I suspect you are right.
What a funny world we live in… who would have thought of ‘this’ as being the finale? In the sense that:
- We spent 20 years killing the Taliban, and they did the same to us.
- Now we are asking them to help keep the masses of people from storming the airfield, which they are doing at our request.
- We went to help the people of Afghanistan rid themselves of Taliban rule.
- We went about this by building schools and infrastructure, good will gestures, patrolling villages and back country, and…well…killing the same dickheads we are now asking to help us. Asking them to keep the people away, even though WE were the ones trying to help those people by eliminating Taliban.
Goodness gracious I just got dizzy from trying to wrap my head around the dark irony of it all!
- The frustration on the ground between the Yanks & Brits I imagine will be short lived. Both commanders and forces were thrown into a total shitstorm without a real plan, no idea how to identify who was good to go & who wasnt, being fed droplets of information by their respective governments who were both caught off guard, etc.
I imagine the US commander wasn’t sharing much info at first because he was probably figuring it all out, along with everybody else. Those first few days were extremely fluid, not just with Afghan civilians storming the airfield, but coalition NEO stuff happening also. Just imagine the absolute clusterf**k he is trying to sort out at the time - I imagine he was swimming in conflicting reports, changing intel, conflicting messages, constantly changing narratives, etc. The same goes for the Brits also. I imagine it was more frustration, confusion, lack of a plan for either of them to work with - and looking to each other for a working plan, which neither of them had, etc.
(6000 troops sounds great, but was there a plan to feed them? Provide them with water? Replacement batteries for NVG equipment, radios, etc. Fuel for vehicles. How long is he expected to be there for? Where will those troops use as a base for sleep, food, etc? How many people does he need to evacuate? Does he have a complete list of names? Is he supposed to evacuate non-citizens also? If so, who? Why? When do the planes come back after they depart? What are his ROE if the Taliban show up? Wait, the Taliban are now assisting him in controlling the crowds? Are you sure? WTF is happening!?

Im sure the tensions will go away decently quickly. The politicians who are already calling for a ‘full review of their bilateral relationship’ need to STFU, stop jumping the gun, and focus on the task at hand. They are just making noise, at a time when there doesn’t need to be any.
Both countries have invested huge sums of money to not only be interoperable, but literally deploy together on a constant basis. (USMC squadrons filling out the numbers on HMS carriers is a good example)
When this is all finished, I am fairly certain that relationship will go back to looking much prettier