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Using an enemy's rifle?

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Just in case......


Of course I'm kidding.....now I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts,......you didn't think I was serious did you?? ;D
OldSolduer said:
you didn't think I was serious did you?? ;D

I've been here long enough to know i have to ask. Stranger things have happened here.
Wonderbread: "Yes, but it will only work if you're holding the X button."

Man let me tell you that is a life saver when they only give you 60 rounds for your rifle.
Please consult the Law of Armed Conflict B-GJ-005-104/FP-021 5-1 through 5-10

1. In a conflict, CF members may have to use captured enemy weapons and ammunition. While it is
recognized that such weapons and ammunition may be used, they shall only be used if they do not cause
superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering and are not indiscriminate in their effect. Standard military
pattern weapons normally meet these criteria.
HlVR Art 23 (e); AP l Art 35 (2)
Stegner: I don't know the exact US Army regulation, but there must be one almost verbatim to the one you've cited for the Canadian Forces.

cheers, Mark

speciffically this part

The IDF Code of Conduct

The IDF has developed a code of conduct that is a combination of international law, Israeli law, and the IDF's own traditional ethical code - ruach tzahal, "the spirit of the IDF." Reserve units and regular units alike are taught the following eleven rules of conduct:

  1. Military action can only be taken against military targets.
  2. The use of force must be proportional.
  3. Soldiers may only use weaponry they were issued by the IDF.

  4. Anyone who surrenders cannot be attacked.
  5. Only those who are properly trained can interrogate prisoners.
  6. Soldiers must accord dignity and respect to the Palestinian population and those arrested.
  7. Soldiers must give appropriate medical care, when conditions allow, to oneself and one's enemy.
  8. Pillaging is absolutely and totally illegal.
  9. Soldiers must show proper respect for religious and cultural sites and artifacts.
  10. Soldiers must protect international aid workers, including their property and vehicles.
  11. Soldiers must report all violations of this code.

apparently I$sreali soldiers cannot use an enemies weapon
Ak.abdale said:
   I used the search function and came up with no results for the answer I'm looking for. Okay, so say your in a combat situation and your weapon brakes or you are out of ammo with no other means of defending yourself, are you allowed to grab an enemy's weapon off the ground and use that? This is just out of curiosity and I highly doubt it would actually happen.


In a New York Minute, I would have that AK up and running if it were all that was available.

In Iraq besides My M4 I had a PPsh41 with 10 drums in my M1114 and an AKMS for the M240 gunner as Backups. All My Men were trained on the AK, PKM series if only to clear them after capturing them.

I dont think My PL would have required we ask for permission to use enemy weapons if we ran out of ammo in a firefight(he had a Tokarev on his rig)
Outrak said:
apparently I$sreali soldiers cannot use an enemies weapon

Hogwash!! The IDF have captured AKs in their catalogue of small arms.

If you think you will get any mercy from an enemy who values death as much as you do life, well they will cut you NO slack, so if you can use an En wpn to mow these phuckers down - do it, or you're dead!

Info from the INet to real life is day and night!
Wesley  Down Under said:
Info from the INet to real life is day and night!

words to live by

Wesley i appreciate your "tell it like it is" approach
CDN Aviator said:
Don't forget booby traps.........

If you just saw him drop dead, there is a good chance in is not booby trapped (unless said en insured it dropped on a pressure release device  ::)), you are right if it was lying around, but then one word comes to mind PULLING  ;D
Apparently Israeli soldiers cannot use an enemies weapon

I think that the Israeli Code of Conduct refers to personal weapons.  For example,  you can't bring your fancy new Tavor from home because your unit might be using using the Galil or M-16.  You have to use what everyone else is using in your unit.  However, I don't think this precludes the use of the enemy's weapons in an emergency. 
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