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US Election: 2016

I guess not many here are old enough to remember Daisy Girl, but I do.
I was 9 or 10 years old when I watched her on the Buffalo channels in the pre-cable era.
For some reason I remembered it today,
George Wallace said:
So?  Is that not a RED HERRING?  Trudeau was a part-time Drama Teacher prior to entering politics where he was elected because of his pedigree.  Trump has been a businessman, successful at times, not at others; yet much more experienced in that sense than Trudeau.  Just because he has not been President elect on the same day that Trudeau became Prime Minister, does not in anyway prove that he has less leadership experience than Trudeau.  That is farcical.  I could argue that prior to both these elections, Trump had far more leadership experience than Trudeau, in running his businesses and his various "media shows".  What experience did Trudeau have, other than as Drama teacher and Snow Board Instructor?  Far less, I would say.

I disagree.... and to be perfectly honest, from what I've seen of Trump, I wouldn't trust him to run a platoon let alone a country. What has he done or said that show that he has any leadership ability whatsoever? Randomly attacking people? Being unable to articulate himself? Blaming everyone but himself (the media, the "elites", etc) for his own errors and things he's said? Openly discussing sexual assault?

Trump is a joke. And not a very funny joke at that. If he had any ideas to actually make things better than I'd have some time for him. However, he's the political equivalent of the 2Lt who thinks himself to be the next Rommel but can't do a proper arty recce, than blames the instructors and his coursemates for his failures. Time for the Republicans to PRB this waste of time and find someone who can maybe beat Clinton in 4 years. The sooner Trump is in the wastebin of history the better. (Clinton too, but her time will maybe come in 4 years).
[quote author=Bird_Gunner45] and find someone who can maybe beat Clinton in 4 years.

One can hope.

Remember when you read this that the media and political establishment went into a frenzy over Donald Trump saying a few rude things. Funny how these leaked items don't get anywhere the same amount of 24hr repetition for days:


Smoking Gun? Leaked Email Reveals Potential Collusion Between State Department And Clinton Campaign
by Tyler Durden
Oct 10, 2016 1:20 PM

One of the major email "leak" stories to emerge last week courtesy of the WSJ, was that the White House had intervened on at least one occasion to suppress the story surrounding Hillary's "Secret Server" scandal, through backdoor channels with the State Department. This is what we noted as per the original piece:

Ten days after the story broke, White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri emailed State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki to ask, “between us on the shows…think we can get this done so he is not asked about email.” That apparently referred to Mr. Kerry, who appeared in an interview on CBS ’s “Face the Nation” three days later.

"Agree completely and working to crush on my end,” wrote back Ms. Psaki.

A day later, Ms. Psaki added, “Good to go on killing CBS idea.” She continued, “And we are going to hold on any other TV options just given the swirl of crap out there.” Mr. Kerry wasn’t asked on CBS about the email server, though it isn’t clear how Ms. Psaki could have guaranteed that.

Teased by Ms. Palmieri about her use of the phrase “swirl of crap,” Ms. Psaki wrote back: “Ha I mean—the challenging stories out there.”
While we are confident there were many other interactions between the White House and the State Department meant to boost the winning odds of the Clinton presidential campaign, this was sufficient evidence to confirm that on at least one occasion, the two entities had colluded.

Now, courtesy of the latest leak by Wikileaks, which earlier today released another 2,000 emails by Clinton campaign chairman, John Podesta, we may have stumbled on evidence of collusion between the State Department and the Clinton Campaign itself. In an email from close Hillary's confidant Heather Samuelson, also known as "the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails", we learn the intimate details leaked by Samuelson regarding a FOIA request submitted previously by Judicial Watch regarding Bill Clinton speeches, which shows that virtually entire process was being "translated" over to Hillary's campaign.

By way of reminder, here is a quick Politico primer on who Heather Samuelson is, from September 2015:

Hillary Clinton chose a former campaign staffer who followed her to the State Department to make the initial determination about which of her emails should be preserved as federal records, according to closed-door testimony by Clinton’s former chief of staff Cheryl Mills, a GOP source told POLITICO.

Heather Samuelson, a lawyer and 2008 Clinton campaign staffer, worked under Mills and Clinton’s attorney David Kendall to sift through her ex-boss’ messages. She helped separate those that were purely personal, which were not turned over to the State Department, from those that were work-related.

