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US Election: 2016

We all know she's crazy as a bag of bats, but this may give her an excuse:

We all know she's crazy as a bag of bats, but this may give her an excuse:



Wow - they're all a tizzy about her seizures. I'm not sure why it's relevant to her ability to run the country...
Not a medic but seizures could result in a stroke,not good if you are Commander in Chief.
Not a medic but seizures could result in a stroke,not good if you are Commander in Chief.

Well I get that, but that's why there's a defined succession plan. Lots of Presidents have had significant health issues. I guess I'm not saying "it's nothing", but not seeing it as a disaster either..
muskrat89 said:

Wow - they're all a tizzy about her seizures. I'm not sure why it's relevant to her ability to run the country...

None of what was "reported" is consistent with a seizure.
ModlrMike said:
None of what was "reported" is consistent with a seizure.

I'm not a doctor, but it's not like any seizure I ever saw.

Having said that, these two presidential candidates are 69/70 years old. I had to pass a medical every three years to keep my job. After age 65, it would have been every year.
Perhaps unbiased medicals should be considered for presidential candidates? With these two, if I was an eligible voter, I would be checking out their VP candidates "in case of emergency".

We need unbiased medical exams for presidential candidates



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There is something wrong with Hillary,no question.There is video of her making a speech and in mid sentence stop talking.One doctor though it was post concussion syndrome.Here is the video.Running for President can run down even a healthy person.

tomahawk6 said:
There is something wrong with Hillary,no question.There is video of her making a speech and in mid sentence stop talking.One doctor though it was post concussion syndrome.Here is the video.Running for President can run down even a healthy person.


Most people refer to that as choking, in it's more informal sense:

...failing to perform at a crucial point of a game or contest owing to a failure of nerve...
My guess is congestive heart failure.  She sat down when others were speaking during debates.  She needs help up stairs.  She never wears skirts so we can't see her swollen ankles and legs.  She coughs up a lot of goo.  I have minor symptoms.  Hillary has major symptoms.  She really wants to be first woman president so badly that she is campaigning on her deathbed.


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Lightguns said:
It was the same with Regan, he was supposed to die in office and his apparently crazy VP was going to nuke the Soviets as I recall.

"We begin bombing in five minutes."  :)

American Evita?



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I suspect those legs are full of fluid from a weak heart and circulation issues.  Remember that she would be treated for heart disease and she still looks this bad.  Note that she has given up on skirts.

mariomike said:
"Cruel Bill forces her to stay on campaign trail."
Just the tabloids keep talking about the "Dying Queen Elizabeth" -- at some point, they'll be right and say, "We TOLD you she was dying."
recceguy said:
Billy likes campaigning, he gets to meet more women and Hillary is pre-occupied. ;D



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Try this on for size:

New Hilary campaign strategy -

I know you don't like me.

I know you don't like Trump.

But vote for me anyway.  There's a chance I may croak in office and you get a do over.  :)

Too vicious?