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US Election: 2016

But if you are having a discussion about Hitler and the Nazi era, does Godwin's Law apply?  [:D
Thucydides said:
Wikileaks and Anonymous promise a bombshell tomorrow (05 Nov)

We'll see (getting more popcorn...)


Still waiting.
So, was anyone expecting a different outcome?

Or is this the White House flexing its influnce to ensure Clinton gets in?

I can guess what the majority opinion is. :pop:

FBI Affirms July Decision Not To Charge Clinton, After Review Of Weiner Emails


Following up on his letter that set off a firestorm of speculation just two weeks before U.S. voters head to the polls to choose a new president, FBI Director James Comey says the investigative team that analyzed a new trove of emails that were either to or from Hillary Clinton has finished it work — and that the review doesn't change the findings he put forth in July.

"Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation," Comey wrote Sunday, in an official communication with 16 chairmen and ranking members of relevant House and Senate committees.

"Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton," Comey wrote today.

In response, Clinton's communications director Jennifer Palmieri said the campaign had been confident that the FBI would reach this conclusion, adding, "we're glad that this matter is resolved."

The topic of Clinton's use of a private email server gained new immediacy on Oct. 28, when Comey sent a letter to leading members of several congressional committees, in which he said federal agents had obtained a search warrant, as NPR reported, "to examine the thousands of emails found on a computer belonging to former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner that could be pertinent to the investigation" into Clinton.

Comey's new letter comes after two weeks in which the FBI has been criticized for inserting the nation's top law enforcement agency into the closing weeks of a tense political season; Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid even wondered whether Comey had violated the Hatch Act.

It was on July 5 that Comey announced that while Clinton and her staff were "extremely careless" in handling classified data via a private email server that Clinton used while she was secretary of state, the FBI was recommending no charges be brought against her.

cupper said:
So, was anyone expecting a different outcome?

Or is this the White House flexing its influnce to ensure Clinton gets in?

I can guess what the majority opinion is. :pop:

FBI Affirms July Decision Not To Charge Clinton, After Review Of Weiner Emails


Dunno.  And that's the problem.

Nobody knows nuffink no more.
Jarnhamar said:
Not me.  I can think of over 600'000 reasons why James Comey chose not to charge her  ;)

Saw this ( someone's wishful thinking ) perp walk titled, "I have a Dream!"  :)


  • perp.jpg
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And this from Daesh leading up to the election (7 page PDF at non-terrorist site here) - highlights mine:
... as  it  is  clear  that the  voter  is  a  part  of  the taghut of democracy – “the power of the people” – and that the voters are directly involved in the decision making process by choosing delegates to represent them and their  whims  executively,  judicially,  and  legislatively,  the  blood of Crusader voters is even more deserving of being spilled than the blood of Crusader combatants. The same would apply to the blood of female voters, as they are no longer  mere  wives  serving  Crusader  husbands  and  raising  cross-worshiping  children,  rather  female  voters  are  part  of  the  democratic  taghut  that  decrees  the  crusades  to be waged against Islam and the Muslims, and are thus just  as  actively  responsible  for  the  Muslim  blood  being  spilled as the male, Crusader soldier on the frontlines ...
Sooner may have been better for his campaign ...
... Aides to Mr. Trump have finally wrested away the Twitter account that he used to colorfully — and often counterproductively — savage his rivals.

( ... )

Taking away Twitter turned out to be an essential move by his press team, which deprived him of a previously unfiltered channel for his aggressions.

On Thursday, as his plane idled on the tarmac in Miami, Mr. Trump spotted Air Force One outside his window. As he glowered at the larger plane, he told Ms. Hicks, his spokeswoman, to jot down a proposed tweet about President Obama, who was campaigning nearby for Mrs. Clinton.

“Why is he campaigning instead of creating jobs and fixing Obamacare?” Mr. Trump said. “Get back to work.” After some light editing — Ms. Hicks added “for the American people” at the end — she published it ...
Even if he doesn't get Air Force One - not to insinuate he won't! - Mr. Trump has a pretty nice air ride himself.

But, I wonder if these rich guys ever miss the era of campaigning across America in private rail cars?

“I can’t confirm it’s true. But apparently his campaign has taken away his Twitter. In the last two days, they had so little confidence in his self-control, they said, ‘We’re just going to take away his Twitter,’” Obama said.
Obama continued: “Now, if somebody can’t handle a Twitter account, they can’t handle the nuclear codes. If somebody starts tweeting at 3 in the morning because ‘SNL’ made fun of you, then you can’t handle the nuclear codes.”  :)

Whoever loses will be devastated and whoever wins will rub the other side’s noses in it. In New York, public resources are being expended to the nth degree. The FDNY-EMS, NYPD, and others will be working overtime times 3. The biggest concern among most? The potential of rioting in the streets.
milnews.ca said:
And this from Daesh leading up to the election (7 page PDF at non-terrorist site here) - highlights mine:

Hard to fault the logic.
milnews.ca said:
And this from Daesh leading up to the election (7 page PDF at non-terrorist site here) - highlights mine:
....  the blood of Crusader voters is even more deserving of being spilled than the blood of Crusader combatants.
A FragO, with Commander's Intent being "you know, if any of you radicalized folks sitting around the US are looking for a suitable target, the Grand Poobah blesses attacking polling stations.  :nod: "?
Journeyman said:
A FragO, with Commander's Intent being "you know, if any of you radicalized folks sitting around the US are looking for a suitable target, the Grand Poobah blesses attacking polling stations.  :nod: "?

Don't be ridiculous,

You can't just issue orders.  You need elaborate PowerPoint kabuki theatre to let all the staff officers present a single slide that's irrelevant to the issue at hand, followed by pointless discussions, followed by drafts in both official languages that go through an ever growing series of advisors, culminating in a draft that gets derailed because the environmental annex is insufficiently inclusive, before you can finally issue commander's guidance on drafting the order to form a working group to study the issues to be considered when assembling the first draft of the orders.
Chris Pook said:
Hard to fault the logic.
Especially when there's going to be people assembled at polling stations soon.
dapaterson said:
Don't be ridiculous ...
JM beat me to the "so cynical for someone so young" punch - and I second his "don't change"  ;D
Colin P said:
Many people vote for the party their parent voted for, started out that way and then moved across the spectrum when I started to read what the parties said and saw what they did/didn’t do. Some people never question their party loyalty. It would be healthy for everyone if they did. I prefer Trump for 2 things, Supreme Court picks and that trump represents political chaos and the US political system needs a healthy dose of chaos and the tables at the political elite temple being kicked. He will drag in new insiders who will challenge the current monopoly that is to comfortable. It would be nice if someone even farther from the corridors of power got in, but the system is rigged by the vast expense required to be a contender. Reduce the costs of running and then you might see more people. However the main lesson to be learned from this election is that no normal human being has a background clean enough to survive the scrutiny being done. That will leave the field open to the politically addicted and the Puritans, which scares me. 

I stole that....
NYPD outlines security operation for Election Day when Clinton & Trump will be in NYC.
More than 5,000 cops will be stationed across all five boroughs – a deployment comparable in scale to that during New Year’s Eve and the recent papal visit, officials said at a press conference in Times Square.

“This is by far the biggest election detail the NYPD has ever had,” NYPD Chief of Department Carlos Gomez said while flanked by Mayor de Blasio, police Commissioner James O’Neill, Secret Service officials and other city leaders.

Hillary Clinton will not have fireworks display over NYC. She canceled it. One less headache for FDNY and NYPD.