THe Daily Caller adds the following:

A longtime Clinton campaign staffer who worked for as White House liaison at Clinton’s State Department and, later, as her lawyer.
As a lawyer, Samuelson led up the 2014 review of Clinton’s emails to determine which ones were work-related and which were personal.
Most importantly, as we reported previously, Samuelson received DOJ immunity in exchange for turning over the laptop she used during the review of Clinton’s emails in 2014.

Finally, as the NRO wrote over the weekend, "The more information that drips out about the Clinton e-mail investigation, the more we learn that two key subjects, Hillary confidants Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, got extraordinarily special treatment — concessions that would never be given to subjects in a normal investigation. The primary reason for this is that the Obama Justice Department was never going to charge Hillary Clinton and her accomplices with crimes.

The guise under which Mills and Samuelson got the kid-glove treatment was their status as lawyers. Crucially, this status was the Justice Department’s pretext for resolving that potentially incriminating evidence against them, and against their “client,” Mrs. Clinton, had to be shielded from investigators pursuant to the attorney-client privilege.

Except neither Mills nor Samuelson was eligible to represent Clinton in matters related to the e-mails, including the FBI’s criminal investigation. Moreover, even if they had arguably been eligible, attorney-client communications in furtherance of criminal schemes are not privileged.

* * *

Mills and Samuelson were given immunity in exchange for surrendering their laptops not because searching lawyers’ computers is complicated, but because the Justice Department had no intention of prosecuting them. That is also why Justice severely limited the FBI’s search of the laptops, just as it severely limited the FBI’s questioning of Mills. Mills and Samuelson were given immunity because Justice did not want to commence a grand-jury investigation, which would have empowered investigators to compel production of the laptops by simply issuing subpoenas. Justice did not want to use the grand jury because doing so would have signaled that the case was headed toward indictment. The Obama Justice Department was never going to indict Hillary Clinton, and was determined not to damage her presidential campaign by taking steps suggestive of a possible indictment.

Today, we may have stumbled on the real reason why Samuelson got immunity.

In the following email dated March 17, 2015 disclosed today by Wikileaks, we find troubling details of the internal State Department process, which somehow made its way to Samlueson with details so nuanced it may only have come as a result of direct communication between the State Department (or DOS as Samuelson calls it) as Hillary's young confidant, and which in turn she promptly conveyed to her team, regarding the FOIA request, in what appears to be a material breach of confidentiality. This is what she said :

DOS is soon releasing another round of documents and email traffic (not hers) in response to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request on DOS's process for reviewing WJC’s speaking engagements. 

It’s 116 pages with approx. 50 sponsor/subsponsor requests. No objections by DOS in this batch, but some lengthy internal discussions among DOS officials that I highlighted below. 

There is one request where speaking fee would have been paid by Turkish govt -- WJC's office declined this.  And one speaking engagement with fee from Canadian government, which he did do. 

Let me know if you have any questions.
We have one question, Heather: is this legal, and are emailed exchanges such as this one why you received DOJ immunity in exchange for "turning over your laptop"?

From the original email, bolding ours.

* * *

From: Heather Samuelson [mailto:hsamuelson@cdmillsGroup.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 10:53 AM
To: Maura Pally; Craig Minassian; Philippe Reines; Nick Merrill; Jennifer Palmier I
Cc: Cheryl Mills; Tina Flournoy
Subject: JW FOIA | WJC Speeches

All --  DOS is soon releasing another round of documents and email traffic (not hers) in response to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request on DOS's process for reviewing WJC’s speaking engagements. 

It’s 116 pages with approx. 50 sponsor/subsponsor requests.  No objections by DOS in this batch, but some lengthy internal discussions among DOS officials that I highlighted below.

There is one request where speaking fee would have been paid by Turkish govt -- WJC's office declined this.  And one speaking engagement with fee from Canadian government, which he did do.

Let me know if you have any questions.

[Jen -- happy to give you more background on prior releases since it's your first go around]


1) UNIQFEST/Turkey:  There are 20 pages of internal, heavily redacted email traffic among DOS officials on request for WJC to speak at UNIQFEST in 2009 -- a climate change conference sponsored by the Turkish government with Turkish officials as featured speakers.  According to the traffic, WJC would receive compensation from “government and non-government sources.”

