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US Imperialist War Crimes in Iraq

What shyte! Someone who puts this garbage together has way too much time on their hands. If any of them could spend some time here, they would look at themselves differently for the rest of their lives.

Its all about freedom of speech, isn't it, but we have to put up with the skid marks on the underwear of society who spout such verbal turds, BS and propaganda. What would they be saying if the US sat back and did nothing.

Maybe next time thats what they should do. I wouldnt blame them one single bit!

Again shakes head in disgust,

Uhm.. Did you actually watch it and read the captions, Wes?
LMAO...Classic.  Also, during the "stealing walls and cielings" caption, there was the guy giving the thumbs up to the kids.  Don't know if anyone noticed, but he was a Canadian soldier. 

He was wearing the desert CADPAT's, the CF Tac Vest, and that US flag was clearly added in later.
I particularly enjoyed the "stealing ice-cream from babies".  ;D
"Cannibalism" is defiantly my absolute favorite.

*edited because I'm defiantly having a bad go at spelling today*
I kept getting new favourites as the video kept going.....

Funny Video..

although.. captions were too small.. hard to read.
"Stealing children's eardrums for sale to Israel"


By the time it got to there I just couldn't stand it anymore....
Me and the wife sat here and laughed our asses off.Thats too funny.

Stealing chalkboards from schools and stealing classroom walls and ceilings.Those are my favorites.
"Driving on the people's sidewalks to make them miserable"

;D Too funny... And to think, at first I didn't want to touch this thread with a 10 foot troll-resistant pole.
"Throwing Snakes at children to make their lives miserable."

LMAO. :D Amazing......
"stealing children two at a time."

Why don't they come steal my kid? (He's standing over my shoulder reading while I type.)no im not... :eek:
who leaked the CIMIC plan??  :mad:

hahahahahah priceless!  ;D
LOL...stealing school walls and ceilings...that's great!
And to think I only came to this thread to find out why it hadn't been locked yet!
Alright, apparently I can't use the search function very well at all.

A week or so ago there was a hilarious video posted here about "US Imperialism" and them stealing babies and such. Does anyone have the link?

Try Radio Chatter and go a few pages in it...

You owe me a beer..

Keiths please..
