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US Election: 2016

Lame prediction: renewed interest in checks and balances in general, and the senate filibuster in particular, among Democrats.
If Trump wins, I hope he has some kind of plan. I think a lot of Americans put their trust in him today. If he screws this up, the movement behind him may not get another chance.

Although I think Jarnhamar could be right, and we could be stuck with good ol' Hillary & co.
Democrats have never been particularly efficient with their votes; thus it's still entirely possible that Clinton will get a majority of the votes, but not take the electoral college.
Trump has 255 on RCP right now, with 3 paths: PA (20), MI (16), or AZ(11)+NH(4).  People who seem to know what they are talking about think he's likely to take either PA or MI, and possibly both.
Brad Sallows said:
Trump has 255 on RCP right now, with 3 paths: PA (20), MI (16), or AZ(11)+NH(4).  People who seem to know what they are talking about think he's likely to take either PA or MI, and possibly both.

Yes.  Traditionally Democratic voters are more urban, and thus their votes tend to be reported first.  The more rural areas tend to report later, and skew Republican - so if it's close or there's a Republican lead with a good chunk of the state already reporting, it generally means good news for the Republicans.

What will be most interesting is to see how things work where both houses and POTUS are notionally from the same party...
>What will be most interesting is to see how things work where both houses and POTUS are notionally from the same party...

Shouldn't be hard to imagine.  That was last seen in 2008.
In other related news...


I expect this to land somewhere around 290-304 electoral college votes for Trump.

I spoke too soon.  Prob more like 310. - LOL
Lots of discussion about polls earlier in the thread, and I made a post or two wondering about a hidden vote, based on my discussions with random people...


Donald Trump's strong performance dealt a crushing blow to the credibility of the nation's leading pollsters, calling into question their mathematical models, assumptions and survey methods.

Several months of polls pegged Hillary Clinton as the leader in the polarizing race and as the leader in many key battleground states.

But Trump's surge crushed the conventional wisdom among pollsters. Late Tuesday, it appeared he was far outpacing projections across the board.

Even if Clinton pulls off a victory, the results suggest pollsters may have wildly underestimated the number of hidden Trump voters — people who stampeded to the ballot box on Election Day but never showed up on the radar of surveyors.
Putin in Moscow, Trump in Washington, and Trudeau in Ottawa.  The real loser in this election is Canada, we're going to get squeezed like a pimple.
Just announced, Hillary called Trump and conceded!
That must have hurt.

I will really enjoy watching CNN and all the long faces for the next few weeks.  I can't wait to hear how the pollsters justify their crap polls. 

Excellent news, should not come as a total shock however. 