  -- WJC’s office decided to decline the invitation.  There is no final determination in the materials by the Department.

--  Some of email traffic has subject line  “Clinton Foundation” and refers to this as request from “Clinton Foundation.”  I only flag as may be twisted to say DOS did not even understand what they were reviewing for, blurred lines between personal and BHCCF etc…

2)  Canadian National Exhibition:  Email traffic indicates WJC’s compensation for this speaking engagement would come from the Canadian government via their program to promote tourism, “Industry Canada.”  There is heavily redacted email traffic between DOS officials, including our Embassy in Canada, with several emails from WJC’s office asking for status update, at one point saying they only have “about more 30 minutes before we lose the offer.” 

--- Jim Thessin (Deputy Legal Advisor) responds: “I do not have a problem with this so long as President Clinton is not serving as a U.S. government at the time of his appearance and when he is paid an honorarium.  If not an employee, he may accept reimbursements of expenses and an honorarium for his speech/talk, but he may not receive any gifts from the Canadian government.”

--- HRC’s financial disclosure form indicates that WJC received $175,000 from Canadian National Exhibition for this speech on 8/29/09.

3)  CISCO:  Request is submitted for WJC to speak at CISCO two months before HRC awards CISCO the State Department’s Award for Corporate Excellence, holding a ceremony featuring the CISCO’s CEO.    According to HRC's financial disclosure form, WJC received $255,000 for this speech.

4)  Other notable requests: 
Local foreign govt:  Terife Island Council (local government of largest island in Canary Islands)
Private Equity Firms/Banks:  ICE Canyon LLC, VISTA Equity, Harris Private Bank, TD Bank Financial, Whitton Investment Groups (London) 
Foreign Based Organizations:  Etisalat (UAE based telecomm co); Egyptian Junior Business Association; Friends of Cystic Fibrosis (Irish non-profit); Essex Regional Conservation Authority (Essex, Ontario); Wilbros Entertainment (Philippines, event to raise funds for Philippines charity); Miaor Entertainment Ltd (division of Grupo ABC based in Brazil); London Business Forum; Aditya Birla Management (Indian multinational conglomerate)
Universities:  Southern Methodist, Tufts, American Jewish University

5)  GWB:  Two requests are for events with Deloitte and Radio City Music Hall that are a joint appearance between WJC and George W. Bush.  WJC did the event with Deloitte, but not Radio City.

In light of the ongoing speculation that there may have been collusion between the DOJ and Bill Clinton (and thus Hillary), following the infamous "tarmac encounter", where Bill and Loretta Lynch spoke for 40 minutes about "Bill's gold game and grandchildren", the discovery that there was collusion between the State Department and Hillary Clinton, who formerly headed it, seems like a potential conflict of interest to us.
At the risk of adding nothing to the discussion, I find myself of thinking of Mister Trump as "El Supremo." This brief account may help you get the connection:


I wish it was otherwise. Mrs Clinton's major qualification for the office is that she is not Donald Trump.
What about the First Lady ( wife #? ) or First Dude.

Bill back to chasing shirt around the office?  :)

Does this election make anyone nostalgic for the days when America's greatest concern seemed to be about a guy getting a BJ?

Thucydides said:
Remember when you read this that the media and political establishment went into a frenzy over Donald Trump saying a few rude things. Funny how these leaked items don't get anywhere the same amount of 24hr repetition for days:


So your source is a blog written by "Tyler Durden", the character from Fight Club? Sounds legit
Old Sweat said:
I wish it was otherwise. Mrs Clinton's major qualification for the office is that she is not Donald Trump.

And her major disqualification is that she is Hillary Clinton, with a lengthy crooked and corrupt past.
It sure is troubling when there are folks willing to overlook corrupt and criminal behaviour by a person in office because the other one made rude statements. 

However I don't think the majority thinks that way.  Trump will win by a landslide.

QV said:
It sure is troubling when there are folks willing to overlook corrupt and criminal behaviour by a person in office because the other one made rude statements. 

