ruxted group do that? That would give legitimacy to their arguments, and they have none.

As far a I know, the Ruxted group does commentary on the status of our government and it's policies, more pointedly DND practises and policies. It does not spam a kiddies playground to prove a point.
I think these sort of people are looking for someone to take up a fake "Noble fight" with to make themselves look good. They want to be seen as Noble crusaders and the military is an easy target because we don't and can't fight back against an agenda of rumor. By waging a moral fight against fictional foe they don't have to leave their homes, let alone travel to somewhere that needs humanitarians who will actually get their hands dirty

By harassing an entity that can't defend itself well from that corner to make themselves look like the little guy fighting for morality they are proving they aren't.

If they weren't cowards they would put their money where their mouth is, join an NGO and go to Dafur or somewhere else they say needs help and actually do something instead of pretending to protect students from a corrupt military that does not exist from the comfort of their heated homes, abundant food & drink and families while whining at the bar about the people providing the freedom that affords them those very luxuries.

It's a safe bet for them because harassing the people with guns that are sworn to protect them looks like a dangerous proposition to the ignorant but is the safest group to target.

In short these people are to humanitarians what ninjasnipernavyseal airsofter/internet toughguys are to the military, posers.

EDIT: Spelling
I'd love to see the students responsible for this expelled... I think it's an utter abuse of power. Everything else here is so eloquently put, that I'll just re-state how disgusted I am.
Snaketnk said:
I'd love to see the students responsible for this expelled... I think it's an utter abuse of power. Everything else here is so eloquently put, that I'll just re-state how disgusted I am.

I predict that they shall find this thread ... and shall be along to post their intellect to it ...
