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(USAF) Sergeant In Trouble For Playboy Spread

2 Cdo said:
I believe that was already done before out west, both male and female posed.

Yep...I know a man and a woman that posed.  When the Sunshine Boy pic came out it was posted everywhere in the regimental lines.
Coyote43D said:
You mean a 129 GW? ;D

OK......If you would have read further........but to remove any more such confusion, I will return and make the rest of the conversation disjointed, by correcting the dyslexic mistake from earlier...... ;D
Rifleman62 said:
At Lackland, she trained in the Air Force's law enforcement academy and the K-9 program.


Ms Manhart said she did not expect to be disciplined and defended the photos.

She had some background in law !?!
nowhere_man said:
I do recall that MP Scott Brison posed for a calenderin which he was nude and he is still a serving MP. Although he didnt quite show off as much as the SSGT did.

In 1991, Ontario NDP Cabinet Minister Peter Kormos appeared as one of the "Sunshine Boys" in the Toronto Sun, fully clothed (OK, his suit jacket was off).  As of March 18 of that year, it was back to being MPP Peter Kormos.

I agree with the "if you don't say you're flogging military assets, it's OK" school.  I haven't seen the photos, but if she was in (even bits of) uniform, and the USAF angle was emphasized, not on from a military perspective - off with the hat, double quick time, or the USAF equivalent.

Futher, it sounds like she's teaching serving or future police officers.  Apart from knowing that the military is held (agree or disagree) to higher public standards of perception expectation, she should know that cops, no matter what colour the suit, are in the same boat.

She's also posed for commercial photos before.  While I can't read her mind, that opens the door to the supposition that (combined with the Playboy shoot being a longtime "dream") she maybe has her eye on a modelling career.  That certainly feeds and supports the "shameless self interest" school here.

All this being said, those who say, "what will the troops be thinking?":  am I reading this right to mean that the troops could be  bad boys and girls working for an NCO because of this, or anything else they may not like about a leader?  If she's expected to be professional in her behaviour with others, why aren't "the troops" held to the same standard of behavioural professionalism?
milnewstbay said:
Futher, it sounds like she's teaching serving or future police officers.  Apart from knowing that the military is held (agree or disagree) to higher public standards of perception expectation, she should know that cops, no matter what colour the suit, are in the same boat.

How many times have we seen police officers posing half naked for calenders?  Not to mention the various spreads in Playboy, and other magazines, that highlight specific groups including police.
The local fire fighters here do a Calendar every year, with the proceeds going to charity. But they keep it clean by just being shirtless basically. So nothing more than you'd see if you went to the swimming pool.
rmacqueen said:
How many times have we seen police officers posing half naked for calenders?  Not to mention the various spreads in Playboy, and other magazines, that highlight specific groups including police.

Also keep in mind that the Cops firefighters and the like are doing this for charity.  This woman was making a fair bit of money right into her own pocket, with little to no altruistic intentions. and like pea said. they keep it PG rated.
As well as... they tell their chain of command or it's sponsored by their chain of command.
Trinity said:
As well as... they tell their chain of command or it's sponsored by their chain of command.

BING BING BING - funny how  that "permission" thing works!

No, she knew exactly what would happen, possibly even planned for it, as Marshall Mathers said "there is no such thing as bad publicity"
rmacqueen said:
How many times have we seen police officers posing half naked for calenders?  Not to mention the various spreads in Playboy, and other magazines, that highlight specific groups including police.

Unlike a charity or fundraising calendar, I think it would be a bit of a stretch for ANY police force to endorse/support a Playboy/Playgirl layout.  Given that, I'm guessing any cops who did a Playboy/Playgirl spread highlighting the fact that they were police officers would have felt the same wrath as the good USAF NCO we're discussing here.
This is retarded.

The US MIL has condoms and pregnancy kits in PX's in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It is against Gen Order #1 to frat.  Yet not much gets done- as you see a lot of people hanging out at the D-FAC etc. in manners that are not becoming that policy.

Bill Clinton was getting beak all over the WhiteHouse -- and an AF SSgt posing nude an issue  ::) whipty fricken do.

Can someone post some pics 
And then we have the American Legion using a similar marketing commodity to show their support for the troops "Support our Hospitalized Veterans" http://www.pinupsforvets.com/index.html Is this proper?
I wouldn't dare to demean this site with the link to the marketing splash that the Swiss Army company uses on their calendar!
Purchase a calendar:
-For yourself, your family, or your friends
-as an appreciation gift for a hospitalized veteran
-to bring a smile to an active duty soldier overseas

Well, sex/sexuality does sell.

The difference though, is that I'm willing to bet that those models are not actual Armed Forces members, and if they are, they don't have their real names, units, locations in the captions.
LJ15 said:
And then we have the American Legion using a similar marketing commodity to show their support for the troops "Support our Hospitalized Veterans" http://www.pinupsforvets.com/index.html Is this proper?
I wouldn't dare to demean this site with the link to the marketing splash that the Swiss Army company uses on their calendar!

Rather reminiscent of the WW2 pin up girls.  Not overly revealing yet...sexy.
Ummm.... the term "chesecake" comes to mind
Now that I've wiped the coffee off the screen...Vern, you're intolerable... :D
IIRC, firefighters, police officers and military members have done this all in the past with no problems.  SO why is it such a big thing now???