However I don't think the majority thinks that way.  Trump will win by a landslide.
I don't care who wins seeing as how I support the libertarians, but do you just flat out ignore the polling?
Published on October 10, 2016
DEAR ‘MEDIA’: Guess Who Called A Person A ‘Miserable C*CK SUCKER’ – Trump Or Hillary?

Are we starting to keep score with abrasive words used, now? Are we using them to indicate what someone’s attitude toward others is? Because if we are, there are some stories the media may have missed.

(Heads up: In quoting what was said, it is unavoidable that there will be rough language in the following text.)

Let’s look at how Hillary talks about people.

The folks at 100% Fed Up posted a few of their favorites:

“Where is the G-damn f**king flag? I want the G-damn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise.”
(From the book “Inside The White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 – Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day, 1991)

“Son of a b*tch!”
(From the book “American Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p. 259 – Hillary’s opinion of President George W. Bush when she found out he secretly visited Iraq on Thanksgiving just days before her highly publicized trip.)
“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king ass over here and grab those bags!”
(From the book “The First Partner” p. 259 – Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.)

“Where’s the miserable c*ck sucker?”
(From the book “The Truth About Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5 – Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer)

“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t f**k her here!!”
(From the book “Inside The White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 243 – Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female at an Arkansas political rally)

And DailyMail puts forward another colorful collection:

Hillary was heard calling mentally challenged children ‘f*****g ree-tards’ and caught on record blurting out the terms ‘stupid k**e and ‘f***ing Jew b*****d’, while Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a ‘G**damned n****r’.
Put this together with slut-shaming rape victims, describing a ‘basket of deplorables’ the bucket of losers, the ‘basement dwellers’ the ‘functional illiterates’ and other such snappy phrases, and it seems she thinks the entire COUNTRY is beneath her.

No wonder she cares so little for preserving the things that made it great in the first place.

THIS is the woman who says Trump is too horrible to be President? And yet she thinks she should be their leader?

Sure, keep telling yourself that, Hillary.
There probably is no better book to read about the Clintons (primarily Bill, but Hillary is deeply involved) than No One Left to Lie To by Christopher Hitchens.

Locker room talk isn't in the same tier as probable rape and subsequent defamation of victims, or "maintaining a semi-official staff for the defamation and bullying of inconvenient but truthful former girlfriends." ("...in the 1992 Clinton campaign, there was an entire operation funded with over $100,000 of campaign money, which included federal matching funds, to hire private detectives to go into the personal lives of women who were alleged to have had sex with Bill Clinton.")

Lots of respect for women there, but it might be hard to explain to all the daughters who need to be protected from Trump's frat-boy bullshitting.  I wonder how many of the people who prefer Clinton over Trump have a coherent enough grasp of what Hillary has actually participated in and done to at least make a meaningful utilitarian calculation of the lesser evil?

Loachman said:
And her major disqualification is that she is Hillary Clinton, with a lengthy crooked and corrupt past.

Sadly she is a far superior option to the angry creamsicle.

Trump has a crooked and corrupt past also, but has policy ideas that are flat out stupid (yup, the wall with Mexico will fix everything) and comes off like a moron. Add in little to no leadership ability and less tact and people skills and bam, you have Donald Trump.

I get you guys hate Hillary, but that doesn't mean Trump isn't a buffoon.
recceguy said:
Published on October 10, 2016
DEAR ‘MEDIA’: Guess Who Called A Person A ‘Miserable C*CK SUCKER’ – Trump Or Hillary?

Are we starting to keep score with abrasive words used, now? Are we using them to indicate what someone’s attitude toward others is? Because if we are, there are some stories the media may have missed.

(Heads up: In quoting what was said, it is unavoidable that there will be rough language in the following text.)

Let’s look at how Hillary talks about people.

The folks at 100% Fed Up posted a few of their favorites:

“Where is the G-damn f**king flag? I want the G-damn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise.”
(From the book “Inside The White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 – Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day, 1991)

“Son of a b*tch!”
(From the book “American Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p. 259 – Hillary’s opinion of President George W. Bush when she found out he secretly visited Iraq on Thanksgiving just days before her highly publicized trip.)
“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king *** over here and grab those bags!”
(From the book “The First Partner” p. 259 – Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.)

“Where’s the miserable c*ck sucker?”
(From the book “The Truth About Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5 – Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer)

“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t f**k her here!!”
(From the book “Inside The White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 243 – Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female at an Arkansas political rally)

And DailyMail puts forward another colorful collection:

Hillary was heard calling mentally challenged children ‘f*****g ree-tards’ and caught on record blurting out the terms ‘stupid k**e and ‘f***ing Jew b*****d’, while Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a ‘G**damned n****r’.
Put this together with slut-shaming rape victims, describing a ‘basket of deplorables’ the bucket of losers, the ‘basement dwellers’ the ‘functional illiterates’ and other such snappy phrases, and it seems she thinks the entire COUNTRY is beneath her.

No wonder she cares so little for preserving the things that made it great in the first place.

THIS is the woman who says Trump is too horrible to be President? And yet she thinks she should be their leader?

Sure, keep telling yourself that, Hillary.

Perhaps instead of posting the same Hillary bashing comments you could debate some sort of policy position that demonstrates that Trump is a better option than her? All you're proving is that they're both terrible people.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Perhaps instead of posting the same Hillary bashing comments you could debate some sort of policy position that demonstrates that Trump is a better option than her? All you're proving is that they're both terrible people.

As far as being a POS goes,  who do you think is worse,  Clinton or Trump?  I can't help but get the feeling you  feel they're  on the same page.  Maybe I'm wrong though?

Secondly who do you think would be a better president out of the two?
For the first time since I became a citizen in 1983, I will not vote for the Republican candidate for President 

Like many Americans, I’ve been conflicted by this election – I still haven’t made up my mind about how exactly I will vote next month.”“I have been a proud Republican since I moved to America in 1968 and I heard Nixon’s words about getting the government off our backs, free trade, and defending our liberty with a strong military. That day I joined the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan.

But as proud as I am to label myself a Republican, there is one label that I hold above all else – American. So I want to take a moment today to remind my fellow Republicans that it is not only acceptable to choose your country over your party – it is your duty.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger October 8th, 2016


Jerry Falwell Jr weighs in on the so called sex tape.He thinks its the work of the #neverTrumpers.Personally I have wondered about this possibility.

tomahawk6 said:
Jerry Falwell Jr weighs in on the so called sex tape.He thinks its the work of the #neverTrumpers.Personally I have wondered about this possibility.


Michael Savage had a theory that it could have been the Bush family that put it out.  After all, Jeb lost out to "that man".

The DNC and GOP elites don't get it; people are sick of the status quo.  This is why Mr Sanders and Mr Trump got so much support.  Arguably, Mr Sanders could have won the DNC nomination if the DNC didn't have the super delegates going for Mrs Clinton from the get-go, nor actively work against him.

I suspect that just as the polls were wrong for the so-called "Brexit" vote in the UK, I also suspect the same here.  Mr Trump has electrified the US GOP base while Mrs Clinton is seen (by many) as same old/same old.  She will get votes because of her genetics (XX Chromosomes and all).  She will get other votes because of her nuptials.  But she has yet to win over the majority of voters who came out to support Mr Sanders.

But in the end, I suspect the Clinton Dynasty may have ended last night.

Altair said:
I don't care who wins seeing as how I support the libertarians, but do you just flat out ignore the polling?

I don't believe the pollsters. 
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Sadly she is a far superior option to the angry creamsicle.

Trump has a crooked and corrupt past also, but has policy ideas that are flat out stupid (yup, the wall with Mexico will fix everything) and comes off like a moron. Add in little to no leadership ability and less tact and people skills and bam, you have Donald Trump.

I get you guys hate Hillary, but that doesn't mean Trump isn't a buffoon.


I have not seen or heard of any evidence of Trump being crooked or corrupt.  There very might well be, and if so I'm sure the DNC is working feverishly to uncover it.  But if the best they have are some lude remarks they are in trouble.  The guy established a multi billion dollar company which would be a clue he has both leadership and people skills in abundance.  If all you hear is "build the wall" then you are not listening as the policy point to that is getting control of illegal immigration. 

Clinton is a disaster.  If you have payed any attention to the congressional hearings involving everything from IRS, Benghazi, whatever, you should be horrified at the level of corruption in many of the American institutions most importantly the FBI and DOJ.  If I were American I would take my chances with Trump because the corruption goes so far the only way to fix it is to vote them out.   
